- For the Web API, see https://develop.battle.net/documentation/world-of-warcraft
- For the Classic WoW API, see World of Warcraft API/Classic
Main Menu |
Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10.1.7 onwards. |
The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. It's officially documented in Blizzard_APIDocumentation which is accessible via the /api command. The Lua user interface code can be exported from the game client.
Patch 10.1.7[]
- C_CharacterServices.AssignNameChangeDistribution()
- C_CharacterServices.CapitalizeCharName()
- C_Club.DoesAnyCommunityHaveUnreadMessages()
- C_InterfaceFileManifest.GetInterfaceArtFiles() : images
- C_PartyInfo.GetRestrictRaidPings() : restrictToAssistants
- C_PartyInfo.SetRestrictRaidPings(restrictToAssistants)
C_Ping.ClearPendingPingInfo()C_Ping.GetCooldownInfo() : cooldownInfoC_Ping.GetDefaultPingOptions() : pingTypesC_Ping.GetTargetWorldPingAndSend() : resultC_PingSecure.CreateFrame()#protected
C_PingSecure.GetTargetPingReceiver(mousePosX, mousePosY) : frame#protected
C_PingSecure.GetTargetWorldPing(mousePosX, mousePosY) : foundTarget#protected
C_PingSecure.GetTextureKitForType(type) : uiTextureKitID#protected
C_PingSecure.SendPing(type [, target]) : result#protected
- C_TradeSkillUI.CanStoreEnchantInItem(itemGUID) : canStore
- C_Traits.GenerateImportString()
- C_UIWidgetManager.GetTugOfWarWidgetVisualizationInfo(widgetID) : widgetInfo
Patch 10.1.5[]
- C_ActionBar.EnableActionRangeCheck(actionID, enable)
- C_CharacterServices.RPEResetCharacter()
- C_Commentator.GetPlayerItemCooldownInfo(teamIndex, playerIndex, itemID) : startTime, duration, enable
- C_Commentator.GetPlayerItemCooldownInfoByUnit(unitToken, itemID) : startTime, duration, enable
- C_Commentator.SetBlocklistedItemCooldowns(itemIDs)
- C_Commentator.SetRequestedItemCooldowns(itemIDs)
- C_ContentTracking.GetBestMapForTrackable(trackableType, trackableID [, ignoreWaypoint]) : result, mapID
- C_ContentTracking.GetCollectableSourceTrackingEnabled() : isEnabled
- C_ContentTracking.GetCollectableSourceTypes() : collectableSourceTypes
- C_ContentTracking.GetCurrentTrackingTarget(type, id) : targetType, targetID
- C_ContentTracking.GetEncounterTrackingInfo(journalEncounterID) : trackingInfo
- C_ContentTracking.GetNextWaypointForTrackable(trackableType, trackableID, uiMapID) : result, mapInfo
- C_ContentTracking.GetObjectiveText(targetType, targetID [, includeHyperlinks]) : objectiveText
- C_ContentTracking.GetTitle(trackableType, trackableID) : title
- C_ContentTracking.GetTrackablesOnMap(trackableType, uiMapID) : result, trackableMapInfos
- C_ContentTracking.GetTrackedIDs(trackableType) : entryIDs
- C_ContentTracking.GetVendorTrackingInfo(collectableEntryID) : vendorTrackingInfo
- C_ContentTracking.GetWaypointText(trackableType, trackableID) : waypointText
- C_ContentTracking.IsNavigable(trackableType, trackableID) : result, isNavigable
- C_ContentTracking.IsTrackable(type, id) : isTrackable
- C_ContentTracking.IsTracking(type, id) : isTracking
- C_ContentTracking.StartTracking(type, id) : error
- C_ContentTracking.StopTracking(type, id)
- C_ContentTracking.ToggleTracking(type, id) : error
- C_EncounterJournal.GetEncounterJournalLink(linkType, ID, displayText, difficultyID) : link
- C_EncounterJournal.GetInstanceForGameMap(mapID) : journalInstanceID
- C_Item.GetItemIDForItemInfo(itemInfo) : itemID
- C_Loot.GetLootRollDuration(rollID) : duration
- C_MerchantFrame.GetNumJunkItems() : numJunkItems
- C_PetInfo.GetSpellForPetAction(actionID) : spellID
- C_PvP.IsMatchActive() : isActive
- C_PvP.IsMatchComplete() : isComplete
- C_QuestLine.GetForceVisibleQuests(uiMapID) : questIDs
- C_QuestLog.IsImportantQuest(questID) : isImportant
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetClassIDFromSpecID(specID) : classID
- C_SuperTrack.ClearSuperTrackedContent()
- C_SuperTrack.GetSuperTrackedContent() : trackableType, trackableID
- C_SuperTrack.IsSuperTrackingContent() : isSuperTracking
- C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedContent(trackableType, trackableID)
- UpdateUIParentPosition()
Patch 10.1.0[]
- C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(name, variable) : value - Returns the TOC metadata of an addon.
- C_ArrowCalloutManager.AcknowledgeCallout()
- C_ArrowCalloutManager.HideCallout()
- C_ArrowCalloutManager.HideWorldLootObjectCallout()
- C_ArrowCalloutManager.SetWorldLootObjectCalloutFromGUID()
- C_ArrowCalloutManager.SwapWorldLootObjectCallout()
- C_AzeriteItem.IsUnlimitedLevelingUnlocked() : isUnlimitedLevelingUnlocked
- C_CharacterServices.AssignRaceOrFactionChangeDistribution()
- C_ChatInfo.GetColorForChatType(chatType) : color
- C_ClassTalents.GetTraitTreeForSpec(specID) : treeID
- C_ClassTalents.InitializeViewLoadout(specID, level)
- C_ClassTalents.ViewLoadout(entries) : success
- C_DateAndTime.AdjustTimeByMonths(date, months) : newDate
- C_Debug.ViewInDebugWindow()
- C_EncounterJournal.OnClose()
- C_EncounterJournal.OnOpen()
- C_EncounterJournal.SetTab(tabIdx)
- C_ExpansionTrial.OnTrialLevelUpDialogClicked()
- C_ExpansionTrial.OnTrialLevelUpDialogShown()
- C_GenericWidgetDisplay.Acknowledge()
- C_GenericWidgetDisplay.Close()
- C_GuildInfo.MemberExistsByName(name) : exists
- C_Item.DoesItemMatchTrackJump(itemLoc) : matchesTrackJump
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetHighWatermarkForItem(itemInfo) : characterHighWatermark, accountHighWatermark
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetHighWatermarkForSlot(itemRedundancySlot) : characterHighWatermark, accountHighWatermark
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetHighWatermarkSlotForItem(itemInfo) : itemRedundancySlot
- C_ItemUpgrade.IsItemBound() : isBound
- C_LootHistory.GetAllEncounterInfos() : infos
- C_LootHistory.GetInfoForEncounter(encounterID) : info
- C_LootHistory.GetLootHistoryTime() : time
- C_LootHistory.GetSortedDropsForEncounter(encounterID) : drops
- C_LootHistory.GetSortedInfoForDrop(encounterID, lootListID) : info
- C_Map.GetMapHighlightPulseInfo(uiMapID) : fileDataID, atlasID, texturePercentageX, texturePercentageY, textureX, textureY, scrollChildX, scrollChildY
- C_PartyPose.ExtraAction(partyPoseID)
- C_PartyPose.GetPartyPoseInfoByID(mapID) : info
- C_PartyPose.HasExtraAction(partyPoseID) : hasExtraAction
- C_QuestInfoSystem.GetQuestRewardSpellInfo([questID], spellID) : info
- C_QuestInfoSystem.GetQuestRewardSpells([questID]) : spellIDs
- C_QuestInfoSystem.GetQuestShouldToastCompletion([questID]) : shouldToast
- C_QuestInfoSystem.HasQuestRewardSpells([questID]) : hasRewardSpells
- C_SpectatingUI.IsSpectating()
- C_Spell.TargetSpellJumpsUpgradeTrack() : jumpsUpgradeTrack
- C_TooltipInfo.GetWorldLootObject(unitTokenString) : data
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionInfoByRecipeID(recipeID) : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetReagentRequirementItemIDs(itemID) : itemIDs
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecraftRemovalWarnings(itemGUID, replacedItemIDs) : warnings
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsEnchantTargetValid(recipeID, itemGUID [, craftingReagents]) : valid
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecraftReagentValid(itemGUID, itemID) : valid
- C_UIWidgetManager.GetItemDisplayVisualizationInfo(widgetID) : widgetInfo
- C_UnitAuras.AddPrivateAuraAnchor(args) : anchorID
- C_UnitAuras.AddPrivateAuraAppliedSound(sound) : privateAuraSoundID
- C_UnitAuras.AuraIsPrivate(spellID) : isPrivate
- C_UnitAuras.RemovePrivateAuraAnchor(anchorID)
- C_UnitAuras.RemovePrivateAuraAppliedSound(privateAuraSoundID)
- C_UnitAuras.SetPrivateWarningTextAnchor(parent [, anchor])
- GetButtonMetatable()
- GetEditBoxMetatable()
- GetFontStringMetatable()
- GetFrameMetatable()
- GetSoundEntryCount()
- IsWorldLootObject()
- StripHyperlinks(text [, maintainColor, maintainBrackets, stripNewlines, maintainAtlases]) : stripped
- pcallwithenv()
Patch 10.0.x[]
- C_AccountServices.IsAccountLockedPostSave()
- C_AccountServices.IsAccountSaveEnabled()
- C_AccountServices.IsAccountSaveInProgress()
- C_AccountServices.SaveAccountData()
- C_AchievementInfo.IsGuildAchievement(achievementId) : isGuild
- C_ActionBar.GetItemActionOnEquipSpellID(actionID) : onEquipSpellID
- C_ActionBar.GetProfessionQuality(actionID) : quality
- C_ArtifactUI.IsArtifactItem(itemLocation) : isArtifact
- C_BarberShop.GetCustomizationScope() : customizationScope
- C_BarberShop.GetViewingChrModel() : chrModelID
- C_BarberShop.SetViewingChrModel([chrModelID])
- C_CameraDefaults.GetCameraFOVDefaults() : fieldOfViewDegreesDefault, fieldOfViewDegreesPlayerMin, fieldOfViewDegreesPlayerMax
- C_CampaignInfo.SortAsNormalQuest(campaignID) : sortAsNormalQuest
- C_ChatInfo.CanPlayerSpeakLanguage(languageId) : canSpeakLanguage
- C_ChatInfo.GetChatLineSenderGUID(chatLine) : guid
- C_ChatInfo.GetChatLineSenderName(chatLine) : name
- C_ChatInfo.GetChatLineText(chatLine) : text
- C_ChatInfo.IsChatLineCensored(chatLine) : isCensored
- C_ChatInfo.RequestCanLocalWhisperTarget(whisperTarget)
- C_ChatInfo.UncensorChatLine(chatLine)
- C_ConsoleScriptCollection.GetCollectionDataByID(collectionID) : data
- C_ConsoleScriptCollection.GetCollectionDataByTag(collectionTag) : data
- C_ConsoleScriptCollection.GetElements(collectionID) : elementIDs
- C_ConsoleScriptCollection.GetScriptData(consoleScriptID) : data
- C_CraftingOrders.GetNumFavoriteCustomerOptions() : numFavorites
- C_CraftingOrders.GetPersonalOrdersInfo() : infos
- C_EventUtils.IsEventValid(eventName) : valid
- C_EventUtils.NotifySettingsLoaded()
- C_FunctionContainers.CreateCallback()
- C_GossipInfo.GetFriendshipReputationRanks(friendshipFactionID) : rankInfo
- C_GossipInfo.GetFriendshipReputation(friendshipFactionID) : reputationInfo
- C_GossipInfo.SelectOptionByIndex(optionID [, text, confirmed])
- C_Item.GetItemIDByGUID(itemGUID) : itemID
- C_Item.GetItemLinkByGUID(itemGUID) : itemLink
- C_Item.GetItemLocation(itemGUID) : itemLocation
- C_Item.GetItemMaxStackSizeByID(itemInfo) : stackSize
- C_Item.GetItemMaxStackSize(itemLocation) : stackSize
- C_Item.IsItemGUIDInInventory(itemGUID) : valid
- C_KeyBindings.GetBindingIndex(action) : bindingIndex
- C_Mail.GetCraftingOrderMailInfo(inboxIndex) : info
- C_Mail.SetOpeningAll(openingAll)
- C_MajorFactions.GetCovenantIDForMajorFaction(majorFactionID) : covenantID
- C_MajorFactions.GetCurrentRenownLevel(majorFactionID) : level
- C_MajorFactions.GetFeatureAbilities() : featureAbilities
- C_MajorFactions.GetMajorFactionData(majorFactionID) : data
- C_MajorFactions.GetMajorFactionIDs([expansionID]) : majorFactionIDs
- C_MajorFactions.GetRenownLevels(majorFactionID) : levels
- C_MajorFactions.GetRenownNPCFactionID() : renownNPCFactionID
- C_MajorFactions.GetRenownRewardsForLevel(majorFactionID, renownLevel) : rewards
- C_MajorFactions.HasMaximumRenown(majorFactionID) : hasMaxRenown
- C_MajorFactions.IsPlayerInRenownCatchUpMode() : isInCatchUpMode
- C_MajorFactions.IsWeeklyRenownCapped(majorFactionID) : isWeeklyCapped
- C_MajorFactions.RequestCatchUpState()
- C_Minimap.CanTrackBattlePets() : CanTrackBattlePets
- C_Minimap.ClearAllTracking()
- C_Minimap.GetNumQuestPOIWorldEffects() : worldEffectCount
- C_Minimap.GetNumTrackingTypes() : numTrackingTypes
- C_Minimap.GetObjectIconTextureCoords([index]) : textureCoordsX, textureCoordsY, textureCoordsZ, textureCoordsW
- C_Minimap.GetPOITextureCoords([index]) : textureCoordsX, textureCoordsY, textureCoordsZ, textureCoordsW
- C_Minimap.GetTrackingFilter(spellIndex) : trackingType
- C_Minimap.GetTrackingInfo(spellIndex) : name, textureFileID, active, type, subType, spellID
- C_Minimap.IsFilteredOut(filterType) : isFiltered
- C_Minimap.IsTrackingBattlePets() : isTrackingBattlePets
- C_Minimap.IsTrackingHiddenQuests() : isTrackingHiddenQuests
- C_Minimap.SetTracking(index, on)
- C_MountJournal.GetAllCreatureDisplayIDsForMountID(mountID) : creatureDisplayIDs
- C_MountJournal.GetCollectedDragonridingMounts() : mountIDs
- C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountID(displayIndex) : mountID
- C_MountJournal.GetMountLink(spellID) : mountCreatureDisplayInfoLink
- C_MythicPlus.GetCurrentUIDisplaySeason() : seasonID
- C_MythicPlus.GetEndOfRunGearSequenceLevel(keystoneLevel) : sequenceLevel
- C_PaperDollInfo.CanAutoEquipCursorItem() : canAutoEquip
- C_PaperDollInfo.CanCursorCanGoInSlot(slotIndex) : canOccupySlot
- C_PaperDollInfo.GetInspectRatedSoloShuffleData() : ratedSoloShuffleData
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPetsInJournal(creatureID) : maxAllowed, numPets
- C_PetJournal.HasFavoritePets() : hasFavorites
- C_PetJournal.SpellTargetBattlePet(battlePetGUID)
- C_PlayerInfo.CanUseItem(itemID) : isUseable
- C_PlayerInfo.GetDisplayID() : displayID
- C_PlayerInfo.GetGlidingInfo() : isGliding, canGlide, forwardSpeed - Returns the Dragonriding gliding speed.
