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MobWild Worldcracker
Image of Wild Worldcracker
Race Devourer (Beast)
Level 61 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location South of Mauler's Outlook, Korthia [47.1, 35.5]VZ-KorthiaBlip
Status Killable

The Wild Worldcracker spawns at the end of the Popo's Potion Patrol vignette in central Korthia.

Loot the devourer for 10-11x Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [Relic Fragment], 7-9 uncommon-quality anima items (35-45 anima), Inv belt leather oribosdungeon c 01 [Devourer Hide Belt], and 5% progress toward N [60W] Shaping Fate. It also rarely drops the Inv trinket bastion 01 gold [Vesper of Harmony] for all players, and the Inv engineering 90 electrifiedether [Intact Aquilon Core] for Kyrian Covenant players only.


  • Spell fire blueimmolation Consuming Strikes — Consumes a portion of the target's essence causing melee attacks to heal the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted.
  • Ability golemthunderclap Gluttonous Slam — The caster slams the target, inflicting Physical damage and devours a portion of their essence, increasing the caster's haste by 25% for until canceled.
  • Spell fire bluepyroblast Hungering Eruption — Unleashes an eruption of devouring energy at the target's location, inflicting 20 Shadow damage to all players within 10 yards of the eruption, knocking them back. In addition, 3 fragments erupt from the impact. Touching a fragment inflicts 8 Shadow damage and stuns the target for 3 sec.
  • Ability argus soulbombdebufflarge Severing Roar — The caster emits a wave of force, inflicting 10 Shadow damage and shatters a bit of essence from each player preventing all actions and spell casting for up to 20 sec. Players can search for their essence to end the effect early.
  • Spell sandexplosion Smash — Jump to target location, damaging and knocking back enemies.


Popo's Potion Patrol start

Popo, waiting for help

Popo's Potion Patrol [54.0, 35.0]VZ-KorthiaBlip is a Korthian vignette, required for Inv offhand 1h mawraid d 01 [Conquering Korthia], where the steward Popo delivers some potions to kyrian allies along the central east-west road in Korthia, fighting off opportunistic Mawsworn along the way.

Kyrian players must speak to Popo to start the event. Non-Kyrian will see:

Be safe, Maw Walker. Mawsworn everywhere!
I wait here for help from kyrian.
They not forget Popo.
Popo's Potion Patrol

Marylis and some Injured Aspirants

Popo yells: Help is on the way, friends! (zone-wide)
Popo says: I come with Marylis and Deos. We train together in Bastion.
Popo says: Popo never abandon friends!
Two Opportunistic Mutliators rush in to attack.
Popo says: They big and strong, but even big and strong need help. I can help!
Popo says: I make potions to heal and protect. Will give to friends!
Popo is set upon by three Opportunistic Corruptors.
Popo says: Popo never abandon friends!
Popo reaches Deos, a Sputtering Aquilon, and some Injured Aspirants.
Popo says: Deos hurt? I bring potions to help!
Popo tosses potions, revitalizing the kyrian party.
Deos says: Perfect timing, Popo. I was beginning to tire in my vigilance.
Deos says: Your potion has renewed my vigor. I will hold this post against a hundred foes!
Popo says: After that, return camp and we swap stories of adventures. I go help Marylis now!
Popo continues west along the road, fending off an Opportunistic Torturer before reaching Marylis' camp.
Popo says: Marylis not hurt, but so many others need help...
Marylis says: I'm doing what I can, Popo, but this battalion suffered terrible wounds.
Popo says: You take all potions for friends. Who hurt them?
Marylis says: A rampaging devourer on the path ahead. It's unstoppable!
Popo says: I stop it. No hurt friends again.
After passing potions, Popo patrols further west.
Popo yells: Stop hiding and face Popo, big blue bully!
The Wild Worldcracker pops out of a devourer portal.

Take it out with Popo's help:

Popo says: Friends safe now. I go make more potions for them!

Tracking quest[]

To check whether Wild Worldcracker was killed today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64338))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, Wild Worldcracker was killed today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
