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NeutralWhat We Overcome
What We Overcome
The Mawbound Monstrosity appears
Start Anduin Wrynn[59.2, 88.3]VZ-BastionBlip
End Highlord Bolvar Fordragon[59.25, 88.2]VZ-BastionBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 10,200
Rewards Inv cloth broker c 01 helm [Choral Hood]
Inv helm leather broker c 01 [Staccato Helm]
Inv mail broker c 01 boots [Anthemic Greaves]
Inv plate broker c 01 helm [Harmonium Helm]
25g 74s
Previous N [60] What Makes Us Strong
Next N [60] Forge of Domination


Mawbound Monstrosity

Mawbound Monstrosity

Defeat the Mawbound Monstrosity and infuse the final shard.


I understand now. All of us that were touched by Domination were able to tap into something. Whether nobility or vengeance, it gave the strength to resist.

With all that I have faced, I have to remember that I am still here.

And if there are those willing to stand with Sylvanas, I have to believe they will stand with me as well.

I'm ready to try again. This time, I will overcome whatever I face.


You will receive:

  • 25g 74s
  • 10,200 XP
One from:
Inv cloth broker c 01 helm [Choral Hood] Inv helm leather broker c 01 [Staccato Helm]
Inv mail broker c 01 boots [Anthemic Greaves] Inv plate broker c 01 helm [Harmonium Helm]


We will not fall. There is no other choice but oblivion.


What We Overcome - shards

The shards, infused with Anduin's Light

All the shards are now infused with the resistance we gained from our experiences with Domination.

It was not easy, for any of us. But I am proud of what we were able to accomplish, together.

As for the rest, our future is in the hands of the Primus.


On accept, Anduin gets to his feet and starts channeling again.

Anduin Wrynn says: I will try again.

Interact with the final shard, and a Mawbound Monstrosity spawns from Anduin.

Baine Bloodhoof says: Search for the Light within you, Anduin!
Pelagos says: You are strong enough!

Kill the Monstrosity, and missiles of Light fly from Anduin into the shard. He falls to his knees again before standing up and walking back to Baine and Jaina.

Anduin Wrynn says: There. I have done all I can.
Pelagos says: You did well, Anduin.
Sylvanas Windrunner says: This is not the end of your suffering. But it is a step forward.


  1. N [60] The Broken Crown
  2. N [60] Our Last Option
  3. N [60] Hello, Darkness
  4. N [60] Elder Eru and N [60] Testing One Two
  5. N [60] Cryptic Catalogue
  6. N [60] The Not-Scientific Method
  7. N [60] Two Paths to Tread
  8. N [60] One Half of the Equation
  9. N [60] Oppress and Destroy and N [60] Aggressive Excavation
  10. N [60] Where the Memory Resides
  11. N [60] What We Wish to Forget
  12. N [60] What Makes Us Strong
  13. N [60] What We Overcome
  14. N [60] Forge of Domination
  15. N [60] The Crown of Wills
  16. N [60] Reality's Doorstep (optional)

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