- C_PlayerInfo.GetPlayerCharacterData() : characterData
- C_PlayerInfo.HasVisibleInvSlot(slot) : isVisible
- C_PlayerInfo.IsExpansionLandingPageUnlockedForPlayer(expansionID) : isUnlocked
- C_PlayerInfo.IsTradingPostAvailable() : isAvailable
- C_PlayerInfo.IsTravelersLogAvailable() : isAvailable
- C_ProfSpecs.GetNewSpecReminderProfName() : profName
- C_PvP.ArePvpTalentsUnlocked() : arePvpTalentsUnlocked
- C_PvP.GetAssignedSpecForBattlefieldQueue(queueID) : specializationID
- C_PvP.GetPVPActiveRatedMatchDeserterPenalty() : deserterPenalty
- C_PvP.GetPersonalRatedSoloShuffleSpecStats() : specStats
- C_PvP.GetPvpTalentsUnlockedLevel() : unlockLevel
- C_PvP.GetRatedSoloShuffleMinItemLevel() : minItemLevel
- C_PvP.GetRatedSoloShuffleRewards() : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus
- C_PvP.GetUIDisplaySeason() : uiDisplaySeason
- C_PvP.IsBrawlSoloShuffle() : isBrawlSoloShuffle
- C_PvP.IsInRatedMatchWithDeserterPenalty() : isInRatedMatchWithDeserterPenalty
- C_PvP.IsRatedSoloShuffle() : isRatedSoloShuffle
- C_QuestItemUse.CanUseQuestItemOnObject(item, unit [, checkRange]) : canUse
- C_QuestLog.DoesQuestAwardReputationWithFaction(questID, factionID) : awardsReputation
- C_QuestLog.GetQuestLogMajorFactionReputationRewards(questID) : reputationRewards
- C_QuestLog.UnitIsRelatedToActiveQuest(unit) : isRelatedToActiveQuest
- C_QuestOffer.GetHideRequiredItems() : hideRequiredItems
- C_QuestOffer.GetQuestOfferMajorFactionReputationRewards() : reputationRewards
- C_Reputation.IsMajorFaction(factionID) : isMajorFaction
- C_Reputation.SetWatchedFaction(factionID)
- C_ReturningPlayerUI.AcceptPrompt()
- C_ReturningPlayerUI.DeclinePrompt()
- C_Sound.GetSoundScaledVolume(soundHandle) : scaledVolume
- C_Sound.IsPlaying(soundHandle) : isPlaying
- C_Sound.PlayItemSound(soundType, itemLocation)
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetPvpTalentInfo(talentID) : talentInfo
- C_SpellBook.GetDeadlyDebuffInfo(spellID) : deadlyDebuffInfo
- C_SpellBook.GetOverrideSpell(spellID [, spec, onlyKnown, ignoreOverrideSpellID]) : overrideSpellID
- C_SpellBook.GetTrackedNameplateCooldownSpells() : spellIDs
- C_SystemVisibilityManager.IsSystemVisible(system) : visible
- C_Texture.ClearTitleIconTexture(texture)
- C_Texture.GetCraftingReagentQualityChatIcon(quality) : textureMarkup
- C_Texture.GetFilenameFromFileDataID(fileDataID) : filename
- C_Texture.GetTitleIconTexture(titleID, version, callback)
- C_Texture.IsTitleIconTextureReady(titleID, version) : ready
- C_Texture.SetTitleIconTexture(texture, titleID, version)
- C_TooltipComparison.GetItemComparisonDelta(comparisonItem, equippedItem [, pairedItem, addPairedStats]) : lines
- C_TooltipComparison.GetItemComparisonInfo(comparisonItem) : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRemainingRecasts() : remaining
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeFirstCraft(recipeID) : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecraftItemEquipped(recraftItemGUID) : isEquipped
- C_TradeSkillUI.RecraftLimitCategoryValid(reagentItemID) : recraftValid
- C_UIColor.GetColors() : colors
- C_UIWidgetManager.GetFillUpFramesWidgetVisualizationInfo(widgetID) : widgetInfo
- C_UIWidgetManager.GetTextWithSubtextWidgetVisualizationInfo(widgetID) : widgetInfo
- C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataByAuraInstanceID(unitToken, auraInstanceID) : aura
- C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataBySlot(unitToken, slot) : aura
- C_UnitAuras.GetCooldownAuraBySpellID(spellID) : cooldownSpellID
- C_UnitAuras.GetPlayerAuraBySpellID(spellID) : aura
- C_UnitAuras.IsAuraFilteredOutByInstanceID(unitToken, auraInstanceID, filterFlags) : isFiltered
- C_UnitAuras.WantsAlteredForm(unitToken) : wantsAlteredForm
- C_VideoOptions.GetCurrentGameWindowSize() : size
- C_VideoOptions.GetDefaultGameWindowSize(monitor) : size
- C_VideoOptions.GetGameWindowSizes(monitor, fullscreen) : sizes
- C_VideoOptions.SetGameWindowSize(x, y)
- C_VoiceChat.IsVoiceChatConnected() : connected
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetWeeklyRewardTextureKit() : uiTextureKit
- C_WeeklyRewards.IsWeeklyChestRetired() : isRetired
- C_WeeklyRewards.ShouldShowFinalRetirementMessage() : showRetirementMessage
- C_WeeklyRewards.ShouldShowRetirementMessage() : showRetirementMessage
- C_XMLUtil.GetTemplateInfo(name) : info
- C_XMLUtil.GetTemplates() : templates
- CombatLogShowCurrentEntry()
- GetCurrentGraphicsAPI()
- GetGraphicsCVarValueForQualityLevel()
- GetUnitEmpowerHoldAtMaxTime(unit) : holdAtMaxTime
- GetUnitEmpowerMinHoldTime(unit) : minHoldTime
- GetUnitEmpowerStageDuration(unit, index) : duration
- IsAdvancedFlyableArea()
- IsGraphicsCVarValueSupported()
- IsGraphicsSettingValueSupported()
- IsPlayerInGuildFromGUID(playerGUID) : IsInGuild
- IsPressHoldReleaseSpell()
- IsSpecializationActivateSpell()
- IsTargetLoose()
- IsUsingGamepad()
- IsUsingMouse()
- JoinRatedSoloShuffle()
- ReleaseAction()
- ReplaceTradeskillEnchant()
- SetUnitCursorTexture(textureObject, unit [, style, includeLowPriority]) : hasCursor
- TargetToggle()
- UnitIsBossMob()
- UnitIsGameObject()
- UnitIsInteractable()
- UnitPartialPower(unitToken [, powerType, unmodified]) : partialPower
- UnitPercentHealthFromGUID(unitGUID) : percentHealth
- UnitTokenFromGUID(unitGUID) : unitToken
- WorldLootObjectExists()
Class Talents[]
- C_ClassTalents.CanChangeTalents() : canChange, canAdd, changeError
- C_ClassTalents.CanCreateNewConfig() : canCreate
- C_ClassTalents.CanEditTalents() : canEdit, changeError
- C_ClassTalents.CommitConfig([savedConfigID]) : success
- C_ClassTalents.DeleteConfig(configID) : success
- C_ClassTalents.GetActiveConfigID() : activeConfigID
- C_ClassTalents.GetConfigIDsBySpecID([specID]) : configIDs
- C_ClassTalents.GetHasStarterBuild() : hasStarterBuild
- C_ClassTalents.GetLastSelectedSavedConfigID(specID) : configID
- C_ClassTalents.GetNextStarterBuildPurchase() : nodeID, entryID
- C_ClassTalents.GetStarterBuildActive() : isActive
- C_ClassTalents.HasUnspentTalentPoints() : hasUnspentPoints, numClassPoints, numSpecPoints
- C_ClassTalents.ImportLoadout(configID, entries, name) : success, importError
- C_ClassTalents.IsConfigPopulated(configID) : isPopulated
- C_ClassTalents.LoadConfig(configID, autoApply) : result, changeError, newLearnedNodeIDs
- C_ClassTalents.RenameConfig(configID, name) : success
- C_ClassTalents.RequestNewConfig(name) : success
- C_ClassTalents.SaveConfig(configID) : success
- C_ClassTalents.SetStarterBuildActive(active) : result
- C_ClassTalents.SetUsesSharedActionBars(configID, usesShared)
- C_ClassTalents.UpdateLastSelectedSavedConfigID(specID [, configID])
- C_Container.ContainerIDToInventoryID(containerID) : inventoryID
- C_Container.ContainerRefundItemPurchase(containerIndex, slotIndex [, isEquipped])
- C_Container.GetBackpackAutosortDisabled() : isDisabled
- C_Container.GetBagName(bagIndex) : name
- C_Container.GetBagSlotFlag(bagIndex, flag) : isSet
- C_Container.GetBankAutosortDisabled() : isDisabled
- C_Container.GetContainerFreeSlots(containerIndex) : freeSlots
- C_Container.GetContainerItemCooldown(containerIndex, slotIndex) : startTime, duration, enable
- C_Container.GetContainerItemDurability(containerIndex, slotIndex) : durability, maxDurability
- C_Container.GetContainerItemEquipmentSetInfo(containerIndex, slotIndex) : inSet, setList
- C_Container.GetContainerItemID(containerIndex, slotIndex) : containerID
- C_Container.GetContainerItemInfo(containerIndex, slotIndex) : containerInfo
- C_Container.GetContainerItemLink(containerIndex, slotIndex) : itemLink
- C_Container.GetContainerItemPurchaseCurrency(containerIndex, slotIndex, itemIndex, isEquipped) : currencyInfo
- C_Container.GetContainerItemPurchaseInfo(containerIndex, slotIndex, isEquipped) : info
- C_Container.GetContainerItemPurchaseItem(containerIndex, slotIndex, itemIndex, isEquipped) : itemInfo
- C_Container.GetContainerItemQuestInfo(containerIndex, slotIndex) : questInfo
- C_Container.GetContainerNumFreeSlots(bagIndex) : numFreeSlots, bagFamily
- C_Container.GetContainerNumSlots(containerIndex) : numSlots
- C_Container.GetInsertItemsLeftToRight() : isEnabled
- C_Container.GetItemCooldown(itemID) : startTime, duration, enable
- C_Container.GetMaxArenaCurrency() : maxCurrency
- C_Container.GetSortBagsRightToLeft() : isEnabled
- C_Container.IsBattlePayItem(containerIndex, slotIndex) : isBattlePayItem
- C_Container.IsContainerFiltered(containerIndex) : isFiltered
- C_Container.PickupContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex)
- C_Container.PlayerHasHearthstone() : itemID
- C_Container.SetBackpackAutosortDisabled(disable)
- C_Container.SetBagPortraitTexture(texture, bagIndex)
- C_Container.SetBagSlotFlag(bagIndex, flag, isSet)
- C_Container.SetBankAutosortDisabled(disable)
- C_Container.SetInsertItemsLeftToRight(enable)
- C_Container.SetItemSearch(searchString)
- C_Container.SetSortBagsRightToLeft(enable)
- C_Container.ShowContainerSellCursor(containerIndex, slotIndex)
- C_Container.SocketContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex) : success
- C_Container.SortBags()
- C_Container.SortBankBags()
- C_Container.SortReagentBankBags()
- C_Container.SplitContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex, amount)
- C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex, [unitToken], [reagentBankOpen])
- C_Container.UseHearthstone() : used
Crafting Orders[]
- C_CraftingOrders.AreOrderNotesDisabled() : areNotesDisabled
- C_CraftingOrders.CalculateCraftingOrderPostingFee(skillLineAbilityID, orderType, orderDuration) : deposit
- C_CraftingOrders.CanOrderSkillAbility(skillLineAbilityID) : canOrder
- C_CraftingOrders.CancelOrder(orderID)
- C_CraftingOrders.ClaimOrder(orderID, profession)
- C_CraftingOrders.CloseCrafterCraftingOrders()
- C_CraftingOrders.CloseCustomerCraftingOrders()
- C_CraftingOrders.FulfillOrder(orderID, crafterNote, profession)
- C_CraftingOrders.GetClaimedOrder() : order
- C_CraftingOrders.GetCrafterBuckets() : buckets
- C_CraftingOrders.GetCrafterOrders() : orders
- C_CraftingOrders.GetCraftingOrderTime() : time
- C_CraftingOrders.GetCustomerCategories() : categories
- C_CraftingOrders.GetCustomerOptions(params) : results
- C_CraftingOrders.GetCustomerOrders() : customerOrders
- C_CraftingOrders.GetDefaultOrdersSkillLine() : skillLineID
- C_CraftingOrders.GetMyOrders() : myOrders
- C_CraftingOrders.GetOrderClaimInfo(profession) : claimInfo
- C_CraftingOrders.HasFavoriteCustomerOptions() : hasFavorites
- C_CraftingOrders.IsCustomerOptionFavorited(recipeID) : favorited
- C_CraftingOrders.ListMyOrders(request)
- C_CraftingOrders.OpenCrafterCraftingOrders()
- C_CraftingOrders.OpenCustomerCraftingOrders()
- C_CraftingOrders.OrderCanBeRecrafted(orderID) : recraftable
- C_CraftingOrders.ParseCustomerOptions()
- C_CraftingOrders.PlaceNewOrder(orderInfo)
- C_CraftingOrders.RejectOrder(orderID, crafterNote, profession)
- C_CraftingOrders.ReleaseOrder(orderID, profession)
- C_CraftingOrders.RequestCrafterOrders(request)
- C_CraftingOrders.RequestCustomerOrders(request)
- C_CraftingOrders.SetCustomerOptionFavorited(recipeID, favorited)
- C_CraftingOrders.ShouldShowCraftingOrderTab() : showTab
- C_CraftingOrders.SkillLineHasOrders(skillLineID) : hasOrders
- C_CraftingOrders.UpdateIgnoreList()
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyDescription(type) : description
- C_Debug.PrintToDebugWindow()
Edit Mode[]
- C_EditMode.ConvertLayoutInfoToString(layoutInfo) : layoutInfoAsString
- C_EditMode.ConvertStringToLayoutInfo(layoutInfoAsString) : layoutInfo
- C_EditMode.GetAccountSettings() : accountSettings
- C_EditMode.GetLayouts() : layoutInfo
- C_EditMode.OnEditModeExit()
- C_EditMode.OnLayoutAdded(addedLayoutIndex, activateNewLayout, isLayoutImported)
- C_EditMode.OnLayoutDeleted(deletedLayoutIndex)
- C_EditMode.SaveLayouts(saveInfo)
- C_EditMode.SetAccountSetting(setting, value)
- C_EditMode.SetActiveLayout(activeLayout)
Player Interaction[]
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.ClearInteraction([type])
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.ConfirmationInteraction([type])
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.InteractUnit(unit [, exactMatch, looseTargeting]) : success
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.IsInteractingWithNpcOfType(type) : interacting
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.IsReplacingUnit() : replacing
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.IsValidNPCInteraction(type) : isValidInteraction
- C_PlayerInteractionManager.ReopenInteraction()
- C_TooltipInfo.GetAchievementByID(achievementID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetAction(actionID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetArtifactItem() : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetArtifactPowerByID(powerID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetAzeriteEssence(essenceID [, rank]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetAzeriteEssenceSlot(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetAzeritePower(itemID, itemLevel, powerID [, owningItemLink]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetBackpackToken(index) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetBagItem(bagIndex, slotIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetBagItemChild(bagIndex, slotIndex, equipSlotIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetBuybackItem(index) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetCompanionPet(petGUID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetConduit(conduitID, conduitRank) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetCurrencyByID(currencyID [, amount]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetCurrencyToken(tokenIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetEnhancedConduit(conduitID, rank) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetEquipmentSet(setID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetExistingSocketGem(index [, toDestroy]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetGuildBankItem(tab, slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetHeirloomByItemID(itemID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetHyperlink(hyperlink [, optionalArg1, optionalArg2, hideVendorPrice]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetInboxItem(messageIndex [, attachmentIndex]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetInstanceLockEncountersComplete(index) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetInventoryItem(unit, slot [, hideUselessStats]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetInventoryItemByID(itemID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetItemByGUID(guid) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetItemByID(itemID [, quality]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetItemInteractionItem() : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetItemKey(itemID, itemLevel, itemSuffix [, requiredLevel]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetLFGDungeonReward(dungeonID, lootIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetLFGDungeonShortageReward(dungeonID, shortageSeverity, lootIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetLootCurrency(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetLootItem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetLootRollItem(id) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetMerchantCostItem(slot, costIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetMerchantItem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetMinimapMouseover() : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetMountBySpellID(spellID [, checkIndoors]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetOwnedItemByID(itemID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetPetAction(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetPossession(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetPvpBrawl([isSpecial]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetPvpTalent(talentID [, isInspect, groupIndex, talentIndex]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetQuestCurrency(type, currencyIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetQuestItem(type, itemIndex [, allowCollectionText]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetQuestLogCurrency(type, currencyIndex [, questID]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetQuestLogItem(type, itemIndex [, questID, allowCollectionText]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetQuestLogSpecialItem(questIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetQuestPartyProgress(questID [, omitTitle, ignoreActivePlayer]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetRecipeRankInfo(recipeID, rank) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetRecipeReagentItem(recipeSpellID, dataSlotIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetRecipeResultItem(recipeID [, craftingReagents, recraftItemGUID, recipeLevel, overrideQualityID]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetRecipeResultItemForOrder(recipeID [, craftingReagents, orderID, recipeLevel, overrideQualityID]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetRuneforgeResultItem(itemGUID, itemLevel [, powerID, modifiers]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSendMailItem([attachmentIndex]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetShapeshift(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSlottedKeystone() : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSocketGem(index) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSocketedItem() : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSocketedRelic(slotIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSpellBookItem(slot, spellBookType) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetSpellByID(spellID [, isPet, showSubtext, dontOverride, difficultyID, isLink]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTalent(talentID [, isInspect, groupIndex]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTotem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetToyByItemID(itemID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTradePlayerItem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTradeTargetItem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTrainerService(serviceIndex) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTraitEntry(entryID [, rank]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetTransmogrifyItem(transmogLocation) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUnit(unit [, hideStatus]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitAura(unitToken, index [, filter]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitBuff(unitToken, index [, filter]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitBuffByAuraInstanceID(unitTokenString, auraInstanceID [, filter]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitDebuff(unitToken, index [, filter]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUnitDebuffByAuraInstanceID(unitTokenString, auraInstanceID [, filter]) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetUpgradeItem() : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetVoidDepositItem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetVoidItem(tab, slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetVoidWithdrawalItem(slot) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetWeeklyReward(itemDBID) : data
- C_TooltipInfo.GetWorldCursor() : data
Tradeskill UI[]
- C_TradeSkillUI.CraftEnchant(recipeSpellID [, numCasts, craftingReagents, itemTarget])
- C_TradeSkillUI.CraftSalvage(recipeSpellID [, numCasts, itemTarget])
- C_TradeSkillUI.DoesRecraftingRecipeAcceptItem(itemLocation, recipeID) : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllFilterableInventorySlotsCount()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetBaseProfessionInfo() : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetChildProfessionInfo() : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetChildProfessionInfos() : infos
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCraftableCount(recipeSpellID [, recipeLevel]) : numAvailable
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCraftingOperationInfo(recipeID, craftingReagents [, allocationItemGUID]) : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCraftingOperationInfoForOrder(recipeID, craftingReagents, orderID) : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCraftingReagentBonusText(recipeSpellID, craftingReagentIndex, craftingReagents [, allocationItemGUID]) : bonusText
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCraftingTargetItems(itemIDs) : items
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetEnchantItems(recipeID) : items
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetFactionSpecificOutputItem(recipeSpellID) : itemID
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetFilterableInventorySlotName()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetGatheringOperationInfo(recipeID) : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetHideUnownedFlags(recipeID) : cannotModifyHideUnowned, alwaysShowUnowned
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetItemCraftedQualityByItemInfo(itemInfo) : quality
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetItemReagentQualityByItemInfo(itemInfo) : quality
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetItemSlotModifications(itemGUID) : slotMods
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetItemSlotModificationsForOrder(orderID) : slotMods
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetOnlyShowFirstCraftRecipes()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetOriginalCraftRecipeID(itemGUID) : recipeID, skillLineAbilityID
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionByInventorySlot(slot) : profession
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionChildSkillLineID() : skillLineID
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionForCursorItem() : profession
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionInfoBySkillLineID(skillLineID) : info
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionInventorySlots() : invSlots
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionNameForSkillLineAbility(skillLineAbilityID) : professionNmae
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionSkillLineID(profession) : skillLineID
