- Not to be confused with Target Marker.

This is what a World Marker looks like when it is being photobombed by a bear.
World Markers (also called raid markers or raid beacons) are used by raid leaders to mark locations on the battlefield. They appear as a cylinder of colored light topped by a symbol that players will recognize from the Target Marker set. Unlike Target Markers, World Markers are not available to individual players. They are available during raids via the raid functions panel in the default UI. They are usable in a 5-man party (by any member) via add-on modules and through the /wm command added in patch 4.3.
In a raid, markers can only be placed by the raid leader or raid assistants. Players using the default raid interface must open up the pop-out raid settings panel and look for the flag icon. Clicking that button pops up a menu of symbols. Selecting a symbol activates a tiny AoE symbol on the player's cursor that enables him to target a section of floor and click to place the beacon.
Beacons are usually used to designate places for specific groups or players to stand, or where to place a monster.
Use of the world markers (through the default raid interface or add-ons) can sometimes trigger an add-on data tainting error dialog (and prevent the player from placing any beacons). It might be a flaw in Blizzard's data tainting system, or it could be bad behavior by widely-used add-ons. If /reload
does not solve the problem, promote someone else in the raid to assistant and have them place the beacons.
Patch changes[]
Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added white skull, silver moon and orange circle markers.
Patch 5.4.2 (2013-12-10): Players are now able to place raid markers in the world even while dead.
Patch 4.3.0 (2011-11-29): Macro commands added for world markers.
Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Added.