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NeutralWhat We Wish to Forget
Start Highlord Bolvar Fordragon[59.25, 88.2]VZ-BastionBlip
End Highlord Bolvar Fordragon[59.25, 88.2]VZ-BastionBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Secrets of the First Ones
Experience 8,150
Rewards 25g 74s
Previous N [60] Where the Memory Resides
Next N [60] What Makes Us Strong


What We Wish to Forget - Bolvar

Bolvar gazing

Firebound Memory

Firebound Memory

Assist with the ritual and infuse the Shards of Domination.


What We Wish to Forget - Darion

Darion gazing

Bloodbound Memory

Bloodbound Memory

While the language of the Progenitors will aid us, there is another trait that will help break Domination's hold on us.

An indomitable will.

Those of us who have endured before, and survived, have that inherent resistance, which we will offer up to be infused into each of the shards.

The Primus has assured me that this will work. With no other options, this is the only way.

I trust that it will be worth the suffering.


You will receive:


We will do whatever it takes.


I feel... lighter. But I cannot forget what has brought me to here, and what must still be done.

I hope Taelia will remember what she saw... the man I am now. Not some lone figure locked away, but someone who does what is necessary for the good of all.


What We Wish to Forget

The shards, infused with fire and blood

On accept, Bolvar runs over to the northern soul mirror and begins channeling:

Spell holy spellwarding Gazing
Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Ready the shard!

Run to the center and interact with one of the Shards of Domination. Three Firebound Memories spawn from Bolvar.

Highlord Bolvar Fordragon says: Argh! The burning...
Taelia Fordragon says: You have faced worse, father! You can resist it once again!

Upon killing them, bolts of fire fly from Bolvar into the shard and he walks back to his previous spot.

Taelia Fordragon says: I knew you could do it.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: I will go next.

Darion heads for the southern soul mirror and follows Bolvar's example. Interact with the second shard to prompt three Bloodbound Memories to spawn from Darion.

Highlord Darion Mograine says: I must endure... for the legacy of Mograine!

Kill them, and bolts of blood fly from Darion into the shard.

Highlord Darion Mograine says: It is done.

On completion:

Anduin Wrynn says: Let me go next.


  1. N [60] The Broken Crown
  2. N [60] Our Last Option
  3. N [60] Hello, Darkness
  4. N [60] Elder Eru and N [60] Testing One Two
  5. N [60] Cryptic Catalogue
  6. N [60] The Not-Scientific Method
  7. N [60] Two Paths to Tread
  8. N [60] One Half of the Equation
  9. N [60] Oppress and Destroy and N [60] Aggressive Excavation
  10. N [60] Where the Memory Resides
  11. N [60] What We Wish to Forget
  12. N [60] What Makes Us Strong
  13. N [60] What We Overcome
  14. N [60] Forge of Domination
  15. N [60] The Crown of Wills
  16. N [60] Reality's Doorstep (optional)

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