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionSlots(profession) : slots
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetProfessionSpells(professionID [, skillLineID]) : knownSpells
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetQualitiesForRecipe(recipeID) : qualityIDs
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetReagentDifficultyText(craftingReagentIndex, craftingReagents) : bonusText
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetReagentSlotStatus(mcrSlotID, recipeSpellID, skillLineAbilityID) : locked, lockedReason
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeFixedReagentItemLink(recipeID, dataSlotIndex) : link
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeInfoForSkillLineAbility(skillLineAbilityID [, recipeLevel]) : recipeInfo
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeOutputItemData(recipeSpellID [, reagents, allocationItemGUID, overrideQualityID, recraftOrderID]) : outputInfo
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeQualityItemIDs(recipeSpellID) : qualityItemIDs
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeQualityReagentItemLink(recipeID, dataSlotIndex, qualityIndex) : link
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeRequirements(recipeID) : requirements
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeSchematic(recipeSpellID, isRecraft [, recipeLevel]) : schematic
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipesTracked(isRecraft) : recipeIDs
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecraftItems([recipeID]) : items
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetSalvagableItemIDs(recipeID) : itemIDs
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetShowLearned() : flag
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetShowUnlearned() : flag
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetSkillLineForGear(itemInfo) : skillLineID
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetSourceTypeFilter() : sourceTypeFilter
- C_TradeSkillUI.HasFavoriteOrderRecipes() : hasFavorites
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsNearProfessionSpellFocus(profession) : nearFocus
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsOriginalCraftRecipeLearned(itemGUID) : learned
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeInBaseSkillLine(recipeID) : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeInSkillLine(recipeID, skillLineID) : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeProfessionLearned(recipeID) : recipeProfessionLearned
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeTracked(recipeID, isRecraft) : tracked
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRuneforging() : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.OpenRecipe(recipeID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.RecraftRecipe(itemGUID [, craftingReagents, removedModifications]) : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.RecraftRecipeForOrder(orderID, itemGUID [, craftingReagents, removedModifications]) : result
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetOnlyShowAvailableForOrders(flag)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetOnlyShowFirstCraftRecipes()
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetProfessionChildSkillLineID(skillLineID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeTracked(recipeID, tracked, isRecraft)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetShowLearned(flag)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetShowUnlearned(flag)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetSourceTypeFilter(sourceTypeFilter)
Trading Post[]
The Trading Post was added in Patch 10.0.5
- C_PerksActivities.AddTrackedPerksActivity(perksActivityID)
- C_PerksActivities.ClearPerksActivitiesPendingCompletion()
- C_PerksActivities.GetAllPerksActivityTags() : tags
- C_PerksActivities.GetPerksActivitiesInfo() : info
- C_PerksActivities.GetPerksActivitiesPendingCompletion() : pending
- C_PerksActivities.GetPerksActivityChatLink(perksActivityID) : link
- C_PerksActivities.GetPerksActivityInfo(perksActivityID) : info
- C_PerksActivities.GetTrackedPerksActivities() : trackedPerksActivities
- C_PerksActivities.RemoveTrackedPerksActivity(perksActivityID)
- C_PerksProgram.ClearFrozenPerksVendorItem()
- C_PerksProgram.CloseInteraction()
- C_PerksProgram.GetAvailableCategoryIDs() : categoryIDs
- C_PerksProgram.GetAvailableVendorItemIDs() : vendorItemIDs
- C_PerksProgram.GetCategoryInfo(categoryID) : categoryInfo
- C_PerksProgram.GetCurrencyAmount() : currencyAmount
- C_PerksProgram.GetDraggedPerksVendorItem() : perksVendorItemID
- C_PerksProgram.GetFrozenPerksVendorItemInfo() : vendorItemInfo
- C_PerksProgram.GetPendingChestRewards() : pendingRewards
- C_PerksProgram.GetPerksProgramItemDisplayInfo(id) : item
- C_PerksProgram.GetTimeRemaining(vendorItemID) : timeRemaining
- C_PerksProgram.GetVendorItemInfoRefundTimeLeft(vendorItemID) : refundTimeRemaining
- C_PerksProgram.GetVendorItemInfo(vendorItemID) : vendorItemInfo
- C_PerksProgram.ItemSelectedTelemetry(perksVendorItemID)
- C_PerksProgram.PickupPerksVendorItem(perksVendorItemID)
- C_PerksProgram.RequestPendingChestRewards()
- C_PerksProgram.RequestPurchase(perksVendorItemID)
- C_PerksProgram.RequestRefund(perksVendorItemID)
- C_PerksProgram.ResetHeldItemDragAndDrop()
- C_PerksProgram.SetFrozenPerksVendorItem()
- C_Traits.CanPurchaseRank(configID, nodeID, nodeEntryID) : canPurchase
- C_Traits.CanRefundRank(configID, nodeID) : canRefund
- C_Traits.CascadeRepurchaseRanks(configID, nodeID) : success
- C_Traits.ClearCascadeRepurchaseHistory(configID)
- C_Traits.CloseTraitSystemInteraction()
- C_Traits.CommitConfig(configID) : success
- C_Traits.ConfigHasStagedChanges(configID) : hasChanges
- C_Traits.GenerateInspectImportString(target) : importString
- C_Traits.GetConditionInfo(configID, condID) : condInfo
- C_Traits.GetConfigIDBySystemID(systemID) : configID
- C_Traits.GetConfigIDByTreeID(treeID) : configID
- C_Traits.GetConfigInfo(configID) : configInfo
- C_Traits.GetConfigsByType(configType) : configIDs
- C_Traits.GetDefinitionInfo(definitionID) : definitionInfo
- C_Traits.GetEntryInfo(configID, entryID) : entryInfo
- C_Traits.GetLoadoutSerializationVersion() : serializationVersion
- C_Traits.GetNodeCost(configID, nodeID) : costs
- C_Traits.GetNodeInfo(configID, nodeID) : nodeInfo
- C_Traits.GetStagedChangesCost(configID) : costs
- C_Traits.GetStagedPurchases(configID) : nodeIDsWithPurchases
- C_Traits.GetTraitCurrencyInfo(traitCurrencyID) : flags, type, currencyTypesID, icon
- C_Traits.GetTraitDescription(entryID, rank) : description
- C_Traits.GetTraitSystemFlags(configID) : flags
- C_Traits.GetTraitSystemWidgetSetID(configID) : uiWidgetSetID
- C_Traits.GetTreeCurrencyInfo(configID, treeID, excludeStagedChanges) : treeCurrencyInfo
- C_Traits.GetTreeHash(treeID) : result
- C_Traits.GetTreeInfo(configID, treeID) : treeInfo
- C_Traits.GetTreeNodes(treeID) : nodeIDs
- C_Traits.HasValidInspectData() : hasValidInspectData
- C_Traits.IsReadyForCommit() : isReadyForCommit
- C_Traits.PurchaseRank(configID, nodeID) : success
- C_Traits.RefundAllRanks(configID, nodeID) : success
- C_Traits.RefundRank(configID, nodeID) : success
- C_Traits.ResetTree(configID, treeID) : success
- C_Traits.ResetTreeByCurrency(configID, treeID, traitCurrencyID) : success
- C_Traits.RollbackConfig(configID) : success
- C_Traits.SetSelection(configID, nodeID [, nodeEntryID]) : success
- C_Traits.StageConfig(configID) : success
- C_Traits.TalentTestUnlearnSpells()
Profession Specs[]
- C_ProfSpecs.CanRefundPath(pathID, configID) : canRefund
- C_ProfSpecs.CanUnlockTab(tabTreeID, configID) : canUnlock
- C_ProfSpecs.GetChildrenForPath(pathID) : childIDs
- C_ProfSpecs.GetConfigIDForSkillLine(skillLineID) : configID
- C_ProfSpecs.GetCurrencyInfoForSkillLine(skillLineID) : info
- C_ProfSpecs.GetDefaultSpecSkillLine() : defaultSpecSkillLine
- C_ProfSpecs.GetDescriptionForPath(pathID) : description
- C_ProfSpecs.GetDescriptionForPerk(perkID) : description
- C_ProfSpecs.GetEntryIDForPerk(perkID) : entryID
- C_ProfSpecs.GetPerksForPath(pathID) : perkInfos
- C_ProfSpecs.GetRootPathForTab(tabTreeID) : rootPathID
- C_ProfSpecs.GetSourceTextForPath(pathID, configID) : sourceText
- C_ProfSpecs.GetSpecTabIDsForSkillLine(skillLineID) : specTabIDs
- C_ProfSpecs.GetSpecTabInfo() : specTabInfo
- C_ProfSpecs.GetSpendCurrencyForPath(pathID) : currencyID
- C_ProfSpecs.GetSpendEntryForPath(pathID) : entryID
- C_ProfSpecs.GetStateForPath(pathID, configID) : state
- C_ProfSpecs.GetStateForPerk(perkID, configID) : state
- C_ProfSpecs.GetStateForTab(tabTreeID, configID) : tabInfo
- C_ProfSpecs.GetTabInfo(tabTreeID) : tabInfo
- C_ProfSpecs.GetUnlockEntryForPath(pathID) : entryID
- C_ProfSpecs.GetUnlockRankForPerk(perkID) : unlockRank
- C_ProfSpecs.ShouldShowPointsReminder() : showReminder
- C_ProfSpecs.ShouldShowPointsReminderForSkillLine(skillLineID) : showReminder
- C_ProfSpecs.ShouldShowSpecTab() : showSpecTab
- C_ProfSpecs.SkillLineHasSpecialization(skillLineID) : hasSpecialization
Relates to the subscription Account. See also Battle.net functions.
- GetBillingTimeRested() - Returns the amount of "healthy" time left for players on Chinese realms.
- GetRestrictedAccountData() - Returns the cap on trial character level, money and profession skill.
- GetSecondsUntilParentalControlsKick()
- IsAccountSecured() - Returns if the account has been secured with Blizzard Mobile Authenticator.
- IsRestrictedAccount() - Returns if the acount has trial account restrictions.
- IsTrialAccount() : isTrialAccount - Returns whether the player is using a trial (free-to-play) account.
- IsVeteranTrialAccount() : isVeteranTrialAccount - Returns whether the wow account has no game time.
- NoPlayTime() - Returns true if the account is considered "unhealthy" for players on Chinese realms.
- PartialPlayTime() - Returns true if the account is considered "tired" for players on Chinese realms.
- SendSubscriptionInterstitialResponse(response)
Achievements were added in Patch 3.0.2
- C_AchievementInfo.GetRewardItemID(achievementID) : rewardItemID
- C_AchievementInfo.GetSupercedingAchievements(achievementID) : supercedingAchievements - Returns the next achievement in a series.
- C_AchievementInfo.IsValidAchievement(achievementId) : isValidAchievement
- C_AchievementInfo.SetPortraitTexture(textureObject) - Sets a portrait texture for the unit being achievement compared.
- AreAccountAchievementsHidden()
- CanShowAchievementUI() - Returns if the AchievementUI can be displayed.
- ClearAchievementComparisonUnit() - Remove the unit being compared.
- ClearAchievementSearchString()
- GetAchievementCategory(achievementID) - Returns the category number the requested achievement belongs to.
- GetAchievementComparisonInfo(achievementID) - Returns information about the comparison unit's achievements.
- GetAchievementCriteriaInfo(achievementID, criteriaNum) - Returns info for the specified achievement criteria.
- GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID(achievementID, criteriaIndex) - Returns achievement criteria info by criteriaIndex.
- GetAchievementGuildRep()
- GetAchievementInfo(achievementID or categoryID, index) - Returns info for an achievement.
- GetAchievementLink(achievementID) - Returns an achievement link.
- GetAchievementNumCriteria(achievementID) - Returns the number of criteria for an achievement.
- GetAchievementNumRewards(achievementID) - Returns the number of rewards the requested achievement has.
- GetAchievementReward(achievementID, rewardIndex) - Returns information about a reward item by rewardIndex.
- GetAchievementSearchProgress()
- GetAchievementSearchSize()
- GetCategoryAchievementPoints(categoryID, includeSubCategories)
- GetCategoryInfo(category) - Returns info for an achievement category.
- GetCategoryList() - Returns the list of achievement categories.
- GetCategoryNumAchievements(category [, includeAll) - Returns the number of achievements for a category.
- GetComparisonAchievementPoints() - Returns the total number of achievement points the comparison unit has earned.
- GetComparisonCategoryNumAchievements(achievementID) - Returns a number of achievements in a category for the comparison player.
- GetFilteredAchievementID(index) - Returns the ID of a filtered achievement by index.
- GetGuildAchievementMemberInfo(achievementID, index)
- GetGuildAchievementMembers(achievementID)
- GetGuildAchievementNumMembers(achievementID)
- GetLatestCompletedAchievements() - Returns the ID's of the last 5 completed Achievements.
- GetLatestCompletedComparisonAchievements() - Returns a list of the latest updated achievements for the comparison player.
- GetNextAchievement(achievementID) - Returns the next achievement in a chain.
- GetNumComparisonCompletedAchievements() - Returns the number of completed achievements for the comparison player.
- GetNumCompletedAchievements() - Returns the total and completed number of achievements.
- GetNumFilteredAchievements() - Returns the number of achievements after filtering.
- GetPreviousAchievement(achievementID) - Returns the previous achievement in a chain.
- GetTotalAchievementPoints() - Returns the total number of achievement points earned.
- HasCompletedAnyAchievement(achievementID)
- IsAchievementEligible(achievementID)
- SetAchievementComparisonUnit(unitId) - Sets the unit to be compared to.
- SetAchievementSearchString(searchText) - Starts a search for achievements containing the specified text.
- SetFocusedAchievement(achievementID)
- ShowAccountAchievements()
- SwitchAchievementSearchTab(index)
- GetComparisonStatistic(achievementID) - Returns the specified statistic from the comparison player unit.
- GetLatestUpdatedComparisonStats() - Returns a list of the latest updated statistics for the comparison player.
- GetLatestUpdatedStats() - Returns the ID's of the last 5 updated Statistics.
- GetStatistic(achievementID) - Returns a character statistic.
- GetStatisticsCategoryList() - Returns the list of statistic categories.
Relates to AddOns.
- DisableAddOn(indexOrName [, characterOrAll]) - Disables an addon for subsequent sessions.
- DisableAllAddOns([character]) - Disable all AddOns for subsequent sessions.
- EnableAddOn(indexOrName [, characterOrAll]) - Enables an addon for subsequent sessions.
- EnableAllAddOns([character]) - Enable all AddOns for subsequent sessions.
- GetAddOnDependencies(addonIndex or AddOnName) - Returns the TOC dependencies of an addon.
- GetAddOnEnableState([character], addonIndex or AddOnName)
- GetAddOnInfo(addonIndex or AddOnName) - Get information about an AddOn.
- GetAddOnOptionalDependencies(addonIndex or AddOnName) - Returns a list of optional dependencies.
- GetNumAddOns() - Get the number of user supplied AddOns.
- IsAddOnLoaded(addonIndex or AddOnName) - Returns true if the specified addon is loaded.
- IsAddOnLoadOnDemand(addonIndex or AddOnName) - Returns true if the specified addon is load-on-demand.
- IsAddonVersionCheckEnabled()
- LoadAddOn(addonIndex or AddOnName) - Loads the specified LoadOnDemand addon.
- ResetAddOns()
- ResetDisabledAddOns()
- SaveAddOns()
- SetAddonVersionCheck(boolean)
- UIParentLoadAddOn(AddOnName)
- Loads or Reloads the specified AddOn, and pops up an error message if it fails to load for any reason.
Adventure Guide[]
The Adventure Guide was added in Patch 6.2.0
- C_AdventureJournal.ActivateEntry(index)
- C_AdventureJournal.CanBeShown()
- C_AdventureJournal.GetNumAvailableSuggestions()
- C_AdventureJournal.GetPrimaryOffset()
- C_AdventureJournal.GetReward()
- C_AdventureJournal.GetSuggestions([suggestions])
- C_AdventureJournal.SetPrimaryOffset(offset)
- C_AdventureJournal.UpdateSuggestions([levelUp])
Encounter Journal[]
The Encounter Journal was added in Patch 4.2.0
- C_EncounterJournal.GetDungeonEntrancesForMap(uiMapID) : dungeonEntrances - Returns the instance entrances for a map.
- C_EncounterJournal.GetEncountersOnMap(uiMapID) : encounters - Returns boss pin locations for an instance map.
- C_EncounterJournal.GetSectionIconFlags(sectionID) : iconFlags - Returns the icon flags for a section, such as Magic Effect and Heroic Difficulty
- C_EncounterJournal.GetSectionInfo(sectionID) : info - Returns information about an entry in the Abilities section of the Encounter Journal.
- C_EncounterJournal.InstanceHasLoot([instanceID]) : hasLoot - Returns whether an instance has a loot table in the journal.
- C_EncounterJournal.IsEncounterComplete(journalEncounterID) : isEncounterComplete - Returns if a boss encounter has been completed.
- C_EncounterJournal.SetPreviewMythicPlusLevel(level)
- C_EncounterJournal.SetPreviewPvpTier(tier)
- C_RaidLocks.IsEncounterComplete(mapID, encounterID [, difficultyID]) : encounterIsComplete
- EJ_ClearSearch() - Clears the encounter journal search results.
- EJ_EndSearch() - Ends any active encounter journal search.
- EJ_GetContentTuningID() - Returns the currently selected content tuning ID for BFA instances.
- EJ_GetCreatureInfo(index [, encounterID]) - Returns encounter boss info.
- EJ_GetCurrentTier() - Returns the currently active encounter journal tier index.
- EJ_GetDifficulty() - Returns the currently viewed difficulty in the journal.
- EJ_GetEncounterInfo(encounterID) - Returns encounter info from the journal.
- EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(index [, journalInstanceID]) - idem
- EJ_GetInstanceByIndex(index, isRaid) - Returns instance info for the Encounter Journal.
- EJ_GetInstanceForMap(mapID) - Returns any corresponding instance ID for a UiMapID.
- EJ_GetInstanceInfo([journalInstanceID]) - Returns instance info for the Encounter Journal.
- EJ_GetMapEncounter(mapID, index [, fromJournal]) - Returns boss pin locations on instance maps.
- EJ_GetNumEncountersForLootByIndex(index) - Returns the amount of encounters that drop the same loot item.
- EJ_GetNumSearchResults() - Returns the number of search results for the Encounter Journal.
- EJ_GetNumTiers() - Returns the number of valid encounter journal tier indices.
- EJ_GetSearchProgress() - Returns the search bar's progress ratio.
- EJ_GetSearchResult(index) - Returns search results for the Encounter Journal.
- EJ_GetSearchSize() - Returns the amount of Encounter Journal objects to search through.
- EJ_GetSectionPath(sectionID) - Returns the parent Section ID if available.
- EJ_GetTierInfo(index) - Get some information about the encounter journal tier for index.
- EJ_HandleLinkPath(jtype, id) - Returns the supplementary instance and encounter ID for an encounter or section ID.
- EJ_InstanceIsRaid() - Returns whether the selected instance is a raid.
- EJ_IsSearchFinished() - Returns whether the current search has finished.
- EJ_IsValidInstanceDifficulty(difficultyID) - Returns whether the difficultyID is valid for use in the journal.
- EJ_SelectEncounter(encounterID) - Selects an encounter for the Encounter Journal API state.
- EJ_SelectInstance(journalInstanceID) - Selects an instance for the Encounter Journal API state.
- EJ_SelectTier(index) - Selects a tier for the Encounter Journal API state.
- EJ_SetDifficulty(difficultyID) - Sets the encounter difficulty shown in the Encounter Journal.
- EJ_SetSearch(text) - Starts a search in the journal.
- GetJournalInfoForSpellConfirmation(spellID)
- SetPortraitTextureFromCreatureDisplayID(textureObject, creatureDisplayID)
Loot Journal
- C_LootJournal.GetItemSetItems(setID) : items
- C_LootJournal.GetItemSets([classID, specID]) : itemSets
- C_EncounterJournal.GetLootInfo(id) : itemInfo - Returns info for loot items available from an encounter.
- C_EncounterJournal.GetLootInfoByIndex(index [, encounterIndex]) : itemInfo - Returns loot info for an encounter or instance.
- C_EncounterJournal.GetSlotFilter() : filter - Returns the current item slot filter for loot items.
- C_EncounterJournal.ResetSlotFilter() - Resets the item slot filter for loot items.
- C_EncounterJournal.SetSlotFilter(filterSlot) - Sets the item slot filter for loot items.
- EJ_GetInvTypeSortOrder(invType) - Returns the sort order for an inventory type.
- EJ_GetLootFilter() - Returns the currently used loot filter.
- EJ_GetNumLoot() - Returns the amount of loot for the currently selected instance or encounter.
- EJ_IsLootListOutOfDate() - Returns whether the loot list is out of date in relation to any filters when getting new loot data.
- EJ_ResetLootFilter() - Clears any current loot filter in the journal.
- EJ_SetLootFilter(classID, specID) - Sets the loot filter for a specialization.
Auction House[]
The Auction House was revamped in Patch 8.3.0
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumReplicateItems() : numReplicateItems - Returns the amount of auctions.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetReplicateItemBattlePetInfo(index) : creatureID, displayID - Returns display info for a battle pet from a ReplicateItems result.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetReplicateItemInfo(index) : name, texture, count, qualityID, usable, level, levelType, minBid, minIncrement, buyoutPrice, bidAmount, highBidder, bidderFullName, owner, ownerFullName, saleStatus, itemID, hasAllInfo - Returns information about the specified auction.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetReplicateItemLink(index) : itemLink - Returns the item link (if loaded) for an item from a ReplicateItems result.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetReplicateItemTimeLeft(index) : timeLeft - Returns the time left for an auction.
- C_AuctionHouse.ReplicateItems() - Queries all auctions listed on the Auction House.
- C_AuctionHouse.CalculateCommodityDeposit(itemID, duration, quantity) : depositCost - Returns required deposit for posting a commodity and quantity.
- C_AuctionHouse.CalculateItemDeposit(item, duration, quantity) : depositCost - Returns required deposit for posting a specific item and quantity.
- C_AuctionHouse.CanCancelAuction(ownedAuctionID) : canCancelAuction - Returns if the auction can be cancelled. If it can't, load it with QueryOwnedAuctions.
- C_AuctionHouse.CancelAuction(ownedAuctionID)
- Cancels an auction. - C_AuctionHouse.CancelCommoditiesPurchase() - Abort an incomplete commodity purchase to avoid it conflicting with another purchase.
- C_AuctionHouse.CancelSell() - Stop posting auctions for an non-commodity item.
- C_AuctionHouse.CloseAuctionHouse() - Close the auction house window.
- C_AuctionHouse.ConfirmCommoditiesPurchase(itemID, quantity) - Completes a commodity item purchase.
