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Secrets of Azeroth
The subject of this article or section is part of Secrets of Azeroth, a one-time event that unlocked over two weeks. The secrets revealed during the event are not time-limited and will remain permanently.
Inv professions inscription scribesmagnifyingglass silver
  • 15 Achievement points
  • Figure out each of the following secrets that surfaced during the Secrets of Azeroth event.
  • Criteria:
    • A Preservationist
    • Ceremonial Spear
    • Thinking Cap
    • An Inside Job?
    • Torch of Pyrreth
    • A Chilling Ascent
    • The Idol of Ohn'ahra
    • Shifting Sands
    • What's in a Mold?
    • Forging is Key
    • A Proper Burial
    • Kirin Tor Knowledge
    • Under Suspicion
    • A Curious Orb
    • The Race
  • Reward: Pattie Mount and Honorary Preservationist Title

Whodunnit? is an exploration achievement earned by figuring out each of the fifteen secrets that surfaced during the Secrets of Azeroth event.


  1. Trade archaeology chalice of mountainkings [Golden Chalice] (A Preservationist) & Inv polearm 2h dragondungeon c 03 [Shomko's Undying Spear] (Ceremonial Spear)
  2. Inv helm armor gnomish c 01 blue [Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] (Thinking Cap)
  3. Inv cape special centaurhunter b 01 [Maruuk Burial Banner] (An Inside Job?)
  4. Inv misc 1h torchbearersflame b 01 blue [Torch of Pyrreth] (Torch of Pyrreth)
  5. Inv misc notescript2e [Unveiled Tablet Rubbing] (A Chilling Ascent)
  6. Trade archaeology apexisstatue [Idol of Ohn'ahra] (The Idol of Ohn'ahra)
  7. Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Incomplete Tablet] (Shifting Sands)
  8. Inv ingot platinum [Titan Key Mold] (What's in a Mold?)
  9. Inv staff 2h plunderkey c 01 gold [Tyr's Titan Key] (Forging is Key)
  10. Inv cape special centaurhunter b 01 [Ishtaar Rethon's Burial Banner] (A Proper Burial)
  11. Inv 10 inscription2 book3 color2 [Tyr's Legacy] (Kirin Tor Knowledge)
  12. Inv misc notefolded3f [Compiled Report] (Under Suspicion)
  13. Inv misc runedorb 01 [Orb of Rathmus] (A Curious Orb)
  14. Inv legion cache valajar [Cache of Cosmic Curiosities] (The Race)


Optional breadcrumb: N [60-70] The Preservationists

  1. N [60-70] Preserving RaritiesN [60-70] Rise in Relic Theft
  2. N [60-70] A Secretive ContactN [60-70] Unfinished Thinking CapN [60-70] The Tricked-Out Thinking Cap
  3. N [60-70] An Inside Job?N [60-70] Preservationist Cleared
  4. N [60-70] Securing an ArtifactN [60-70] Artifact SecuredN [60-70] The Torch of Pyrreth
  5. N [60-70] A Chilling AscentN [60-70] A Knowledgeable Descent
  6. N [60-70] Idol SearchingN [60-70] An Idol in HandN [60-70] Using the Idol
  7. N [60-70] Into the SandsN [60-70] Out of the Sands
  8. N [60-70] A Key StoryN [60-70] A Titanic Mold
  9. N [60-70] Reforging a LegendN [60-70] A Key To Reforg(ing)
  10. N [60-70] A Proper Burial
  11. N [60-70] A Special BookN [60-70] A Legacy of Secrets
  12. N [60-70] They Are Always ListeningN [60-70] A Complete Inventory
  13. N [60-70] A Sphere in DangerN [60-70] A Curious Orb
  14. N [60-70] A Treacherous RaceN [60-70] An Ominous Artifact

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