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Midsummer Fire Festival
The subject of this article or section is part of Midsummer Fire Festival, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks, after which it is no longer available until the next year.
AllianceWizbang Booms
Image of Wizbang Booms
Title <Holiday Fireworks Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Level 40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan
Location Ironforge[29.5, 65.3]VZ-IronforgeBlip
Status Alive

Wizbang Booms is a gnome Holiday Fireworks Vendor. He sells fireworks during the Midsummer Fire Festival or Peon Day seasonal events (see Notes section.) He can be found on the plateau just outside of the Ironforge gate Ironforge.

He may be related to Fizzlebang Booms, a year-round fireworks vendor located in the gnomish enclave in Ironforge, Tinker Town.


Firework Price
Spell ice magicdamage [Blue Firework] 20c
Spell nature abolishmagic [Green Firework] 20c
Spell fire fireball02 [Red Firework] 20c
Spell holy holybolt [Yellow Rose Firework] 40c
Spell fire flare [Red Streaks Firework] 50c
Spell fire fireball02 [Red Fireworks Rocket] 1s
Spell holy mindvision [Red, White and Blue Firework] 1s
Inv summerfest groundflower [Midsummer Ground Flower] 1s
Held in Off-hand Price
Inv wand 06 [Red Sparkler] 10s
Inv wand 07 [White Sparkler] 10s
Inv wand 05 [Blue Sparkler] 10s


The Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza was an event celebrated on or near July 4th on North American servers, corresponding with America's Independence Day. The Holiday Fireworks Vendors are associated with the Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza, not the Midsummer Fire Festival per se, though the Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza has been merged into the Midsummer Fire Festival on those realms.

The Engineers' Explosive Extravaganza is not celebrated on European servers, instead, on European realms, the Holiday Fireworks Vendors appear on Peon Day (which is in turn not celebrated on North American servers.)

See also[]

External links[]