- C_AuctionHouse.ConfirmPostCommodity(item, duration, quantity, unitPrice)
- C_AuctionHouse.ConfirmPostItem(item, duration, quantity [, bid, buyout])
- C_AuctionHouse.FavoritesAreAvailable() : favoritesAreAvailable
- C_AuctionHouse.GetAuctionInfoByID(auctionID) : priceInfo
- C_AuctionHouse.GetAuctionItemSubClasses(classID) : subClasses
- C_AuctionHouse.GetAvailablePostCount(item) : listCount - Returns the available quantity of an item for posting.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetBidInfo(bidIndex) : bid
- C_AuctionHouse.GetBids() : bids
- C_AuctionHouse.GetBidType(bidTypeIndex) : typeItemKey
- C_AuctionHouse.GetBrowseResults() : browseResults - Returns the currently loaded summary results resulting from SendBrowseQuery.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetCancelCost(ownedAuctionID) : cancelCost - Returns the cost for cancelling a specific owned auction. This is non-zero if it has a bid.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetCommoditySearchResultInfo(itemID, commoditySearchResultIndex) : result - Returns search results for a commodity item.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetCommoditySearchResultsQuantity(itemID) : totalQuantity - Returns how many of the commodity is on sale.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetExtraBrowseInfo(itemKey) : extraInfo - Returns the level (from 1-120, BfA levels) that some items would be crafted at.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetFilterGroups() : filterGroups - Returns groups of filters for use in the Filter dropdown in the Buy tab.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetItemCommodityStatus(item) : isCommodity - Returns if the item is a commodity, item or neither.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetItemKeyFromItem(item) : itemKey - Returns an auction house item key from an item location.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetItemKeyInfo(itemKey [, restrictQualityToFilter]) : itemKeyInfo - Returns more details about an item from its item key, including its name.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetItemKeyRequiredLevel(itemKey) : requiredLevel - Returns the required level to use an item found on the auction house.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetItemSearchResultInfo(itemKey, itemSearchResultIndex) : result - Returns search results for an item.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetItemSearchResultsQuantity(itemKey) : totalQuantity - Returns how many of the item is available on the auction house.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxBidItemBid() : maxBid
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxBidItemBuyout() : maxBuyout
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxCommoditySearchResultPrice(itemID) : maxUnitPrice
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxItemSearchResultBid(itemKey) : maxBid
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxItemSearchResultBuyout(itemKey) : maxBuyout
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxOwnedAuctionBid() : maxBid
- C_AuctionHouse.GetMaxOwnedAuctionBuyout() : maxBuyout
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumBids() : numBids
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumBidTypes() : numBidTypes
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumCommoditySearchResults(itemID) : numSearchResults - Returns the number of commodity results, the different prices.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumItemSearchResults(itemKey) : numItemSearchResults - Returns the number of item results, the different auctions.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumOwnedAuctions() : numOwnedAuctions - Returns the number of auctions the player has active on the auction house.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetNumOwnedAuctionTypes() : numOwnedAuctionTypes
- C_AuctionHouse.GetOwnedAuctionInfo(ownedAuctionIndex) : ownedAuction - Returns information for one of the player's active auctions.
- C_AuctionHouse.GetOwnedAuctions() : ownedAuctions
- C_AuctionHouse.GetOwnedAuctionType(ownedAuctionTypeIndex) : typeItemKey
- C_AuctionHouse.GetQuoteDurationRemaining() : quoteDurationSeconds
- C_AuctionHouse.GetTimeLeftBandInfo(timeLeftBand) : timeLeftMinSeconds, timeLeftMaxSeconds
- C_AuctionHouse.HasFavorites() : hasFavorites
- C_AuctionHouse.HasFullBidResults() : hasFullBidResults
- C_AuctionHouse.HasFullBrowseResults() : hasFullBrowseResults - Returns if the last group of summary results (groups of 500) is available.
- C_AuctionHouse.HasFullCommoditySearchResults(itemID) : hasFullResults
- C_AuctionHouse.HasFullItemSearchResults(itemKey) : hasFullResults
- C_AuctionHouse.HasFullOwnedAuctionResults() : hasFullOwnedAuctionResults
- C_AuctionHouse.HasMaxFavorites() : hasMaxFavorites
- C_AuctionHouse.HasSearchResults(itemKey) : hasSearchResults
- C_AuctionHouse.IsFavoriteItem(itemKey) : isFavorite
- C_AuctionHouse.IsSellItemValid(item [, displayError]) : valid - Returns true if an item from your bag can be posted on the auction house.
- C_AuctionHouse.IsThrottledMessageSystemReady() : canSendThrottledMessage - Returns if the next query will be throttled, either delayed or cancelled.
- C_AuctionHouse.MakeItemKey(itemID [, itemLevel, itemSuffix, battlePetSpeciesID]) : itemKey - Returns an auction house item key.
- C_AuctionHouse.PlaceBid(auctionID, bidAmount)
- Places a bid on a non-commodity item. - C_AuctionHouse.PostCommodity(item, duration, quantity, unitPrice) : needsConfirmation
- Posts a commodity item on the auction house. - C_AuctionHouse.PostItem(item, duration, quantity [, bid, buyout]) : needsConfirmation
- Posts an item on the auction house. - C_AuctionHouse.QueryBids(sorts, auctionIDs)
- C_AuctionHouse.QueryOwnedAuctions(sorts)
- Queries the auction house for the player's active auctions. - C_AuctionHouse.RefreshCommoditySearchResults(itemID)
- C_AuctionHouse.RefreshItemSearchResults(itemKey [, minLevelFilter, maxLevelFilter])
- C_AuctionHouse.RequestFavorites()
- C_AuctionHouse.RequestMoreBrowseResults()
- C_AuctionHouse.RequestMoreCommoditySearchResults(itemID) : hasFullResults
- C_AuctionHouse.RequestMoreItemSearchResults(itemKey) : hasFullResults
- C_AuctionHouse.RequestOwnedAuctionBidderInfo(auctionID) : bidderName
- C_AuctionHouse.SearchForFavorites(sorts)
- Searches for favorited items. - C_AuctionHouse.SearchForItemKeys(itemKeys, sorts) - Queries the auction house for summary results of up to 100 specific items.
- C_AuctionHouse.SendBrowseQuery(query)
- Queries the auction house using search parameters. - C_AuctionHouse.SendSearchQuery(itemKey, sorts, separateOwnerItems [, minLevelFilter, maxLevelFilter])
- Queries an item in the auction house. - C_AuctionHouse.SendSellSearchQuery(itemKey, sorts, separateOwnerItems) - Search for all auctions that are variants of a piece of gear, determined a specific item ID.
- C_AuctionHouse.SetFavoriteItem(itemKey, setFavorite)
- C_AuctionHouse.StartCommoditiesPurchase(itemID, quantity)
- Starts a commodity item purchase.
Black Market AH[]
The Black Market Auction House was added in Patch 5.0.4
- C_BlackMarket.Close() - Closes the Black Market window.
- C_BlackMarket.GetHotItem() - Returns information about the current "hot item" at the Black Market Auction House.
- C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByID(marketID) - Returns info for a Black Market auction.
- C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIndex(index) - Returns information about a specific black market auction.
- C_BlackMarket.GetNumItems() - Returns the number of auctions on the Black Market Auction House.
- C_BlackMarket.IsViewOnly()
- C_BlackMarket.ItemPlaceBid(marketID, bid)
- Places a bid on a black market auction. - C_BlackMarket.RequestItems() - Requests updated black market auction information from the server.
WoW Tokens[]
WoW Tokens were added in Patch 6.1.2
- C_WowTokenPublic.BuyToken()
- C_WowTokenPublic.GetCommerceSystemStatus()
- C_WowTokenPublic.GetCurrentMarketPrice()
- C_WowTokenPublic.GetGuaranteedPrice()
- C_WowTokenPublic.GetListedAuctionableTokenInfo(index)
- C_WowTokenPublic.GetNumListedAuctionableTokens()
- C_WowTokenPublic.IsAuctionableWowToken(itemID)
- C_WowTokenPublic.IsConsumableWowToken()
- C_WowTokenPublic.UpdateListedAuctionableTokens()
- C_WowTokenPublic.UpdateMarketPrice()
- C_WowTokenPublic.UpdateTokenCount()
- C_WowTokenUI.StartTokenSell(tokenGUID)
- IsInventoryItemProfessionBag(unit, slot)
- PutItemInBackpack() - Places the item on the cursor into the player's backpack.
- PutItemInBag(inventoryId) - Places the item on the cursor into the specified bag slot.
- SetBarSlotFromIntro(slot)
- CloseAllBags(callingFrame, forceUpdate)
- CloseBackpack()
- CloseBag(bagID)
- IsBagOpen(bagID)
- OpenAllBags(callingFrame, forceUpdate)
- OpenBackpack()
- OpenBag(bagID, force)
- ToggleAllBags()
- ToggleBackpack()
- Toggles your backpack open/closed. - ToggleBag(bagID)
- Opens or closes the specified bag.
These functions manage your inventory, specifically equipped items.
- CancelPendingEquip(index) - Cancels a pending equip confirmation.
- ConfirmBindOnUse()
- ConfirmNoRefundOnUse()
- EquipPendingItem(invSlot) - Equips the currently pending Bind-on-Equip or Bind-on-Pickup item from the specified inventory slot.
- GetAverageItemLevel() - Returns the character's average item level.
- GetInventoryAlertStatus(index) - Returns the durability status of an equipped item.
- GetInventoryItemBroken(unit, invSlot) - Returns true if an inventory item has zero durability.
- GetInventoryItemCooldown(unit, invSlot) - Get cooldown information for an inventory item.
- GetInventoryItemCount(unit, invSlot) - Determine the quantity of an item in an inventory slot.
- GetInventoryItemDurability(invSlot) - Returns the durability of an equipped item.
- GetInventoryItemID(unit, invSlot) - Returns the item ID for an equipped item.
- GetInventoryItemLink(unit, invSlot) - Returns the item link for an equipped item.
- GetInventoryItemQuality(unit, invSlot) - Returns the quality of an equipped item.
- GetInventoryItemTexture(unit, invSlot) - Returns the texture for an equipped item.
- GetInventorySlotInfo(invSlotName) - Returns info for an equipment slot.
- HasWandEquipped() - Returns true if a wand is equipped.
- IsInventoryItemLocked(id) - Returns whether an inventory item is locked, usually as it awaits pending action.
- UpdateInventoryAlertStatus()
- UseInventoryItem(invSlot)
- Use an item in a specific inventory slot.
Relates to the Bank.
- BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(buttonID, isBag) - Maps a BankButtonID to InventorySlotID.
- BuyReagentBank()
- CloseBankFrame() - Closes the bank window.
- DepositReagentBank()
- GetBankSlotCost(numSlots) - Returns the cost of the next bank bag slot.
- GetNumBankSlots() - Returns the number of purchased bank bag slots.
- GetReagentBankCost()
- IsReagentBankUnlocked()
- PurchaseSlot() - Buys another bank slot if available.
- ReagentBankButtonIDToInvSlotID()
Guild Bank[]
The Guild bank was added in Patch 2.3.0
- AutoStoreGuildBankItem(tab, slot) - Withdraws an item from the Guild Bank to the character's inventory.
- BuyGuildBankTab() - Buys a guild bank tab, without confirmation.
- CanEditGuildBankTabInfo()
- CanGuildBankRepair()
- CanWithdrawGuildBankMoney() - Boolean, true if player is permitted to withdraw funds. No bank proximity required.
- CloseGuildBankFrame() - Closes the guild bank frame.
- DepositGuildBankMoney(money) - Deposits "money" amount in copper.
- GetCurrentGuildBankTab() - Integer of selected tab, >= 1.
- GetGuildBankBonusDepositMoney()
- GetGuildBankItemInfo(tab, slot) - Returns item info for a guild bank slot.
- GetGuildBankItemLink(tab, slot) - Returns the item link for a guild bank slot.
- GetGuildBankMoney() - Returns the amount of money in the guild bank.
- GetGuildBankMoneyTransaction(index) - Returns info for a money transaction from the guild bank.
- GetGuildBankTabCost() - Integer OR nil - cost in copper OR no tabs available to buy.
- GetGuildBankTabInfo(tab) - Returns info for a guild bank tab.
- GetGuildBankTabPermissions(tab) - Gets display / player's access info. Limited data available without bank proximity.
- GetGuildBankText(tab) - Returns info text for a tab.
- GetGuildBankTransaction(tab, index) - Returns info for an item transaction from the guild bank.
- GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit() - Returns withdraw limit for currently selected rank in guild control.
- GetGuildBankWithdrawMoney()
- GetNumGuildBankMoneyTransactions() - Returns number of money log entries.
- GetNumGuildBankTabs() - Integer count of bought tabs, >= 0. No bank proximity required.
- GetNumGuildBankTransactions(tab) - Returns number of log transactions for tab "tab".
- QueryGuildBankLog(tab) - Updates bank log data from the server, called before all transaction functions. "Money tab" is MAX_GUILDBANK_TABS+1.
- QueryGuildBankTab(tab) - Updates bank tab data from the server, called before all item functions.
- QueryGuildBankText()
- SetCurrentGuildBankTab(tab) - Select different bank tab in the UI.
- SetGuildBankTabInfo(tab, name, icon) - Sets the name and icon of a guild bank tab.
- SetGuildBankTabItemWithdraw()
- SetGuildBankTabPermissions(tab, index, enabled) - Modifies the permissions for a guild bank tab.
- SetGuildBankText(tab, infoText) - Modifies info text for a tab.
- SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit(amount) - Sets the gold withdraw limit for the guild bank.
- SplitGuildBankItem(tab, slot, amount) - Picks up part of a stack.
- WithdrawGuildBankMoney(money) - Withdraws "money" copper from the guild bank.
Void Storage[]
Void Storage was added in Patch 4.3.0
- CanUseVoidStorage() - Returns if the player has access to the Void Storage.
- ClearVoidTransferDepositSlot(slotIndex) - Clears the specified Void Transfer deposit slot.
- ClickVoidStorageSlot(slotIndex [, isRightClick]) - Clicks the specified Void Storage slot.
- ClickVoidTransferDepositSlot(slotIndex [, isRightClick]) - Clicks the specified Void Transfer deposit slot.
- ClickVoidTransferWithdrawalSlot(slotIndex [, isRightClick]) - Clicks the specified Void Transfer withdrawal slot.
- ExecuteVoidTransfer() - Applies all pending void transfers (and pays for the cost of any deposited items).
- GetNumVoidTransferDeposit() - Returns the number of items being deposited into the Void Storage.
- GetNumVoidTransferWithdrawal() - Returns the number of items being withdrawed from the Void Storage.
- GetVoidItemHyperlinkString(slotIndex) - Returns the item link of an item in void storage.
- GetVoidItemInfo(slotIndex) - Returns info for a Void Storage slot.
- GetVoidTransferCost() - Returns the total Void Transfer cost.
- GetVoidTransferDepositInfo(slotIndex) - Returns info for the item being deposited into the Void Storage.
- GetVoidTransferWithdrawalInfo(slotIndex) - Returns info for the item being withdrawn from the Void Storage.
- IsVoidStorageReady()
- UnlockVoidStorage() - Purchases the Void Storage.
- GetVoidStorageSlotPageIndex(slot)
- GetVoidUnlockCost()
Relates to item text from books, etc.
- CloseItemText() - Close an open item text (book, plaque, etc).
- ItemTextGetCreator() - Returns the name of the character who created the item text.
- ItemTextGetItem() - Returns the item name that the item text belongs to.
- ItemTextGetMaterial() - Returns the material texture for the item text.
- ItemTextGetPage() - Returns the page number of the currently displayed page.
- ItemTextGetText() - Returns the contents of the currently displayed page.
- ItemTextHasNextPage() - Returns true if there is a page after the current page.
- ItemTextIsFullPage()
- ItemTextNextPage() - Moves to the next page of the item text.
- ItemTextPrevPage() - Moves to the previous page of the item text.
The Calendar was added in Patch 3.0.1 and reworked in Patch 8.0.1
- C_Calendar.AddEvent()
- Saves the new event currently being created to the server. - C_Calendar.AreNamesReady() : ready
- C_Calendar.CanAddEvent() : canAddEvent - Returns whether the player can add an event.
- C_Calendar.CanSendInvite() : canSendInvite - Returns whether the player can send invites.
- C_Calendar.CloseEvent() - Closes the selected event without saving it.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanComplain(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) : canComplain - Returns whether the player can report the event as spam.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanEdit(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) : canEdit - Returns whether the player can edit the event.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCanRemove(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) : canRemove - Returns whether the player can remove the event.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventClipboard() : exists
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventCopy() - Copies the event to the clipboard.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventGetCalendarType() : calendarType
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventPaste(offsetMonths, monthDay) - Pastes the clipboard event to the date.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventRemove() - Deletes the event.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuEventSignUp()
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuGetEventIndex() : info
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteAvailable() - Accepts the invitation to the event.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteDecline() - Declines the invitation to the event.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteRemove() - Removes the event from the calendar.
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuInviteTentative()
- C_Calendar.ContextMenuSelectEvent(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex)
- C_Calendar.CreateCommunitySignUpEvent()
- C_Calendar.CreateGuildAnnouncementEvent()
- C_Calendar.CreateGuildSignUpEvent()
- C_Calendar.CreatePlayerEvent() - Creates a new calendar event candidate for the player.
- C_Calendar.EventAvailable() - Accepts the invitation to the currently open event.
- C_Calendar.EventCanEdit() : canEdit - Returns whether the event can be edited.
- C_Calendar.EventClearAutoApprove() - Turns off automatic confirmations.
- C_Calendar.EventClearLocked() - Unlocks the event.
- C_Calendar.EventClearModerator(inviteIndex)
- C_Calendar.EventDecline() - Declines the invitation to the currently open event.
- C_Calendar.EventGetCalendarType() : calendarType
- C_Calendar.EventGetClubId() : info
- C_Calendar.EventGetInvite(eventIndex) : info - Returns status information for an invitee for the currently opened event.
- C_Calendar.EventGetInviteResponseTime(eventIndex) : time
- C_Calendar.EventGetInviteSortCriterion() : criterion, reverse
- C_Calendar.EventGetSelectedInvite() : inviteIndex
- C_Calendar.EventGetStatusOptions(eventIndex) : options
- C_Calendar.EventGetTextures(eventType) : textures
- C_Calendar.EventGetTypes() : types
- C_Calendar.EventGetTypesDisplayOrdered() : infos
- C_Calendar.EventHasPendingInvite() : hasPendingInvite - Returns whether the player has an unanswered invitation to the currently selected event.
- C_Calendar.EventHaveSettingsChanged() : haveSettingsChanged - Returns whether the currently opened event has been modified.
- C_Calendar.EventInvite(name) - Invites a player to the currently selected event.
- C_Calendar.EventRemoveInvite(inviteIndex)
- C_Calendar.EventRemoveInviteByGuid(guid)
- C_Calendar.EventSelectInvite(inviteIndex)
- C_Calendar.EventSetAutoApprove()
- C_Calendar.EventSetClubId([clubId])
- C_Calendar.EventSetDate(month, monthDay, year) - Sets the date for the currently opened event.
- C_Calendar.EventSetDescription(description)
- C_Calendar.EventSetInviteStatus(eventIndex, status) - Sets the invitation status of a player to the current event.
- C_Calendar.EventSetLocked()
- C_Calendar.EventSetModerator(inviteIndex)
- C_Calendar.EventSetTextureID(textureIndex)
- C_Calendar.EventSetTime(hour, minute) - Sets the time for the currently opened event.
- C_Calendar.EventSetTitle(title) - Sets the title for the currently opened event.
- C_Calendar.EventSetType(typeIndex) - Sets the event type for the current calendar event.
