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NeutralWhere's The Chief?
Start Guardian Velomir [40.6, 85.5]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
End Guardian Velomir [40.1, 85.1]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 5,150
Reputation +50 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 13g 81s
Previous N [68-70] Clear the Sky
Next N [68-70] Fire Fighter


Accompany Guardian Velomir and inspect the Lookout Tower within South Hold Gate.

  • Lookout Tower investigated


This is the only part of the fortress we haven't yet searched, <name>. If Commander Eranog is anywhere, it has to be here.

<Velomir glances towards the nearby doorway.>

Let us see what we can find out.


You will receive:


Damn it all! The commander was behind this? I cannot believe he would betray us like this.


Speak with Velomir again:

This is the only place left that Commander Eranog could be. Hopefully, he is safe.
Gossip (Quest) I'm ready. Let's get in there!

An in-engine cutscene plays:

The door opens into the floor as Eranog stares at a flame stone.
Guardian Velomir says: Over there!
Velomir and the adventurer hide behind some crates. Magmatalon lands with a crash and sticks his snout inside the tower.
Magmatalon says: Your guards did not join our ranks as expected, Eranog.
Commander Eranog says: I am not concerned. Dead soldiers cannot get in your way.
Magmatalon says: I see you have unearthed the flame stone.
Magmatalon says: I can sense its strength.
Commander Eranog says: It is now time for your end of this bargain.
Eranog turns around to face Magmatalon. Magmatalon unleashes a fire breath attack, strking Eranog and the flame stone.
Commander Eranog says: <shouts loudly in pain>
Magmatalon says: Arise.
Eranog changes forms, into that of a Primalist as the flame stone crumbles into ash.
Magmatalon says: Primalist Eranog.
Commander Eranog says: I pledge this power to free my kind from the leash of the Aspects.
Magmatalon says: Then go, while I turn this wretched titan-stained place into ashes.
Magmatalon takes to the air as Eranog runs off.


  1. N [68-70] To Valdrakken or N [60-70] Thaldraszsus
  2. N [68-70] A Message Most Dire
  3. N [68-70] Nowhere to Hide & N [68-70] Eyes and Ears
  4. N [68-70] Southern Exposure
  5. N [68-70] Vengeance, Served Hot & N [68-70] The Fog of Battle
  6. N [68-70] Remember the Fallen, N [68-70] Slightly Used Weapons, & N [68-70] Tying Things Together
  7. N [68-70] Clear the Sky
  8. N [68-70] Where's The Chief?
  9. N [68-70] Fire Fighter
  10. N [68-70] Reporting In

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