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AllianceWhere is Wrathion?
Start Toddy Whiskers [76.6, 33.6]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip
End Sendrax [76.6, 33.7]VZ-Waking ShoresBlip
Level 60-62
Category The Dragonscale Expedition
Experience 4,550
Reputation +150 Dragonscale Expedition
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous A [60-62] Explorers in Peril, A [60-62] Primal Pests, A [60-62] Practice Materials
Next N [60-62] Excuse the Mess
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [60-62] Where is Wrathion?.


Ask Sendrax when the dragons are expected to arrive.

  • Inquire after the missing dragons


Hm, wonder where Wrathion is?

He said he'd be here waitin' for us with an ambassador for Alexstrasza the Life-Binder, Queen of the Dragons.

It does nae seem like a dragon to break a promise.

Well! At least this eager wee drakonid is here to welcome us. Can you talk to 'em and find out when the others are gonna arrive?


You will receive:


Welcome to the Dragon Isles, friend!

... I think I may have already said that. No matter! I am just excited you are here!


I do not know! As I said, this is my first assignment... Let me think on what to do.


Speaking with Sendrax
Gossip (Quest) Why aren't the dragons here to meet us?
Sendrax says: Yes, I had expected Majordomo Selistra and Wrathion to be here by now...
Sendrax says: But I am honored to be the one to welcome you to the Dragon Isles!
Sendrax says: On my first real assignment, no less. What good fortune!

On alts, the followup quest is N [60-70] Adventuring in the Dragon Isles.


  1. B [60-62] Explorers in Peril, B [60-62] Primal Pests, B [60-62] Practice Materials
  2. B [60-62] Where is Wrathion?
  3. N [60-62] Excuse the Mess
  4. N [60-62] My First Real Emergency!
  5. N [60-62] The Djaradin Have Awoken

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