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Inv misc rune 09

While We Were Sleeping is awarded to players who find and return eight items to Scalecommander Azurathel and/or Scalecommander Cindrethresh at Morqut Village in the Forbidden Reach. This is one of the criteria of Inv misc questionmark [You Know How to Reach Me], the meta achievement for the zone.

While We Were Sleeping
Item Location Coords
Inv glyph majordruid [Journal Entry: The Creches] Zskera Vaults Random
Inv glyph majordruid [Journal Entry: Experiments] Talonlords' Perch [59.7, 64.9]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip
Inv glyph majordruid [Journal Entry: Relics] Scaleborn Pass [50.9, 43.5]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip
Inv glyph majordruid [Journal Entry: Silence] Zskera Vaults Random
Inv misc rune 04 [Receiving Stone: Final Warning] High Creche [59.0, 72.4]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip
Inv misc rune 09 [Sending Stone: Protest] High Creche [58.4, 70.5]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip
Inv misc rune 09 [Sending Stone: Initial Report] Lost Atheneum [55.4, 35.8]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip
Inv misc rune 09 [Sending Stone: The Prisoner] Zskera Vaults Random

Each entry adds a page to the 70 professions scroll 02 [Translated Correspondence of Black Dragons] and 70 professions scroll 02 [Translated Journal of Adamanthia] in front of Azurathel and Cindrethresh:

Translated Journal of Adamanthia

Reader, below are the words as best we could transcribe and translate of Adamanthia, as recovered from her journal entries in the Forbidden Reach.

Adamanthia is a name we strain to hear across the gulf of history. Some dracthyr have experienced sparks of dream, memory, or reverie that feature her, but like so many of our memories, the full picture is denied us.

As you read her words within this tome, we hope you may have further recollections. It is my hope these words will help other dracthyr by providing some insight as to our origins and those dragons we once served.

-- Zazulithan
Dracthyr Archivist

Entry: Experiments

Failure! Again!

A hundred and one dracthyr have been released from stasis. Yet in each experiment, the subject eventually regains all memory and retains none of their former mental conditioning.

It is becoming increasingly clear: what has been done cannot be undone.

Entry: Relics

I have attempted to employ other titan relics within the Warder's arsenal. Not even the Hammer of Khaz'goroth is capable of reasserting order in any meaningful way.

Order magic still fails to take hold.

Entry: The Creches

We sealed the creches today. Malygos asked for volunteers. Three of his zealots and their retinue chose to be entombed with the dracthyr.

I must hurry with my research. The magic of Malygos is strong, but I still question this course of action.

Entry: Silence

We were warned to tell no one, not even the other Aspects. No one must learn of these dracthyr. No one must know what lies beneath the surface of the Reach.

Is it shame? Or pride?

Either way, dragonkind will always remember: this reach is forbidden. Let that be its fitting sobriquet. All who dare trespass upon this terrain are interlopers to our blighted realm... these lands of legacy... this Forbidden Reach.

Translated Correspondence of Black Dragons

What follows are translations of correspondence between the black dragon Adamanthia and Neltharion, the Aspect of Earth.

At the time of this translation, I can confirm that neither I nor any dracthyr I have spoken to or are able to fully remember Adamanthia. We have only fragments. Her origins and identity are mysterious. Yet we feel drawn to her for reasons beyond recollection.

It is as if she holds a part of us in her, sustained in more than just memory.

Now you may peruse her words in this humble volume. May this transcription help spark memories for worthy dracthyr who read it.

-- Zazulithan
Dracthyr Archivist

Transcription of Inv misc rune 09 [Sending Stone: The Prisoner]

Lord Neltharion, I bring news. The Reach quaked today with the wrath of Raszageth!

Yet I am happy to report that the seals over her makeshift prison in your vault have held. The enchantments Malygos placed there should remain intact for many ages of this world, even without magical maintenance.

Our prisoner is still able to exert her influence over the weather on this island. I am worried that she might get a message out, given enough time.

For now, however, our only cause for concern should be what would happen if the other Incarnates learned of her presence here. I will once again remind my lackwit servants to destroy my sending stones after their messages have been sent.

Transcription of Inv misc rune 09 [Sending Stone: Initial Report]

My Aspect, I have made a discovery.

You were correct in presuming that Order magic may not be enough to re-establish control over the dracthyr. However, I have learned over my countless experiments that this may not be necessary.

I have confirmed that the dracthyr are not "broken."

Dracthyr with free will are powerful, dangerously so. Yet they are not mindless cretins. Their hearts and minds can be won over just as any free thinking mortal might.

With your permission, I would like to awaken more of the weyrns so that we might explore this assertion further.

Transcription of Inv misc rune 04 [Receiving Stone: Final Warning]

This is your final warning, Adamanthia. If you continue in your defiance, you will become an example to all any foolishly entertain such asinine aspirations.

Your suffering will span millennia. Even death will not release you. Any who look upon you will gaze upon your torment and despair. Cease this folly, or retribution awaits you.

Transcription of Inv misc rune 09 [Sending Stone: Protest]

My Aspect.

I thought I was doing everything you asked and more. The extraction of black dragonflight essence from the dracthyr has gone smoothly, though I worry it may permanently cripple their abilities. Yet you commanded, and I obey.

You ordered the sealing of the creches, and so I worked with the wyrms of Malygos, as commanded.

Today, I received word that you have ordered my awakened dracthyr to Aberrus, as if they were expendable for some esoteric experiment.

I must know why. I demand their release. You can see for yourself they are awake and aware, creatures capable of independent thought.

Their trust must be cultivated, not forced. In the strongest possible terms, I must protest. Trusting to your genius, I entrust these words to the careful consideration of your sagacious intellect.

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