- C_Calendar.EventSignUp()
- C_Calendar.EventSortInvites(criterion, reverse)
- C_Calendar.EventTentative()
- C_Calendar.GetClubCalendarEvents(clubId, startTime, endTime) : events
- C_Calendar.GetDayEvent(monthOffset, monthDay, index) : event - Retrieve information about the specified event.
- C_Calendar.GetDefaultGuildFilter() : info
- C_Calendar.GetEventIndex() : info
- C_Calendar.GetEventIndexInfo(eventID [, monthOffset, monthDay]) : eventIndexInfo
- C_Calendar.GetEventInfo() : info - Returns info for a calendar event.
- C_Calendar.GetFirstPendingInvite(offsetMonths, monthDay) : firstPendingInvite
- C_Calendar.GetGuildEventInfo(index) : info
- C_Calendar.GetGuildEventSelectionInfo(index) : info
- C_Calendar.GetHolidayInfo(monthOffset, monthDay, index) : event - Returns seasonal holiday info.
- C_Calendar.GetMaxCreateDate() : maxCreateDate - Returns the last day supported by the Calendar API.
- C_Calendar.GetMinDate() : minDate - Returns the first day supported by the Calendar API.
- C_Calendar.GetMonthInfo([offsetMonths]) : monthInfo - Returns information about the calendar month by offset.
- C_Calendar.GetNextClubId() : clubId
- C_Calendar.GetNumDayEvents(offsetMonths, monthDay) : numDayEvents - Returns the number of events for a given day/month offset.
- C_Calendar.GetNumGuildEvents() : numGuildEvents
- C_Calendar.GetNumInvites() : num - Returns the number of invitees for the currently opened event.
- C_Calendar.GetNumPendingInvites() : num
- C_Calendar.GetRaidInfo(offsetMonths, monthDay, eventIndex) : info
- C_Calendar.IsActionPending() : actionPending
- C_Calendar.IsEventOpen() : isOpen
- C_Calendar.MassInviteCommunity(clubId, minLevel, maxLevel [, maxRankOrder])
- C_Calendar.MassInviteGuild(minLevel, maxLevel, maxRankOrder)
- C_Calendar.OpenCalendar() - Requests calendar information from the server. Does not open the calendar frame.
- C_Calendar.OpenEvent(offsetMonths, monthDay, index) : success - Establishes an event for future calendar API calls
- C_Calendar.RemoveEvent() - Removes the selected event from the calendar (invitees only).
- C_Calendar.SetAbsMonth(month, year) - Sets the reference month and year for functions which use a month offset.
- C_Calendar.SetMonth(offsetMonths)
- C_Calendar.SetNextClubId([clubId])
- C_Calendar.UpdateEvent()
- Saves the selected event.
These are specific to chat messages and channels.
- C_ChatInfo.GetChannelInfoFromIdentifier(channelIdentifier) : info
- C_ChatInfo.GetChannelRosterInfo(channelIndex, rosterIndex) : name, owner, moderator, guid
- C_ChatInfo.GetChannelRuleset(channelIndex) : ruleset
- C_ChatInfo.GetChannelRulesetForChannelID(channelID) : ruleset
- C_ChatInfo.GetChannelShortcut(channelIndex) : shortcut
- C_ChatInfo.GetChannelShortcutForChannelID(channelID) : shortcut
- C_ChatInfo.GetChatTypeName(typeID) : name
- C_ChatInfo.GetClubStreamIDs(clubID) : ids
- C_ChatInfo.GetGeneralChannelID() : channelID
- C_ChatInfo.GetGeneralChannelLocalID() : localID
- C_ChatInfo.GetMentorChannelID() : channelID
- C_ChatInfo.GetNumActiveChannels() : numChannels
- C_ChatInfo.GetNumReservedChatWindows() : numReserved
- C_ChatInfo.IsChannelRegional(channelIndex) : isRegional
- C_ChatInfo.IsChannelRegionalForChannelID(channelID) : isRegional
- C_ChatInfo.IsPartyChannelType(channelType) : isPartyChannelType
- C_ChatInfo.IsRegionalServiceAvailable() : available
- C_ChatInfo.IsValidChatLine([chatLine]) : isValid
- C_ChatInfo.ReplaceIconAndGroupExpressions(input [, noIconReplacement, noGroupReplacement]) : output - Replaces icon and group tags like {rt4}, {diamond} and {g1}.
- C_ChatInfo.ResetDefaultZoneChannels()
- C_ChatInfo.SwapChatChannelsByChannelIndex(firstChannelIndex, secondChannelIndex)
- C_ChatBubbles.GetAllChatBubbles([includeForbidden]) : chatBubbles - Returns all active chat bubbles.
- CancelEmote() - Stops an active emote, e.g. when closing the map.
- ChannelBan(channel, name) - Bans a player from the specified channel.
- ChannelInvite(channel, name) - Invites the specified user to the channel.
- ChannelKick(channel, name) - Kicks a player from the specified channel.
- ChannelModerator(channel, name) - Sets the specified player as the channel moderator.
- ChannelToggleAnnouncements(channel) - Toggles the channel to display announcements either on or off.
- ChannelUnban(channel, name) - Unbans a player from the specified channel.
- ChannelUnmoderator(channel, name) - Takes the specified user away from the moderator status.
- DeclineChannelInvite(channel)
- DisplayChannelOwner(channel) - Prints the name of the owner of the specified channel.
- DoEmote(emote [, target]) - Performs an emote.
- EnumerateServerChannels() - Returns all available server channels (zone dependent).
- GetAlternativeDefaultLanguage()
- GetChannelDisplayInfo(channelID) - Returns info for chat channels and headers in the Chat Pane.
- GetChannelList() - Returns the list of joined chat channels.
- GetChannelName(channel or index) - Returns info for a chat channel.
- GetDefaultLanguage(unit) - Returns the character's default language.
- GetLanguageByIndex(index) - Returns the languages that the character can speak by index.
- GetNumChannelMembers()
- GetNumDisplayChannels()
- GetNumGroupChannels()
- GetNumLanguages() - Returns the number of languages your character can speak.
- GetSelectedDisplayChannel()
- IsDisplayChannelModerator()
- IsDisplayChannelOwner()
- JoinChannelByName(channelName [, password, frameID, hasVoice]) - Joins the specified chat channel.
- JoinPermanentChannel(channelName [, password, frameID, hasVoice]) - Joins the specified chat channel; the channel will be rejoined after relogging.
- JoinTemporaryChannel(channelName [, password, frameID, hasVoice]) - Joins the specified chat channel; the channel will be left on logout.
- LeaveChannelByLocalID(localID)
- LeaveChannelByName(channel) - Leaves the channel with the specified name.
- ListChannelByName(channelMatch) - Prints the list of members in the specified channel.
- ListChannels() - Prints the list of currently joined chat channel.
- LoggingChat(newState) - Gets or sets whether logging chat to Logs\WoWChatLog.txt is enabled.
- LoggingCombat(newState) - Gets or sets whether logging combat to Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt is enabled.
- SendChatMessage(msg [, chatType, languageID, target]) - Sends a chat message.
- SetChannelOwner(channel, name) - Sets the channel owner.
- SetChannelPassword(channel, password) - Changes the password of the current channel.
- SetSelectedDisplayChannel(channelID)
Chat Window[]
These are specific to chat window management.
- AddChatWindowChannel(chatFrameIndex, channel) - Enables messages from a chat channel index for a chat window.
- AddChatWindowMessages() - Enables messages from the chat message type (e.g. "SAY") for a chat window.
- ChangeChatColor(channelName, r, g, b) - Updates the color for a type of chat message.
- GetChatTypeIndex(type) - Returns the index for a chat type.
- GetChatWindowChannels(index) - Returns subscribed channels for a chat window.
- GetChatWindowInfo(index) - Returns info for a chat window.
- GetChatWindowMessages(index) - Returns subscribed message types for a chat window.
- GetChatWindowSavedDimensions(index)
- GetChatWindowSavedPosition(index)
- RedockChatWindows()
- RemoveChatWindowChannel(chatFrameIndex, channel) - Removes the specified chat channel from a chat window.
- RemoveChatWindowMessages(chatFrameIndex, messageGroup) - Removes the specified chat message type from a chat window.
- ResetChatColors()
- ResetChatWindows()
- SetChatColorNameByClass(chatType, colorNameByClass)
- SetChatWindowAlpha(index, alpha) - Sets the Alpha value(transparency) of ChatFrame<index> (alpha - 0-100)
- SetChatWindowColor(index, r, g, b) - Sets the background color of a a chat window. (r/g/b - 0-255)
- SetChatWindowDocked(index, docked) - Set whether a chat window is docked. (docked - 0/1)
- SetChatWindowLocked(index, locked) - Sets ChatFrame<index> so that it is or is not movable. (locked - 0/1)
- SetChatWindowName(index, name) - Sets the alpha value of ChatFrame.
- SetChatWindowSavedDimensions(index, width, height)
- SetChatWindowSavedPosition(index, point, xOffsetRatio, yOffsetRatio)
- SetChatWindowShown(index, shown) - Shows or Hides ChatFrame<index> depending on value of <shown> (shown - 0/1)
- SetChatWindowSize(index, size) - Sets the font size of a chat window. (size - default 14)
- SetChatWindowUninteractable(id, isUninteractable)
- ChatFrame_AddChannel(chatFrame, channelName)
- Activate channel in chatFrame. - ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter(event, filterFunc)
- Add a chat message filtering function. - ChatFrame_GetMessageEventFilters(event)
- Retreive the list of chat message filtering functions. - ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow(reference, link, button)
- Called when the user clicks on a chatlink. - ChatFrame_RemoveMessageEventFilter(event, filterFunc)
- Unregister a chat message filtering function.
AddOn Messages[]
- C_ChatInfo.GetRegisteredAddonMessagePrefixes() : registeredPrefixes - Returns addon message prefixes the client is currently registered to receive.
- C_ChatInfo.IsAddonMessagePrefixRegistered(prefix) : isRegistered - Returns whether the prefix is registered.
- C_ChatInfo.RegisterAddonMessagePrefix(prefix) : successfulRequest - Registers an addon message prefix to receive messages for that prefix.
- C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessage(prefix, message [, chatType, target]) : success - Sends a message over an addon comm channel.
- C_ChatInfo.SendAddonMessageLogged(prefix, message [, chatType, target]) : success - Sends a message to the hidden addon channel, the messages are logged server side.
Communities were added in Patch 8.0.1
- C_Club.AcceptInvitation(clubId)
- C_Club.AddClubStreamChatChannel(clubId, streamId)
- C_Club.AdvanceStreamViewMarker(clubId, streamId)
- C_Club.AssignMemberRole(clubId, memberId, roleId)
- C_Club.CanResolvePlayerLocationFromClubMessageData(clubId, streamId, epoch, position) : canResolve
- C_Club.ClearAutoAdvanceStreamViewMarker()
- C_Club.ClearClubPresenceSubscription()
- C_Club.CompareBattleNetDisplayName(clubId, lhsMemberId, rhsMemberId) : comparison
- C_Club.CreateClub(name, [shortName], description, clubType, avatarId, [isCrossFaction])
- C_Club.CreateStream(clubId, name, subject, leadersAndModeratorsOnly)
- C_Club.CreateTicket(clubId [, allowedRedeemCount, duration, defaultStreamId, isCrossFaction])
- C_Club.DeclineInvitation(clubId)
- C_Club.DestroyClub(clubId)
- C_Club.DestroyMessage(clubId, streamId, messageId)
- C_Club.DestroyStream(clubId, streamId)
- C_Club.DestroyTicket(clubId, ticketId)
- C_Club.DoesCommunityHaveMembersOfTheOppositeFaction(clubId) : hasMembersOfOppositeFaction
- C_Club.EditClub(clubId [, name, shortName, description, avatarId, broadcast, crossFaction])
- C_Club.EditMessage(clubId, streamId, messageId, message)
- C_Club.EditStream(clubId, streamId [, name, subject, leadersAndModeratorsOnly])
- C_Club.Flush()
- C_Club.FocusCommunityStreams()
- C_Club.FocusStream(clubId, streamId) : focused
- C_Club.GetAssignableRoles(clubId, memberId) : assignableRoles
- C_Club.GetAvatarIdList(clubType) : avatarIds
- C_Club.GetClubCapacity() : capacity
- C_Club.GetClubInfo(clubId) : info
- C_Club.GetClubLimits(clubType) : clubLimits
- C_Club.GetClubMembers(clubId [, streamId]) : members
- C_Club.GetClubPrivileges(clubId) : privilegeInfo
- C_Club.GetClubStreamNotificationSettings(clubId) : settings
- C_Club.GetCommunityNameResultText(result) : errorCode
- C_Club.GetGuildClubId() : guildClubId
- C_Club.GetInfoFromLastCommunityChatLine() : messageInfo, clubId, streamId, clubType
- C_Club.GetInvitationCandidates([filter], [maxResults], [cursorPosition], [allowFullMatch], clubId) : candidates
- C_Club.GetInvitationInfo(clubId) : invitation
- C_Club.GetInvitationsForClub(clubId) : invitations
- C_Club.GetInvitationsForSelf() : invitations
- C_Club.GetLastTicketResponse(ticket) : error, info, showError
- C_Club.GetMemberInfo(clubId, memberId) : info
- C_Club.GetMemberInfoForSelf(clubId) : info
- C_Club.GetMessageInfo(clubId, streamId, messageId) : message
- C_Club.GetMessageRanges(clubId, streamId) : ranges
- C_Club.GetMessagesBefore(clubId, streamId, newest, count) : messages
- C_Club.GetMessagesInRange(clubId, streamId, oldest, newest) : messages
- C_Club.GetStreamInfo(clubId, streamId) : streamInfo
- C_Club.GetStreams(clubId) : streams
- C_Club.GetStreamViewMarker(clubId, streamId) : lastReadTime
- C_Club.GetSubscribedClubs() : clubs
- C_Club.GetTickets(clubId) : tickets
- C_Club.IsAccountMuted(clubId) : accountMuted
- C_Club.IsBeginningOfStream(clubId, streamId, messageId) : isBeginningOfStream
- C_Club.IsEnabled() : clubsEnabled
- C_Club.IsRestricted() : restrictionReason
- C_Club.IsSubscribedToStream(clubId, streamId) : subscribed
- C_Club.KickMember(clubId, memberId)
- C_Club.LeaveClub(clubId)
- C_Club.RedeemTicket(ticketId)
- C_Club.RequestInvitationsForClub(clubId)
- C_Club.RequestMoreMessagesBefore(clubId, streamId [, messageId, count]) : alreadyHasMessages
- C_Club.RequestTicket(ticketId)
- C_Club.RequestTickets(clubId)
- C_Club.RevokeInvitation(clubId, memberId)
- C_Club.SendBattleTagFriendRequest(guildClubId, memberId)
- C_Club.SendCharacterInvitation(clubId, character)
- C_Club.SendInvitation(clubId, memberId)
- C_Club.SendMessage(clubId, streamId, message)
- C_Club.SetAutoAdvanceStreamViewMarker(clubId, streamId)
- C_Club.SetAvatarTexture(texture, avatarId, clubType)
- C_Club.SetClubMemberNote(clubId, memberId, note)
- C_Club.SetClubPresenceSubscription(clubId)
- C_Club.SetClubStreamNotificationSettings(clubId, settings)
- C_Club.SetFavorite(clubId, isFavorite)
- C_Club.SetSocialQueueingEnabled(clubId, enabled)
- C_Club.ShouldAllowClubType(clubType) : clubTypeIsAllowed
- C_Club.UnfocusAllStreams(unsubscribe)
- C_Club.UnfocusStream(clubId, streamId)
- C_Club.ValidateText(clubType, text, clubFieldType) : result
- C_Cursor.GetCursorItem() : item
The Club Finder was added in Patch 8.2.0 and enabled in Patch 8.2.5
- C_ClubFinder.ApplicantAcceptClubInvite(clubFinderGUID)
- C_ClubFinder.ApplicantDeclineClubInvite(clubFinderGUID)
- C_ClubFinder.CancelMembershipRequest(clubFinderGUID)
- C_ClubFinder.CheckAllPlayerApplicantSettings()
- C_ClubFinder.ClearAllFinderCache()
- C_ClubFinder.ClearClubApplicantsCache()
- C_ClubFinder.ClearClubFinderPostingsCache()
- C_ClubFinder.DoesPlayerBelongToClubFromClubGUID(clubFinderGUID) : belongsToClub
- C_ClubFinder.GetClubFinderDisableReason() : disableReason
- C_ClubFinder.GetClubRecruitmentSettings() : settings
- C_ClubFinder.GetClubTypeFromFinderGUID(clubFinderGUID) : clubType
- C_ClubFinder.GetFocusIndexFromFlag(flags) : index
- C_ClubFinder.GetPlayerApplicantLocaleFlags() : localeFlags
- C_ClubFinder.GetPlayerApplicantSettings() : settings
- C_ClubFinder.GetPlayerClubApplicationStatus(clubFinderGUID) : clubStatus
- C_ClubFinder.GetPlayerSettingsFocusFlagsSelectedCount() : focusCount
- C_ClubFinder.GetPostingIDFromClubFinderGUID(clubFinderGUID) : postingID
- C_ClubFinder.GetRecruitingClubInfoFromClubID(clubId) : clubInfo
- C_ClubFinder.GetRecruitingClubInfoFromFinderGUID(clubFinderGUID) : clubInfo
- C_ClubFinder.GetStatusOfPostingFromClubId(postingID) : postingFlags
- C_ClubFinder.GetTotalMatchingCommunityListSize() : totalSize
- C_ClubFinder.GetTotalMatchingGuildListSize() : totalSize
- C_ClubFinder.HasAlreadyAppliedToLinkedPosting(clubFinderGUID) : hasAlreadyApplied
- C_ClubFinder.HasPostingBeenDelisted(postingID) : postingDelisted
- C_ClubFinder.IsEnabled() : isEnabled
- C_ClubFinder.IsListingEnabledFromFlags(flags) : isListed
- C_ClubFinder.IsPostingBanned(postingID) : postingBanned
- C_ClubFinder.LookupClubPostingFromClubFinderGUID(clubFinderGUID, isLinkedPosting)
- C_ClubFinder.PlayerGetClubInvitationList() : inviteList
- C_ClubFinder.PlayerRequestPendingClubsList(type)
- C_ClubFinder.PlayerReturnPendingCommunitiesList() : info
- C_ClubFinder.PlayerReturnPendingGuildsList() : info
- C_ClubFinder.PostClub(clubId, itemLevelRequirement, name, description, avatarId, specs, type [, crossFaction]) : succesful
- C_ClubFinder.RequestApplicantList(type)
- C_ClubFinder.RequestClubsList(guildListRequested, searchString, specIDs)
- C_ClubFinder.RequestMembershipToClub(clubFinderGUID, comment, specIDs)
- C_ClubFinder.RequestNextCommunityPage(startingIndex, pageSize)
- C_ClubFinder.RequestNextGuildPage(startingIndex, pageSize)
- C_ClubFinder.RequestPostingInformationFromClubId(clubId) : success
- C_ClubFinder.RequestSubscribedClubPostingIDs()
- C_ClubFinder.ResetClubPostingMapCache()
- C_ClubFinder.RespondToApplicant(clubFinderGUID, playerGUID, shouldAccept, requestType, playerName, forceAccept [, reported])
- C_ClubFinder.ReturnClubApplicantList(clubId) : info
- C_ClubFinder.ReturnMatchingCommunityList() : recruitingClubs
- C_ClubFinder.ReturnMatchingGuildList() : recruitingClubs
- C_ClubFinder.ReturnPendingClubApplicantList(clubId) : info
- C_ClubFinder.SendChatWhisper(clubFinderGUID, playerGUID, applicantType, name)
- C_ClubFinder.SetAllRecruitmentSettings(value)
- C_ClubFinder.SetPlayerApplicantLocaleFlags(localeFlags)
- C_ClubFinder.SetPlayerApplicantSettings(index, checked)
- C_ClubFinder.SetRecruitmentLocale(locale)
- C_ClubFinder.SetRecruitmentSettings(index, checked)
- C_ClubFinder.ShouldShowClubFinder() : shouldShow
- C_BehavioralMessaging.SendNotificationReceipt(dbId, openTimeSeconds, readTimeSeconds)
- C_ReportSystem.CanReportPlayer(playerLocation) : canReport - Returns if a player can be reported.
