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HordeWhat Remains of Marshal M. Valentine
Start Nathanos Blightcaller
End Nathanos Blightcaller
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Horde War Campaign
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 The Honorbound
Rewards Inv radientazeritecore [Radiant Azerite Core] (800x Inv smallazeriteshard [Azerite])
23g 40s
Previous H [60] The Crypt Keeper
Next H [60] Operation: Water Wise


Assist Nathanos Blightcaller in retrieving Valentine's body.


We have the key. We found the crypt.

Next, Valentine's body shall be ours.

No need to wait for Lillian and Stone. Let's finish this now.


You will receive:


No time to dally. We have plans to enact.


Another inconvenience. At least Stone finally proved herself useful.


On accept
Nathanos Blightcaller says: We shan't keep Valentine waiting.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: <Name>, behind you! Help me get these nuisances out of the way.
Corpseblood Scavenger says: Ehehe... fresh meat!
Long-Forgotten Shade says: Leave this place!
Echo of Marshal M. Valentine says: In the name of Kul Tiras, you shall leave this place!
Echo of Marshal M. Valentine says: You are fools...
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Valentine... You have eluded us for quite some time now.
Nathanos goes to inspect the crypt.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Wait... What is this?
Lilian Voss and Amalia Stone appear.
Nathanos Blightcaller yells: WHERE IS THE BODY?!
Captain Amalia Stone says: Marshal M. Valentine... victor of the Second War... lost at sea...
Nathanos Blightcaller yells: Lost at sea?! We need his body!
Lilian Voss says: Ah, I believe we have that covered.
Lilian Voss says: Amalia, do tell Nathanos here about the tidesages.
Captain Amalia Stone says: Tidesages... priests... of the sea...
Captain Amalia Stone says: With help... can locate... shipwrecks...
Nathanos Blightcaller says: So all we need is something to trace back to him, then.
After looting the log
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Well, <name>? What have you found? Give it here.
On compeltion
Nathanos Blightcaller says: I am sick and tired of these repeated hindrances.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: Lilian. Stone. Come along, help me locate one of these... tidesages.
Nathanos Blightcaller says: <Name>... Go be useful elsewhere. I will send word when you are needed again.


  1. H [60] Operation: Grave Digger
  2. H [60] A Stroll Through a Cemetery
  3. H [60] Examining the Epitaphs, H [60] State of Unrest & H [60] Our Lot in Life
  4. H [60] The Crypt Keeper
  5. H [60] What Remains of Marshal M. Valentine

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