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Inv misc questionmark50
  • Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest
  • Binds when picked up
  • Crafting Reagent
  • "Used to upgrade higher-level Adventurer and lower-level Veteran gear, or to craft an optional reagent for crafted gear."
  • Sell Price: 5g

Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest is used to upgrade Adventurer/Veteran Dragonflight Season 2 items from item levels 402–411. For more information, see the Flightstone-dragonflight [Flightstones] article. Crests are also used as a reagent to make an Enchanted Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest, which will force crafted items to be in the item level 395–408 range.

Obtain a crest by combining 15x Inv misc questionmark [Whelpling's Shadowflame Crest Fragment], which drops from raid finder Aberrus raid bosses and the end-of-run chest in a Mythic+ key in the 2–5 range. Additionally, open-world rare creatures (but not rare-elites) and small treasures will also drop fragments. Additionally, the Embers of Neltharion campaign quests N [70] Air Superiority and N [70] Stopping Sarkareth each award one.

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