- C_ReportSystem.CanReportPlayerForLanguage(playerLocation) : canReport
- C_ReportSystem.GetMajorCategoriesForReportType(reportType) : majorCategories
- C_ReportSystem.GetMajorCategoryString(majorCategory) : majorCategoryString
- C_ReportSystem.GetMinorCategoriesForReportTypeAndMajorCategory(reportType, majorCategory) : minorCategories
- C_ReportSystem.GetMinorCategoryString(minorCategory) : minorCategoryString
- C_ReportSystem.ReportServerLag()
- C_ReportSystem.ReportStuckInCombat()
- C_ReportSystem.SendReport(reportInfo [, playerLocation])
- C_SocialRestrictions.AcknowledgeRegionalChatDisabled()
- C_SocialRestrictions.IsChatDisabled() : disabled
- C_SocialRestrictions.IsMuted() : isMuted
- C_SocialRestrictions.IsSilenced() : isSilenced
- C_SocialRestrictions.IsSquelched() : isSquelched
- C_SocialRestrictions.SetChatDisabled(disabled)
Voice Chat[]
Voice Chat was added in Patch 2.2 and reworked in Patch 8.0.1
- C_VoiceChat.ActivateChannel(channelID)
- C_VoiceChat.BeginLocalCapture(listenToLocalUser)
- C_VoiceChat.CanPlayerUseVoiceChat() : canUseVoiceChat
- C_VoiceChat.CreateChannel(channelDisplayName) : status
- C_VoiceChat.DeactivateChannel(channelID)
- C_VoiceChat.EndLocalCapture()
- C_VoiceChat.GetActiveChannelID() : channelID
- C_VoiceChat.GetActiveChannelType() : channelType
- C_VoiceChat.GetAvailableInputDevices() : inputDevices
- C_VoiceChat.GetAvailableOutputDevices() : outputDevices
- C_VoiceChat.GetChannel(channelID) : channel
- C_VoiceChat.GetChannelForChannelType(channelType) : channel
- C_VoiceChat.GetChannelForCommunityStream(clubId, streamId) : channel
- C_VoiceChat.GetCommunicationMode() : communicationMode
- C_VoiceChat.GetCurrentVoiceChatConnectionStatusCode() : statusCode
- C_VoiceChat.GetInputVolume() : volume
- C_VoiceChat.GetJoinClubVoiceChannelError(clubId) : errorReason
- C_VoiceChat.GetLocalPlayerActiveChannelMemberInfo() : memberInfo
- C_VoiceChat.GetLocalPlayerMemberID(channelID) : memberID
- C_VoiceChat.GetMasterVolumeScale() : scale
- C_VoiceChat.GetMemberGUID(memberID, channelID) : memberGUID
- C_VoiceChat.GetMemberID(channelID, memberGUID) : memberID
- C_VoiceChat.GetMemberInfo(memberID, channelID) : memberInfo
- C_VoiceChat.GetMemberName(memberID, channelID) : memberName
- C_VoiceChat.GetMemberVolume(playerLocation) : volume
- C_VoiceChat.GetOutputVolume() : volume
- C_VoiceChat.GetProcesses() : processes
- C_VoiceChat.GetPTTButtonPressedState() : isPressed
- C_VoiceChat.GetPushToTalkBinding() : keys
- C_VoiceChat.GetVADSensitivity() : sensitivity
- C_VoiceChat.IsChannelJoinPending(channelType [, clubId, streamId]) : isPending
- C_VoiceChat.IsDeafened() : isDeafened
- C_VoiceChat.IsEnabled() : isEnabled
- C_VoiceChat.IsLoggedIn() : isLoggedIn
- C_VoiceChat.IsMemberLocalPlayer(memberID, channelID) : isLocalPlayer
- C_VoiceChat.IsMemberMuted(playerLocation) : mutedForMe
- C_VoiceChat.IsMemberMutedForAll(memberID, channelID) : mutedForAll
- C_VoiceChat.IsMemberSilenced(memberID, channelID) : silenced
- C_VoiceChat.IsMuted() : isMuted
- C_VoiceChat.IsParentalDisabled() : isParentalDisabled
- C_VoiceChat.IsParentalMuted() : isParentalMuted
- C_VoiceChat.IsPlayerUsingVoice(playerLocation) : isUsingVoice
- C_VoiceChat.IsSilenced() : isSilenced
- C_VoiceChat.LeaveChannel(channelID)
- C_VoiceChat.Login() : status
- C_VoiceChat.Logout() : status
- C_VoiceChat.MarkChannelsDiscovered()
- C_VoiceChat.RequestJoinAndActivateCommunityStreamChannel(clubId, streamId)
- C_VoiceChat.RequestJoinChannelByChannelType(channelType [, autoActivate])
- C_VoiceChat.SetCommunicationMode(communicationMode)
- C_VoiceChat.SetDeafened(isDeafened)
- C_VoiceChat.SetInputDevice(deviceID)
- C_VoiceChat.SetInputVolume(volume)
- C_VoiceChat.SetMasterVolumeScale(scale)
- C_VoiceChat.SetMemberMuted(playerLocation, muted)
- C_VoiceChat.SetMemberVolume(playerLocation, volume)
- C_VoiceChat.SetMuted(isMuted)
- C_VoiceChat.SetOutputDevice(deviceID)
- C_VoiceChat.SetOutputVolume(volume)
- C_VoiceChat.SetPortraitTexture(textureObject, memberID, channelID)
- C_VoiceChat.SetPushToTalkBinding(keys)
- C_VoiceChat.SetVADSensitivity(sensitivity)
- C_VoiceChat.ShouldDiscoverChannels() : shouldDiscoverChannels
- C_VoiceChat.ToggleDeafened()
- C_VoiceChat.ToggleMemberMuted(playerLocation)
- C_VoiceChat.ToggleMuted()
- ChannelSetAllSilent([channelNumber | channelName], memberName, silenceOn)
- ChannelSetPartyMemberSilent(partyMemberName, silenceOn)
- IsChatChannelRaid()
Text-to-Speech was added in Patch 9.1.0
- C_VoiceChat.ActivateChannelTranscription(channelID)
- C_VoiceChat.DeactivateChannelTranscription(channelID)
- C_VoiceChat.GetRemoteTtsVoices() : ttsVoices
- C_VoiceChat.GetTtsVoices() : ttsVoices
- C_VoiceChat.IsSpeakForMeActive() : isActive
- C_VoiceChat.IsSpeakForMeAllowed() : isAllowed
- C_VoiceChat.IsTranscriptionAllowed() : isAllowed
- C_VoiceChat.SpeakRemoteTextSample(text)
- C_VoiceChat.SpeakText(voiceID, text, destination, rate, volume)
- C_VoiceChat.StopSpeakingText()
- C_TTSSettings.GetChannelEnabled(channelInfo) : enabled
- C_TTSSettings.GetCharacterSettingsSaved() : settingsBeenSaved
- C_TTSSettings.GetChatTypeEnabled(chatName) : enabled
- C_TTSSettings.GetSetting(setting) : enabled
- C_TTSSettings.GetSpeechRate() : rate
- C_TTSSettings.GetSpeechVolume() : volume
- C_TTSSettings.GetVoiceOptionID(voiceType) : voiceID
- C_TTSSettings.GetVoiceOptionName(voiceType) : voiceName
- C_TTSSettings.MarkCharacterSettingsSaved()
- C_TTSSettings.SetChannelEnabled(channelInfo [, newVal])
- C_TTSSettings.SetChannelKeyEnabled(channelKey [, newVal])
- C_TTSSettings.SetChatTypeEnabled(chatName [, newVal])
- C_TTSSettings.SetDefaultSettings()
- C_TTSSettings.SetSetting(setting [, newVal])
- C_TTSSettings.SetSpeechRate(newVal)
- C_TTSSettings.SetSpeechVolume(newVal)
- C_TTSSettings.SetVoiceOption(voiceType, voiceID)
- C_TTSSettings.SetVoiceOptionName(voiceType, voiceName)
- C_TTSSettings.ShouldOverrideMessage(language, messageText) : overrideMessage
- Dismount() - Dismounts the character.
- GetBindLocation() - Returns the subzone the character's Hearthstone is set to.
- GetComboPoints() - Returns the amount of current combo points.
- GetCurrentLevelFeatures(level) - For Level Up Display
- GetCurrentTitle() - Returns the current title.
- GetMirrorTimerInfo(id) - Returns info for the mirror timer, e.g. fatigue, breath and feign death.
- GetMirrorTimerProgress(id) - Returns the current value of the mirror timer.
- GetMoney() - Returns the amount of money the player character owns.
- GetNumTitles() - Returns the number of titles, specifically the highest title ID.
- GetRestState() - Returns if the character is in a rested or normal state.
- GetRuneCooldown(id) - Returns the Death Knight's cooldown info for the specified rune.
- GetRuneCount(slot) - Returns the Death Knight's number of runes for a slot.
- GetSheathState() - Returns which type of weapon the player currently has unsheathed.
- GetSpellsForCharacterUpgradeTier(tierIndex) - For Level Up Display
- GetTimeToWellRested()
- GetTitleName(titleId) - Returns the name of a player title.
- GetXPExhaustion() - Returns the amount of current rested XP for the character.
- HasFullControl()
- IsChatAFK()
- IsChatDND()
- IsEncounterInProgress()
- IsFalling() - Returns true if the character is currently falling.
- IsFlyableArea() - Returns true if the current zone is a flyable area.
- IsFlying() - Returns true if the character is currently on a flying mount.
- IsIndoors() - Returns true if the character is currently indoors.
- IsInsane() - Used for the Insanity bar
- IsMounted() - Returns true if the character is currently mounted.
- IsOutOfBounds() - Returns true if the player is currently outside of map boundaries.
- IsOutdoors() - Returns true if the character is currently outdoors.
- IsPlayerInWorld()
- IsPlayerNeutral()
- IsResting() - Returns true if the character is currently resting.
- IsStealthed() - Returns true if the character is currently stealthed.
- IsSubmerged()
- IsSwimming() - Returns true if the character is currently swimming.
- IsThreatWarningEnabled() - Returns true if threat warnings are currently enabled.
- IsTitleKnown(index) - Returns true if the character can use a player title.
- IsXPUserDisabled() - Returns 1 if the character has disabled experience gain.
- RandomRoll(min, max) - Performs a random roll between two values.
- SetCurrentTitle(titleId)
- Sets the player's displayed title. - ToggleSheath() - Toggles sheathed or unsheathed weapons.
Paper Doll[]
Relates to the Paper doll (also known as Character sheet).
- C_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectiveness(armor, attackerLevel) : effectiveness
- C_PaperDollInfo.GetArmorEffectivenessAgainstTarget(armor) : effectiveness
- C_PaperDollInfo.GetInspectItemLevel(unit) : equippedItemLevel - Returns the average item level for the unit being inspected.
- C_PaperDollInfo.GetMinItemLevel() : minItemLevel
- C_PaperDollInfo.GetStaggerPercentage(unit) : stagger, staggerAgainstTarget
- C_PaperDollInfo.OffhandHasShield() : offhandHasShield
- C_PaperDollInfo.OffhandHasWeapon() : offhandHasWeapon
- CanDualWield()
- GetAttackPowerForStat(stat, value) - Returns the amount of attack power contributed by a specific amount of a stat.
- GetAvoidance()
- GetBlockChance() - Returns the block chance percentage.
- GetCombatRating(ratingID) - Returns a specific combat rating.
- GetCombatRatingBonus(ratingID) - Returns the bonus percentage for a specific combat rating.
- GetCombatRatingBonusForCombatRatingValue(ratingIndex, value)
- GetCritChance() - Returns the melee critical hit chance percentage.
- GetCritChanceProvidesParryEffect()
- GetDodgeChance() - Returns the dodge chance percentage.
- GetDodgeChanceFromAttribute()
- GetExpertise() - Returns the player's expertise percentage for main hand, offhand and ranged attacks.
- GetHaste() - Returns the player's haste percentage.
- GetHitModifier()
- GetLifesteal()
- GetManaRegen() - Returns the mana regeneration per second.
- GetMastery() - Returns the base mastery percentage.
- GetMasteryEffect() - Returns the effective mastery percentage.
- GetMaxCombatRatingBonus(ratingIndex)
- GetMeleeHaste() - Returns the player's melee haste percentage.
- GetModResilienceDamageReduction()
- GetOverrideAPBySpellPower()
- GetOverrideSpellPowerByAP()
- GetParryChance() - Returns the parry chance percentage.
- GetParryChanceFromAttribute()
- GetPetMeleeHaste()
- GetPetSpellBonusDamage()
- GetPowerRegen() - Returns normal and combat power regeneration rates.
- GetPowerRegenForPowerType(POWER_TYPE)
- GetPVPGearStatRules()
- GetPvpPowerDamage()
- GetPvpPowerHealing()
- GetRangedCritChance() - Returns the ranged critical hit chance.
- GetRangedHaste()
- GetShieldBlock()
- GetSpeed()
- GetSpellBonusDamage(spellTreeID) - Returns the raw spell damage bonus for the specified spell tree.
- GetSpellBonusHealing() - Returns the raw spell healing bonus.
- GetSpellCritChance(school) - Returns the critical hit chance for the specified spell school.
- GetSpellHitModifier()
- GetSpellPenetration()
- GetSturdiness()
- GetUnitHealthModifier(unit)
- GetUnitMaxHealthModifier(unit)
- GetUnitPowerModifier(unit)
- GetVersatilityBonus(COMBAT_RATING)
- HasAPEffectsSpellPower()
- HasDualWieldPenalty()
- HasIgnoreDualWieldWeapon()
- HasSPEffectsAttackPower()
- IsDualWielding()
- IsRangedWeapon()
- PlayerEffectiveAttackPower()
- ResistancePercent(resistance, casterLevel)
Equipment Manager[]
The Equipment Manager was added in Patch 3.1.2
- C_EquipmentSet.AssignSpecToEquipmentSet(equipmentSetID, specIndex) - Assigns an equipment set to a specialization.
- C_EquipmentSet.CanUseEquipmentSets() : canUseEquipmentSets - Returns whether any equipment sets can be used.
- C_EquipmentSet.ClearIgnoredSlotsForSave() - Clears ignored slots for saving.
- C_EquipmentSet.CreateEquipmentSet(equipmentSetName [, icon]) - Creates an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.DeleteEquipmentSet(equipmentSetID) - Deletes an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.EquipmentSetContainsLockedItems(equipmentSetID) : hasLockedItems - Returns whether an equipment set has locked items
- C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetAssignedSpec(equipmentSetID) : specIndex - Returns the specialization assigned to an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetForSpec(specIndex) : equipmentSetID - Returns the equipment set currently assigned to a specific specialization.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetID(equipmentSetName) : equipmentSetID - Returns the set ID of an equipment set with the specified name.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetIDs() : equipmentSetIDs - Returns an array containing all currently saved equipment set IDs.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetEquipmentSetInfo(equipmentSetID) : name, iconFileID, setID, isEquipped, numItems, numEquipped, numInInventory, numLost, numIgnored - Returns information about a saved equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetIgnoredSlots(equipmentSetID) : slotIgnored - Returns ignored slots of an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetItemIDs(equipmentSetID) : itemIDs - Returns the item IDs of an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetItemLocations(equipmentSetID) : locations - Returns the location of all items in an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.GetNumEquipmentSets() : numEquipmentSets - Returns the number of saved equipment sets.
- C_EquipmentSet.IgnoreSlotForSave(slot) - Ignores an equipment slot for saving.
- C_EquipmentSet.IsSlotIgnoredForSave(slot) : isSlotIgnored - Returns whether a slot is ignored for saving.
- C_EquipmentSet.ModifyEquipmentSet(equipmentSetID, newName [, newIcon]) - Modifies an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.PickupEquipmentSet(equipmentSetID) - Picks up an equipment set, placing it on the cursor.
- C_EquipmentSet.SaveEquipmentSet(equipmentSetID [, icon]) - Saves your currently equipped items into an equipment set.
- C_EquipmentSet.UnassignEquipmentSetSpec(equipmentSetID) - Unassigns an equipment set from a specialization.
- C_EquipmentSet.UnignoreSlotForSave(slot) - Unignores a slot for saving.
- C_EquipmentSet.UseEquipmentSet(equipmentSetID) : setWasEquipped
- Equips items from a specified equipment set. - GetInventoryItemEquippedUnusable(unit, slot)
- GetInventoryItemsForSlot(slot, returnTable [, transmogrify])
- EquipmentManager_UnpackLocation()
- Unpacks a location integer to determine the actual inventory location.
Dressing Room[]
The Dressing room was added in Patch 1.7.0
- DressUpItemLink(itemLink)
- Shows the Dressing Room with the given item equipped. - DressUpMountLink(itemLink | spellLink)
- Shows the Dressing Room for the mount. - DressUpTransmogLink(transmogLink)
- Shows the Dressing Room for transmog appearance or illusion. - SetDressUpBackground(frame, fileName, atlasPostfix)
Transmogrification was added in Patch 4.3.0. See also Appearances functions.
- C_Transmog.ApplyAllPending([currentSpecOnly]) : requestSent - Confirms all pending transmogs.
- C_Transmog.CanHaveSecondaryAppearanceForSlotID(slotID) : canHaveSecondaryAppearance
- C_Transmog.CanTransmogItem(itemInfo) : canBeTransmogged, selfFailureReason, canTransmogOthers, othersFailureReason
- C_Transmog.CanTransmogItemWithItem(targetItemInfo, sourceItemInfo) : canTransmog, failureReason - Returns whether an item can be transmogrified to look like another item.
- C_Transmog.ClearAllPending()
- C_Transmog.ClearPending(transmogLocation) - Clears an equipment slot of pending transmogs.
- C_Transmog.Close()
- C_Transmog.ExtractTransmogIDList(input) : transmogIDList
- C_Transmog.GetApplyCost() : cost
- C_Transmog.GetApplyWarnings() : warnings
- C_Transmog.GetBaseCategory(transmogID) : categoryID
- C_Transmog.GetCreatureDisplayIDForSource(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : creatureDisplayID
- C_Transmog.GetItemIDForSource(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : itemID
- C_Transmog.GetPending(transmogLocation) : pendingInfo
- C_Transmog.GetSlotEffectiveCategory(transmogLocation) : categoryID
- C_Transmog.GetSlotForInventoryType(inventoryType) : slot - Returns the equipment slot for an inventory type.
