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For the Classic version of this quest, see A [21] Wolves at Our Heels.
AllianceWolves at Our Heels
Start Commander Althea Ebonlocke
End Commander Althea Ebonlocke
Level 10-30
Category Duskwood
Experience 1,650
Reputation +250 Stormwind
Rewards Inv jewelry ring 54 [Ebonlocke Band], Inv chest cloth 45 [Night Watch Vest], Inv boots chain 07 [Night Watch Boots], or Inv chest cloth 45 [Night Watch Hauberk];
5x Inv misc ammo bullet 01 [Flash Bundle]
Previous A [10-30] Hero's Call: Duskwood!
Next A [10-30] The Hermit, A [10-30] The Night Watch


Kill 12 Dire Wolves.


The dire wolves are the most common threat to the townsfolk here. They lurk in the forests on all sides of us, though most are along the north bank of the river.

These aren't the runt dogs you see in Elwynn, or wherever you come from. They're big as a man and twice as vicious.

If you wish to assist the people of Darkshire, hunt the dire wolves so our streets can be safer.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry ring 54 [Ebonlocke Band] Inv chest cloth 45 [Night Watch Vest]
Inv boots chain 07 [Night Watch Boots] Inv chest cloth 45 [Night Watch Hauberk]

You will also receive:


You still hunting wolves...?


Don't go thinking that was too easy. Far greater dangers lurk deeper in the woods.


  • Pick up A [10-30] Seasoned Wolf Kabobs and A [10-30] Dusky Crab Cakes from the inn before heading out.
  • Wolves are far to the north, close to the border with Elwynn Forest. Spiders are generally in the same area.
  • Another quest chain, starting with A [10-30] Worgen in the Woods, is also available at the same time. The worgen are just south of the wolf area.


  1. A [10-30] Hero's Call: Duskwood! (optional breadcrumb)
  2. A [10-30] Wolves at Our Heels
  3. A [10-30] The Night Watch
  4. A [10-30] Bones That Walk

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