The subject of this article or section is part of Secrets of Azeroth, a one-time event that unlocked over two weeks. The secrets revealed during the event are not time-limited and will remain permanently.
- 15
- Whodunnit?
- Figure out each of the following secrets that surfaced during the Secrets of Azeroth event.
- Criteria:
- A Preservationist
- Ceremonial Spear
- Thinking Cap
- An Inside Job?
- Torch of Pyrreth
- A Chilling Ascent
- The Idol of Ohn'ahra
- Shifting Sands
- What's in a Mold?
- Forging is Key
- A Proper Burial
- Kirin Tor Knowledge
- Under Suspicion
- A Curious Orb
- The Race
- Reward: Pattie Mount and Honorary Preservationist Title
Whodunnit? is an exploration achievement earned by figuring out each of the fifteen secrets that surfaced during the Secrets of Azeroth event.
[Golden Chalice] (A Preservationist) &
[Shomko's Undying Spear] (Ceremonial Spear)
[Tricked-Out Thinking Cap] (Thinking Cap)
[Maruuk Burial Banner] (An Inside Job?)
[Torch of Pyrreth] (Torch of Pyrreth)
[Unveiled Tablet Rubbing] (A Chilling Ascent)
[Idol of Ohn'ahra] (The Idol of Ohn'ahra)
[Incomplete Tablet] (Shifting Sands)
[Titan Key Mold] (What's in a Mold?)
[Tyr's Titan Key] (Forging is Key)
[Ishtaar Rethon's Burial Banner] (A Proper Burial)
[Tyr's Legacy] (Kirin Tor Knowledge)
[Compiled Report] (Under Suspicion)
[Orb of Rathmus] (A Curious Orb)
[Cache of Cosmic Curiosities] (The Race)
- Secrets
Placeholder of
[Golden Chalice]
Optional breadcrumb: [60-70] The Preservationists
[60-70] Preserving Rarities →
[60-70] Rise in Relic Theft
[60-70] A Secretive Contact →
[60-70] Unfinished Thinking Cap →
[60-70] The Tricked-Out Thinking Cap
[60-70] An Inside Job? →
[60-70] Preservationist Cleared
[60-70] Securing an Artifact →
[60-70] Artifact Secured →
[60-70] The Torch of Pyrreth
[60-70] A Chilling Ascent →
[60-70] A Knowledgeable Descent
[60-70] Idol Searching →
[60-70] An Idol in Hand →
[60-70] Using the Idol
[60-70] Into the Sands →
[60-70] Out of the Sands
[60-70] A Key Story →
[60-70] A Titanic Mold
[60-70] Reforging a Legend →
[60-70] A Key To Reforg(ing)
[60-70] A Proper Burial
[60-70] A Special Book →
[60-70] A Legacy of Secrets
[60-70] They Are Always Listening →
[60-70] A Complete Inventory
[60-70] A Sphere in Danger →
[60-70] A Curious Orb
[60-70] A Treacherous Race →
[60-70] An Ominous Artifact
Patch changes[]
Patch 10.1.7 (2023-09-05): Now also awards title.
Patch 10.1.5 (2023-07-11): Added.