- C_Transmog.GetSlotInfo(transmogLocation) : isTransmogrified, hasPending, isPendingCollected, canTransmogrify, cannotTransmogrifyReason, hasUndo, isHideVisual, texture
- C_Transmog.GetSlotUseError(transmogLocation) : errorCode, errorString
- C_Transmog.GetSlotVisualInfo(transmogLocation) : baseSourceID, baseVisualID, appliedSourceID, appliedVisualID, pendingSourceID, pendingVisualID, hasUndo, isHideVisual, itemSubclass
- C_Transmog.IsAtTransmogNPC() : isAtNPC
- C_Transmog.IsSlotBeingCollapsed(transmogLocation) : isBeingCollapsed
- C_Transmog.LoadOutfit(outfitID)
- C_Transmog.SetPending(transmogLocation, pendingInfo)
- C_Item.CanItemTransmogAppearance(itemLoc) : canTransmog, errorCode
- C_Item.GetAppliedItemTransmogInfo(itemLoc) : info
- C_Item.GetBaseItemTransmogInfo(itemLoc) : info
- C_Item.GetCurrentItemTransmogInfo(itemLoc) : info
- C_Item.IsDressableItemByID(itemInfo) : isDressableItem
- IsCosmeticItem()
Barber Shop[]
The Barbershop was added in Patch 3.0.2 and reworked in patch Patch 9.0.1
- C_BarberShop.ApplyCustomizationChoices() : success
- C_BarberShop.Cancel()
- C_BarberShop.ClearPreviewChoices([clearSavedChoices])
- C_BarberShop.GetAvailableCustomizations() : categories
- C_BarberShop.GetCurrentCameraZoom() : zoomLevel
- C_BarberShop.GetCurrentCharacterData() : characterData
- C_BarberShop.GetCurrentCost() : cost
- C_BarberShop.HasAnyChanges() : hasChanges
- C_BarberShop.IsViewingAlteredForm() : isViewingAlteredForm
- C_BarberShop.MarkCustomizationChoiceAsSeen(choiceID)
- C_BarberShop.MarkCustomizationOptionAsSeen(optionID)
- C_BarberShop.PreviewCustomizationChoice(optionID, choiceID)
- C_BarberShop.RandomizeCustomizationChoices()
- C_BarberShop.ResetCameraRotation()
- C_BarberShop.ResetCustomizationChoices()
- C_BarberShop.RotateCamera(diffDegrees)
- C_BarberShop.SaveSeenChoices()
- C_BarberShop.SetCameraDistanceOffset(offset)
- C_BarberShop.SetCameraZoomLevel(zoomLevel [, keepCustomZoom])
- C_BarberShop.SetCustomizationChoice(optionID, choiceID)
- C_BarberShop.SetModelDressState(dressedState)
- C_BarberShop.SetSelectedSex(sex)
- C_BarberShop.SetViewingAlteredForm(isViewingAlteredForm)
- C_BarberShop.SetViewingShapeshiftForm([shapeshiftFormID])
- C_BarberShop.ZoomCamera(zoomAmount)
Relates to in-game cinematics/cutscenes.
- CanCancelScene()
- CancelScene()
- InCinematic()
- IsInCinematicScene()
- MouseOverrideCinematicDisable()
- OpeningCinematic() - Shows the opening cinematic for a player's race. Only works as long as the player has earned zero exp.
- StopCinematic()
Relates to pre-rendered movies.
- CancelPreloadingMovie(movieId)
- GetMovieDownloadProgress(movieId)
- GameMovieFinished() - Ends the movie.
- IsMovieLocal(movieId)
- IsMoviePlayable(movieId) - Returns true if the specified movie exists and can be played.
- PreloadMovie(movieId)
- MovieFrame_PlayMovie(MovieFrame, movieID)
- Plays a movie.
- C_ClassColor.GetClassColor(className) : classColor - Returns a ColorMixin for a class.
- C_CreatureInfo.GetClassInfo(classID) : classInfo - Returns info for a class by ID.
- FillLocalizedClassList(classTable [, isFemale]) - Fills a table with localized male or female class names.
- GetClassInfo(index) - Returns information about a class.
- GetNumClasses() - Returns the number of player classes in the game.
- IsDemonHunterAvailable()
- GetClassColor(classFilename)
- Returns a class color from RAID_CLASS_COLORS.
Relates to Specializations.
- C_SpecializationInfo.CanPlayerUsePVPTalentUI() : canUse, failureReason
- C_SpecializationInfo.CanPlayerUseTalentSpecUI() : canUse, failureReason
- C_SpecializationInfo.CanPlayerUseTalentUI() : canUse, failureReason
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetAllSelectedPvpTalentIDs() : selectedPvpTalentIDs
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetInspectSelectedPvpTalent(inspectedUnit, talentIndex) : selectedTalentID
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetPvpTalentAlertStatus() : hasUnspentSlot, hasNewTalent
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetPvpTalentSlotInfo(talentIndex) : slotInfo
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetPvpTalentSlotUnlockLevel(talentIndex) : requiredLevel
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetPvpTalentUnlockLevel(talentID) : requiredLevel
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetSpecIDs(specSetID) : specIDs
- C_SpecializationInfo.GetSpellsDisplay(specializationID) : spellID
- C_SpecializationInfo.IsInitialized() : isSpecializationDataInitialized
- C_SpecializationInfo.IsPvpTalentLocked(talentID) : locked
- C_SpecializationInfo.MatchesCurrentSpecSet(specSetID) : matches
- C_SpecializationInfo.SetPvpTalentLocked(talentID, locked)
- AreTalentsLocked()
- ClearFailedPVPTalentIDs()
- ClearFailedTalentIDs()
- ConfirmTalentWipe() - Confirms freeing all talent points.
- GetActiveSpecGroup([isInspect]) - Returns the index of the current active specialization/talent/glyph group.
- GetFailedPVPTalentIDs()
- GetFailedTalentIDs()
- GetMaxTalentTier() - Returns the number of available talent tiers.
- GetNumSpecGroups([isInspect]) - Returns the number of specialization group (dual specs) the player has.
- GetNumSpecializations([isInspect, isPet]) - Returns the number of available specializations.
- GetNumSpecializationsForClassID(classID) - Returns the number of specializations available to a particular class.
- GetNumUnspentPvpTalents()
- GetNumUnspentTalents() - Returns the number of unspent talents.
- GetPetTalentTree()
- GetPrimarySpecialization()
- GetPvpTalentInfoByID(talentID [, specGroupIndex, isInspect, inspectUnit])
- GetPvpTalentInfoBySpecialization()
- GetPvpTalentLink()
- GetSetBonusesForSpecializationByItemID(specID, itemID)
- GetSpecChangeCost()
- GetSpecialization([isInspect, isPet, specGroup]) - Returns the index of the player's current specialization.
- GetSpecializationInfo(specIndex [, isInspect, isPet, inspectTarget, sex]) - Returns info for a specialization.
- GetSpecializationInfoByID(specID) - Returns information about the specified specialization.
- GetSpecializationInfoForClassID(classID, specIndex) - Returns information about the specified specialization.
- GetSpecializationInfoForSpecID(specID [, sex])
- GetSpecializationMasterySpells(specIndex [, isInspect, isPet]) - Returns the mastery spell ID of the specified specialization.
- GetSpecializationNameForSpecID(specID [, sex])
- GetSpecializationRole(specIndex [, isInspect, isPet]) - Returns the role a specialization is intended to perform.
- GetSpecializationRoleByID(specID) - Returns the role a specialization is intended to perform.
- GetSpecializationSpells(specIndex [, isInspect, isPet]) - Returns the spells learned as part of the specified specialization.
- GetSpecsForSpell(spellName or spellIndex, bookType) - Returns the specs for which the specified spell can be used.
- GetTalentInfo(tier, column, specGroupIndex [, isInspect, inspectUnit]) - Returns info for the specified talent.
- GetTalentInfoByID(talentID, specGroupIndex [, isInspect, inspectUnit]) - Returns information about a talent.
- GetTalentInfoBySpecialization(specGroupIndex, tier, column)
- GetTalentLink(talentID [, isInspect, specGroup, inspectID, classID]) - Returns the talent link.
- GetTalentTierInfo(tier)
- IsPvpTalentSpell()
- IsSpellClassOrSpec(spellName or spellIndex, bookType) - Returns whether a given spell is specific to a specialization and/or class.
- IsTalentSpell(slot, bookType) - Returns true if the specified spell is learned from a talent.
- LearnPvpTalent()
- LearnPvpTalents()
- LearnTalent(talentID)
- LearnTalents(talentID1, talentID2, ...)
- Learns the talents listed. - RemovePvpTalent()
- RemoveTalent(talentID)
- Removes the specified talent. - SetSpecialization(specIndex [, isPet])
- Selects a specialization. - UnlearnSpecialization(specIndex [, isPet])
Shaman totems[]
- DestroyTotem(slot)
- Destroys a totem/minion. - GetMultiCastTotemSpells(totemslot) - Returns a list of valid spells for a totem bar slot.
- GetTotemCannotDismiss(slot)
- GetTotemInfo(slot) - Returns info for the specified totem.
- GetTotemTimeLeft(slot)
- TargetTotem(slot)
- SetMultiCastSpell(actionID, spellID)
- Sets the totem spell for a specific totem bar slot.
Druid shapeshift forms[]
- CancelShapeshiftForm()
- Cancels a shapeshift form. - CastShapeshiftForm(index)
- GetNumShapeshiftForms()
- GetShapeshiftForm(unknown) - Returns the zero-based index of current form/stance.
- GetShapeshiftFormCooldown(index)
- GetShapeshiftFormID() - Returns the ID of the form or stance the player is currently in.
- GetShapeshiftFormInfo(index) - Returns info for an available form or stance.
- C_StableInfo.GetNumActivePets() : numActivePets
- C_StableInfo.GetNumStablePets() : numStablePets
The Collections window was added in Patch 5.0.4
Mount Journal[]
The Mount Journal was added in Patch 6.0.2
- C_MountJournal.ClearFanfare(mountID)
- C_MountJournal.ClearRecentFanfares()
- C_MountJournal.Dismiss() - Dismisses the currently summoned mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetCollectedFilterSetting(filterIndex) : isChecked - Indicates whether the specified mount journal filter is enabled.
- C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountAllCreatureDisplayInfo(mountIndex) : allDisplayInfo - Returns all display IDs for a mount by index.
- C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfo(displayIndex) : name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isForDragonriding - Returns information about the specified mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetDisplayedMountInfoExtra(mountIndex) : creatureDisplayInfoID, description, source, isSelfMount, mountTypeID, uiModelSceneID, animID, spellVisualKitID, disablePlayerMountPreview - Returns extra information about the specified mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetIsFavorite(mountIndex) : isFavorite, canSetFavorite - Indicates whether the specified mount is marked as a favorite.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountAllCreatureDisplayInfoByID(mountID) : allDisplayInfo - Returns the display IDs for a mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountFromItem(itemID) : mountID - Returns the mount for an item ID.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountFromSpell(spellID) : mountID - Returns the mount for a spell ID.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountIDs() : mountIDs - Returns the IDs of mounts listed in the mount journal.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoByID(mountID) : name, spellID, icon, isActive, isUsable, sourceType, isFavorite, isFactionSpecific, faction, shouldHideOnChar, isCollected, mountID, isForDragonriding - Returns information about the specified mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtraByID(mountID) : creatureDisplayInfoID, description, source, isSelfMount, mountTypeID, uiModelSceneID, animID, spellVisualKitID, disablePlayerMountPreview - Returns extra information about the specified mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountUsabilityByID(mountID, checkIndoors) : isUsable, useError - Returns if a mount is currently usable by the player.
- C_MountJournal.GetNumDisplayedMounts() : numMounts - Returns the number of (filtered) mounts shown in the mount journal.
- C_MountJournal.GetNumMounts() : numMounts - Returns the number of mounts listed in the mount journal.
- C_MountJournal.GetNumMountsNeedingFanfare() : numMountsNeedingFanfare
- C_MountJournal.IsSourceChecked(filterIndex) : isChecked
- C_MountJournal.IsTypeChecked(filterIndex) : isChecked
- C_MountJournal.IsUsingDefaultFilters() : isUsingDefaultFilters
- C_MountJournal.IsValidSourceFilter(filterIndex) : isValid
- C_MountJournal.IsValidTypeFilter(filterIndex) : isValid
- C_MountJournal.NeedsFanfare(mountID) : needsFanfare
- C_MountJournal.Pickup(displayIndex) - Picks up the specified mount onto the cursor, usually in preparation for placing it on an action button.
- C_MountJournal.SetAllSourceFilters(isChecked)
- C_MountJournal.SetAllTypeFilters(isChecked)
- C_MountJournal.SetCollectedFilterSetting(filterIndex, isChecked) - Enables or disables the specified mount journal filter.
- C_MountJournal.SetDefaultFilters()
- C_MountJournal.SetIsFavorite(mountIndex, isFavorite) - Marks or unmarks the specified mount as a favorite.
- C_MountJournal.SetSearch(searchValue)
- C_MountJournal.SetSourceFilter(filterIndex, isChecked)
- C_MountJournal.SetTypeFilter(filterIndex, isChecked)
- C_MountJournal.SummonByID(mountID) - Summons the specified mount.
Mount equipment was added in Patch 8.2.0
- C_MountJournal.ApplyMountEquipment(itemLocation) : canContinue
- C_MountJournal.AreMountEquipmentEffectsSuppressed() : areEffectsSuppressed
- C_MountJournal.GetAppliedMountEquipmentID() : itemID
- C_MountJournal.GetMountEquipmentUnlockLevel() : level
- C_MountJournal.IsItemMountEquipment(itemLocation) : isMountEquipment
- C_MountJournal.IsMountEquipmentApplied() : isApplied
- C_PlayerInfo.CanPlayerUseMountEquipment() : canUseMountEquipment, failureReason - Returns true if the player can use mount equipment.
The old companion API (non-combat pets and mounts) was added in Patch 3.0.2
- CallCompanion(type, slotid)
- Summons a companion. - DismissCompanion(type)
- Dismisses the current companion. - GetCompanionInfo(type, slotid)
- Returns info for a companion. - GetNumCompanions(type)
- Returns the number of mounts. - SummonRandomCritter()
- No longer does anything.
Pet Journal[]
The Pet Journal was added in Patch 5.0.4. See also Pet Battle functions.
- C_PetInfo.GetPetTamersForMap(uiMapID) : petTamers - Returns the pet tamers on a map.
- C_PetJournal.CagePetByID(petID) - Puts the pet into a cage.
- C_PetJournal.ClearFanfare()
- C_PetJournal.ClearRecentFanfares()
- C_PetJournal.ClearSearchFilter() - Clears the search box in the pet journal.
- C_PetJournal.FindPetIDByName()
- C_PetJournal.GetBattlePetLink(petID) - Returns a battle pet link.
- C_PetJournal.GetDisplayIDByIndex(speciesID, index) : displayID
- C_PetJournal.GetDisplayProbabilityByIndex(speciesID, index) : displayProbability
- C_PetJournal.GetNumCollectedInfo(speciesID) : numCollected, limit
- C_PetJournal.GetNumDisplays(speciesID) : numDisplays
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPets() - Returns information about the number of battle pets.
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPetsNeedingFanfare()
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPetSources() - Returns information about the number of pet sources.
- C_PetJournal.GetNumPetTypes() - Returns information about the number of pet types.
- C_PetJournal.GetOwnedBattlePetString(speciesID) - Returns a formatted string how many of a battle pet species the player has collected.
- C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityInfo(abilityID) : name, icon, petType
- C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityList(speciesID [, idTable, levelTable])
- C_PetJournal.GetPetAbilityListTable(speciesID) : info
- C_PetJournal.GetPetCooldownByGUID()
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByIndex(index) - Returns information about a battle pet.
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByItemID(itemID)
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoByPetID(petID) - Returns information about a battle pet.
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoBySpeciesID(speciesID) - Returns information about a pet species.
- C_PetJournal.GetPetInfoTableByPetID(petID) : info
- C_PetJournal.GetPetLoadOutInfo(slot) : petID, ability1ID, ability2ID, ability3ID, locked
- C_PetJournal.GetPetModelSceneInfoBySpeciesID(speciesID)
- C_PetJournal.GetPetSortParameter()
- C_PetJournal.GetPetStats(petID) - Returns the stats of a collected battle pet.
- C_PetJournal.GetPetSummonInfo(battlePetGUID) : isSummonable, error, errorText
- C_PetJournal.GetPetTeamAverageLevel()
- C_PetJournal.GetSummonBattlePetCooldown()
- C_PetJournal.GetSummonedPetGUID() - Returns information about a battle pet.
- C_PetJournal.GetSummonRandomFavoritePetGUID()
- C_PetJournal.IsFilterChecked()
- C_PetJournal.IsFindBattleEnabled()
- C_PetJournal.IsJournalReadOnly()
- C_PetJournal.IsJournalUnlocked()
- C_PetJournal.IsPetSourceChecked()
- C_PetJournal.IsPetTypeChecked()
- C_PetJournal.IsUsingDefaultFilters() : isUsingDefaultFilters
- C_PetJournal.PetCanBeReleased(petID) - Returns true if you can release the pet.
- C_PetJournal.PetIsCapturable(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PetIsFavorite(petID) - Returns true if the collected battle pet is favorited.
- C_PetJournal.PetIsHurt(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PetIsLockedForConvert(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PetIsRevoked(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PetIsSlotted(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PetIsSummonable(battlePetGUID) : isSummonable - Returns true if you can summon this pet.
- C_PetJournal.PetIsTradable(petID) - Returns whether or not a pet from the Pet Journal is tradable.
- C_PetJournal.PetIsUsable(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PetNeedsFanfare()
- C_PetJournal.PetUsesRandomDisplay(speciesID) : usesRandomDisplay
- C_PetJournal.PickupPet(petID)
- C_PetJournal.PickupSummonRandomPet()
- C_PetJournal.ReleasePetByID(petID) - Releases the pet.
- C_PetJournal.SetAbility(slotIndex, spellIndex, petSpellID)
- C_PetJournal.SetAllPetSourcesChecked()
- C_PetJournal.SetAllPetTypesChecked()
- C_PetJournal.SetCustomName(petID, customName) - Sets a custom name for the pet.
- C_PetJournal.SetDefaultFilters()
- C_PetJournal.SetFavorite(petID, value) - Sets (or clears) the pet as a favorite.
- C_PetJournal.SetFilterChecked()
- C_PetJournal.SetPetLoadOutInfo(slotIndex, petID)
- C_PetJournal.SetPetSortParameter()
- C_PetJournal.SetPetSourceChecked()
- C_PetJournal.SetPetTypeFilter(index, value) - Sets the pet type in the filter menu.
- C_PetJournal.SetSearchFilter(text) - Sets the search filter in the pet journal.
- C_PetJournal.SummonPetByGUID(petID)
- Summons (or dismisses) a pet. - C_PetJournal.SummonRandomPet(allPets)
- Summons a random battle pet companion.
Toy Box[]
The Toy Box was added in Patch 6.0.2
- C_ToyBox.ForceToyRefilter()
- C_ToyBox.GetCollectedShown()
- C_ToyBox.GetIsFavorite(itemID)
- C_ToyBox.GetNumFilteredToys()
- C_ToyBox.GetNumLearnedDisplayedToys()
- C_ToyBox.GetNumTotalDisplayedToys()
- C_ToyBox.GetNumToys()
- C_ToyBox.GetToyFromIndex(index)
- C_ToyBox.GetToyInfo(itemID) - Returns toy info.
- C_ToyBox.GetToyLink(itemID) - Returns the item link for a toy.
- C_ToyBox.GetUncollectedShown()
- C_ToyBox.GetUnusableShown()
- C_ToyBox.HasFavorites()
- C_ToyBox.IsExpansionTypeFilterChecked(expansionIndex)
- C_ToyBox.IsSourceTypeFilterChecked(sourceIndex)
- C_ToyBox.IsToyUsable(itemID)
- C_ToyBox.PickupToyBoxItem(itemID)
- C_ToyBox.SetAllExpansionTypeFilters([checked])
- C_ToyBox.SetAllSourceTypeFilters(checked)
- C_ToyBox.SetCollectedShown(checked)
- C_ToyBox.SetExpansionTypeFilter(expansionIndex, checked)
- C_ToyBox.SetFilterString(searchString)
- C_ToyBox.SetIsFavorite(itemID, value)
- C_ToyBox.SetSourceTypeFilter(sourceIndex, checked)
- C_ToyBox.SetUncollectedShown(checked)
- C_ToyBox.SetUnusableShown(checked)
- C_ToyBoxInfo.ClearFanfare(itemID)
- C_ToyBoxInfo.IsToySourceValid(source) : isToySourceValid
- C_ToyBoxInfo.IsUsingDefaultFilters() : isUsingDefaultFilters
- C_ToyBoxInfo.NeedsFanfare(itemID) : needsFanfare
- C_ToyBoxInfo.SetDefaultFilters()
- PlayerHasToy(itemID)
- UseToy(itemID)
- UseToyByName(toyName)
Heirlooms were added in Patch 3.0.3 and added to the Collections window in Patch 6.1.0
- C_Heirloom.CanHeirloomUpgradeFromPending(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.CreateHeirloom(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.GetClassAndSpecFilters()
- C_Heirloom.GetCollectedHeirloomFilter()
- C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomInfo(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomItemIDFromDisplayedIndex(heirloomIndex)
- C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomItemIDs()
- C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomLink(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomMaxUpgradeLevel(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomSourceFilter(source)
- C_Heirloom.GetNumDisplayedHeirlooms()
- C_Heirloom.GetNumHeirlooms()
- C_Heirloom.GetNumKnownHeirlooms()
- C_Heirloom.GetUncollectedHeirloomFilter()
- C_Heirloom.IsItemHeirloom(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.IsPendingHeirloomUpgrade()
- C_Heirloom.PlayerHasHeirloom(itemID)
- C_Heirloom.SetClassAndSpecFilters(classID, specID)
- C_Heirloom.SetCollectedHeirloomFilter(boolean)
- C_Heirloom.SetHeirloomSourceFilter(source, filtered)
- C_Heirloom.SetSearch(searchValue)
- C_Heirloom.SetUncollectedHeirloomFilter(boolean)
- C_Heirloom.ShouldShowHeirloomHelp()
- C_Heirloom.UpgradeHeirloom(itemID)
- DoesItemContainSpec(item, classID [, specializationID])
- C_HeirloomInfo.AreAllCollectionFiltersChecked() : areAllCollectionFiltersChecked
- C_HeirloomInfo.AreAllSourceFiltersChecked() : areAllSourceFiltersChecked
- C_HeirloomInfo.IsHeirloomSourceValid(source) : isHeirloomSourceValid
- C_HeirloomInfo.IsUsingDefaultFilters() : isUsingDefaultFilters
- C_HeirloomInfo.SetAllCollectionFilters(checked)
- C_HeirloomInfo.SetAllSourceFilters(checked)
- C_HeirloomInfo.SetDefaultFilters()
The Appearances tab (also known as the Wardrobe) was added in Patch 7.0.3. See also Transmogrification functions.
- C_TransmogCollection.AccountCanCollectSource(sourceID) : hasItemData, canCollect
- C_TransmogCollection.AreAllCollectionTypeFiltersChecked() : areAllCollectionTypeFiltersChecked
- C_TransmogCollection.AreAllSourceTypeFiltersChecked() : areAllSourceTypeFiltersChecked
- C_TransmogCollection.CanAppearanceHaveIllusion(appearanceID) : canHaveIllusion
- C_TransmogCollection.ClearNewAppearance(visualID)
- C_TransmogCollection.ClearSearch(searchType) : completed
- C_TransmogCollection.DeleteOutfit(outfitID)
- C_TransmogCollection.EndSearch()
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAllAppearanceSources(itemAppearanceID) : itemModifiedAppearanceIDs
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceCameraID(itemAppearanceID [, variation]) : cameraID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceCameraIDBySource(itemModifiedAppearanceID [, variation]) : cameraID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceInfoBySource(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : info
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSourceDrops(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : encounterInfo
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSourceInfo(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : category, itemAppearanceID, canHaveIllusion, icon, isCollected, itemLink, transmoglink, sourceType, itemSubClass
- C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID [, categoryType, transmogLocation]) : sources
- C_TransmogCollection.GetArtifactAppearanceStrings(appearanceID) : name, hyperlink
- C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryAppearances(category [, transmogLocation]) : appearances
- C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryCollectedCount(category) : count
- C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryForItem(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : collectionCategory
- C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryInfo(category) : name, isWeapon, canHaveIllusions, canMainHand, canOffHand
- C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryTotal(category) : total
- C_TransmogCollection.GetCollectedShown() : shown
- C_TransmogCollection.GetFallbackWeaponAppearance() : appearanceID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetIllusionInfo(illusionID) : info
- C_TransmogCollection.GetIllusions() : illusions
- C_TransmogCollection.GetIllusionStrings(illusionID) : name, hyperlink, sourceText
- C_TransmogCollection.GetInspectItemTransmogInfoList() : list
- C_TransmogCollection.GetIsAppearanceFavorite(itemAppearanceID) : isFavorite
- C_TransmogCollection.GetItemInfo(itemInfo) : itemAppearanceID, itemModifiedAppearanceID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetItemTransmogInfoListFromOutfitHyperlink(hyperlink) : list
- C_TransmogCollection.GetLatestAppearance() : visualID, category
- C_TransmogCollection.GetNumMaxOutfits() : maxOutfits
- C_TransmogCollection.GetNumTransmogSources() : count
- C_TransmogCollection.GetOutfitHyperlinkFromItemTransmogInfoList(itemTransmogInfoList) : hyperlink
- C_TransmogCollection.GetOutfitInfo(outfitID) : name, icon
- C_TransmogCollection.GetOutfitItemTransmogInfoList(outfitID) : list
- C_TransmogCollection.GetOutfits() : outfitID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetPairedArtifactAppearance(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : pairedItemModifiedAppearanceID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetSourceIcon(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : icon
- C_TransmogCollection.GetSourceInfo(sourceID) : sourceInfo
- C_TransmogCollection.GetSourceItemID(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : itemID
- C_TransmogCollection.GetSourceRequiredHoliday(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : holidayName
- C_TransmogCollection.GetUncollectedShown() : shown
- C_TransmogCollection.HasFavorites() : hasFavorites
- C_TransmogCollection.IsAppearanceHiddenVisual(appearanceID) : isHiddenVisual
- C_TransmogCollection.IsCategoryValidForItem(category, itemInfo) : isValid
- C_TransmogCollection.IsNewAppearance(visualID) : isNew
- C_TransmogCollection.IsSearchDBLoading() : isLoading
- C_TransmogCollection.IsSearchInProgress(searchType) : inProgress
- C_TransmogCollection.IsSourceTypeFilterChecked(index) : checked
- C_TransmogCollection.IsUsingDefaultFilters() : isUsingDefaultFilters
- C_TransmogCollection.ModifyOutfit(outfitID, itemTransmogInfoList)
- C_TransmogCollection.NewOutfit(name, icon, itemTransmogInfoList) : outfitID
- C_TransmogCollection.PlayerCanCollectSource(sourceID) : hasItemData, canCollect
- C_TransmogCollection.PlayerHasTransmog(itemID [, itemAppearanceModID]) : hasTransmog
- C_TransmogCollection.PlayerHasTransmogByItemInfo(itemInfo) : hasTransmog
- C_TransmogCollection.PlayerHasTransmogItemModifiedAppearance(itemModifiedAppearanceID) : hasTransmog
- C_TransmogCollection.PlayerKnowsSource(sourceID) : isKnown
- C_TransmogCollection.RenameOutfit(outfitID, name)
- C_TransmogCollection.SearchProgress(searchType) : progress
- C_TransmogCollection.SearchSize(searchType) : size
- C_TransmogCollection.SetAllCollectionTypeFilters(checked)
- C_TransmogCollection.SetAllSourceTypeFilters(checked)
- C_TransmogCollection.SetCollectedShown(shown)
- C_TransmogCollection.SetDefaultFilters()
- C_TransmogCollection.SetIsAppearanceFavorite(itemAppearanceID, isFavorite)
- C_TransmogCollection.SetSearch(searchType, searchText) : completed
- C_TransmogCollection.SetSearchAndFilterCategory(category)
- C_TransmogCollection.SetSourceTypeFilter(index, checked)
- C_TransmogCollection.SetUncollectedShown(shown)
- C_TransmogCollection.UpdateUsableAppearances()
- C_TransmogSets.ClearLatestSource()
- C_TransmogSets.ClearNewSource(sourceID)
- C_TransmogSets.ClearSetNewSourcesForSlot(transmogSetID, slot)
- C_TransmogSets.GetAllSets() : sets
- C_TransmogSets.GetAllSourceIDs(transmogSetID) : sources
- C_TransmogSets.GetBaseSetID(transmogSetID) : baseTransmogSetID
- C_TransmogSets.GetBaseSets() : sets
- C_TransmogSets.GetBaseSetsCounts() : numCollected, numTotal
- C_TransmogSets.GetBaseSetsFilter(index) : isChecked
- C_TransmogSets.GetCameraIDs() : detailsCameraID, vendorCameraID
- C_TransmogSets.GetIsFavorite(transmogSetID) : isFavorite, isGroupFavorite
- C_TransmogSets.GetLatestSource() : sourceID
- C_TransmogSets.GetSetInfo(transmogSetID) : set
- C_TransmogSets.GetSetNewSources(transmogSetID) : sourceIDs
- C_TransmogSets.GetSetPrimaryAppearances(transmogSetID) : apppearances
- C_TransmogSets.GetSetsContainingSourceID(sourceID) : setIDs
- C_TransmogSets.GetSourceIDsForSlot(transmogSetID, slot) : sources
- C_TransmogSets.GetSourcesForSlot(transmogSetID, slot) : sources
- C_TransmogSets.GetUsableSets() : sets
- C_TransmogSets.GetVariantSets(transmogSetID) : sets
- C_TransmogSets.HasUsableSets() : hasUsableSets
- C_TransmogSets.IsBaseSetCollected(transmogSetID) : isCollected
- C_TransmogSets.IsNewSource(sourceID) : isNew
- C_TransmogSets.IsSetVisible(transmogSetID) : isVisible
- C_TransmogSets.IsUsingDefaultBaseSetsFilters() : isUsingDefaultBaseSetsFilters
- C_TransmogSets.SetBaseSetsFilter(index, isChecked)
- C_TransmogSets.SetDefaultBaseSetsFilters()
- C_TransmogSets.SetHasNewSources(transmogSetID) : hasNewSources
- C_TransmogSets.SetHasNewSourcesForSlot(transmogSetID, slot) : hasNewSources
- C_TransmogSets.SetIsFavorite(transmogSetID, isFavorite)
- IsUnitModelReadyForUI(unitToken) : isReady
Combat Log[]
Relates to the Combat Log.
- CombatLogAddFilter([eList, sourceFlags, destFlags])
- CombatLogAdvanceEntry(count [, ignoreFilter])
- CombatLogClearEntries()
- CombatLogGetCurrentEntry()
- CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() - Returns the current COMBAT_LOG_EVENT payload.
- CombatLogGetNumEntries()
- CombatLogGetRetentionTime()
- CombatLogResetFilter()
- CombatLogSetCurrentEntry(index [, ignoreFilter])
- CombatLogSetRetentionTime(seconds)
- CombatLog_Object_IsA()
- CombatTextSetActiveUnit(unit) - Changes the entity for which COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE events fire.
- GetCurrentCombatTextEventInfo()
Combat Pets[]
Relates to Combat Pets.
- CancelPetPossess()
- CastPetAction(index)
- Cast the corresponding pet skill. - DisableSpellAutocast() - Disables autocasting for a pet spell.
- EnableSpellAutocast() - Enables autocasting for a pet spell.
- GetCallPetSpellInfo(spellID)
- GetPetActionCooldown(index) - Returns cooldown info for an action on the pet action bar.
- GetPetActionInfo(index) - Returns info for an action on the pet action bar.
- GetPetActionSlotUsable(slot)
- GetPetActionsUsable() - Returns a value indicating if the player's pet's actions can be used at this time.
- GetPetExperience() - Returns the pet's current and total XP required for the next level.
- GetPetFoodTypes() - Returns the food types the pet can eat.
- GetPetIcon() - Returns the path to the texture to use as the icon for the player's pet.
- GetPetTimeRemaining() - Returns in milliseconds about some timeout for the player's pet.
- HasPetSpells() - Returns the number of available abilities for the player's combat pet.
- HasPetUI() - Returns true if the player currently has an active (hunter) pet out.
- IsPetActive()
- IsPetAttackActive() - Returns true if the pet is currently auto attacking.
- PetAbandon() - Permanently abandons your pet.
- PetAggressiveMode()
- PetAssistMode()
- Set your pet to Assist mode. - PetAttack()
- Instruct your pet to attack your target. - PetCanBeAbandoned() - Returns true if the pet can be abandoned.
- PetMoveTo(target)
- PetCanBeDismissed()
- PetCanBeRenamed() - Returns true if the pet can be renamed.
- PetDefensiveMode()
- Set your pet in defensive mode. - PetDefensiveAssistMode()
- PetDismiss() - Dismiss your pet.
- PetFollow()
- Instruct your pet to follow you. - PetHasSpellbook()
- PetPassiveMode()
- Set your pet into passive mode. - PetRename(name) - Renames your pet.
- PetStopAttack() - Stops the pet from attacking.
- PetUsesPetFrame()
- PetWait()
- Instruct your pet to remain still. - TogglePetAutocast(index)
- Toggles whether the specified pet ability should autocast or not. - ToggleSpellAutocast(spellName | spellId, bookType)
- Toggles whether the specified Pet spell should autocast or not.
Relates to the Stable Master.
- ClosePetStables() - Closes the pet stable window.
- GetStablePetFoodTypes(index) - Returns the food types the specified stabled pet can eat.
- GetStablePetInfo(index) - Returns info for a specific stabled pet.
- IsAtStableMaster()
- SetPetSlot(index, slot)
- SetPetStablePaperdoll(modelObject)
Action Bars[]
- C_ActionBar.GetBonusBarIndexForSlot(slotID) : bonusBarIndex
- C_ActionBar.IsHarmfulAction(actionID, useNeutral) : isHarmful
- C_ActionBar.IsHelpfulAction(actionID, useNeutral) : isHelpful
- C_ActionBar.IsOnBarOrSpecialBar(spellID) : isOnBarOrSpecialBar
- C_ActionBar.PutActionInSlot(slotID)
- C_ActionBar.ShouldOverrideBarShowHealthBar() : showHealthBar
- C_ActionBar.ShouldOverrideBarShowManaBar() : showManaBar
- ChangeActionBarPage(page)
- Changes the current action bar page. - GetActionBarPage() - Returns the current action bar page.
- GetActionBarToggles() - Returns the enabled states for the extra action bars.
- GetBonusBarIndex()
- GetBonusBarOffset() - Returns the current bonus action bar index (e.g. for the Rogue stealth bar).
- GetExtraBarIndex()
- GetMultiCastBarIndex()
- GetOverrideBarIndex()
- GetOverrideBarSkin()
- GetTempShapeshiftBarIndex()
- GetVehicleBarIndex()
- HasBonusActionBar()
- HasExtraActionBar()
- HasOverrideActionBar()
- HasTempShapeshiftActionBar()
- HasVehicleActionBar()
- IsPossessBarVisible()
- PetHasActionBar() - Determine if player has a pet with an action bar.
- SetActionBarToggles(show1, show2, show3, show4 [, alwaysShow]) - Sets the visible state for each action bar.
Action Buttons[]
- C_ActionBar.FindPetActionButtons(petActionID) : slots
- C_ActionBar.FindSpellActionButtons(spellID) : slots
- C_ActionBar.GetPetActionPetBarIndices(petActionID) : slots
- C_ActionBar.HasPetActionButtons(petActionID) : hasPetActionButtons
- C_ActionBar.HasPetActionPetBarIndices(petActionID) : hasPetActionPetBarIndices
- C_ActionBar.HasSpellActionButtons(spellID) : hasSpellActionButtons
- C_ActionBar.IsAutoCastPetAction(slotID) : isAutoCastPetAction
- C_ActionBar.IsEnabledAutoCastPetAction(slotID) : isEnabledAutoCastPetAction
- C_ActionBar.ToggleAutoCastPetAction(slotID)
- ActionHasRange(slot) - Returns true if the action has has a range requirement.
- ClickWorldMapActionButton()
- GetActionAutocast(slot)
- GetActionCharges(slot) - Returns information about the charges of a charge-accumulating player ability.
- GetActionCooldown(slot) - Returns cooldown info for the specified action slot.
- GetActionCount(slot) - Returns the available number of uses for an action.
- GetActionInfo(slot) - Returns info for an action.
- GetActionText(slot) - Returns the label text for an action.
- GetActionTexture(slot) - Returns the icon texture for an action.
- GetPossessInfo(index) - Returns info for an action on the possession bar.
- GetWorldMapActionButtonSpellInfo()
- HasAction(slot) - Returns true if an action slot is occupied.
- IsActionInRange(slot) - Returns true if the specified action is in range.
- IsAttackAction(slot) - Returns true if an action is the "Auto Attack" action.
- IsAutoRepeatAction(slot) - Returns true if an action is currently auto-repeating (e.g. Shoot for wand and Auto Shot for Hunters).
- IsConsumableAction(slot) - Returns true if an action is a consumable, i.e. it has a count.
- IsCurrentAction(slot) - Returns true if the specified action is currently being used.
- IsEquippedAction(slot) - Returns true if the specified action slot is an equipped item.
- IsItemAction(slot)
- IsPetAttackAction(index)
- IsStackableAction(slot)
- IsUsableAction(slot) - Returns true if the character can currently use the specified action (sufficient mana, reagents and not on cooldown).
- SetActionUIButton(checkboxFrame, actionSlot, cooldownFrame)
- SetSpellbookPetAction(slot, target)
- UseAction(slot [, checkCursor, onSelf])
- Perform the action in the specified action slot. - UseWorldMapActionButtonSpellOnQuest()
Flyout Buttons
- C_ActionBar.FindFlyoutActionButtons(flyoutID) : slots
- C_ActionBar.HasFlyoutActionButtons(flyoutID) : hasFlyoutActionButtons
- FindFlyoutSlotBySpellID(spellID)
- FlyoutHasSpell(flyoutID, spellID)
- GetFlyoutID(index)
- GetFlyoutInfo(flyoutID)
- GetFlyoutSlotInfo(flyoutID, slot)
- GetNumFlyouts()
Key Bindings[]
Relates to Key Bindings.
- C_KeyBindings.GetCustomBindingType(bindingIndex) : customBindingType - Returns the type of a custom binding.
- GetBinding(index) - Returns the name and keys for a binding by index.
- GetBindingAction(key [, checkOverride]) - Returns the binding name for a key (combination).
- GetBindingByKey(action [, mode]) - Returns the binding action performed when the specified key combination is triggered.
- GetBindingKey(command) - Returns the keys bound to the given command.
- GetBindingText([key, prefix, abbreviate]) - Returns the string for the given key and prefix. Essentially a specialized getglobal() for bindings.
- GetCurrentBindingSet() - Returns if either account or character-specific bindings are active.
- GetNumBindings() - Returns the number of bindings and headers in the key bindings window.
- LoadBindings(which) - Loads default, account or character specific key bindings.
- RunBinding(command [, up]) - Executes a key binding.
- SaveBindings(which) - Saves account or character specific key bindings.
- SetBinding(key [, command, mode])
- Sets a key binding to an action. - SetBindingSpell(key, spellName)
- Sets a binding to cast the specified spell. - SetBindingClick(key, ButtonName [, mouseButton])
- Sets a binding to click the specified Button widget. - SetBindingItem(key, itemname)
- SetBindingMacro(key, macroname or macroId)
- SetOverrideBinding(owner, isPriority, key [, command])
- Sets an override key binding. - SetOverrideBindingSpell(owner, isPriority, key, spellname)
- SetOverrideBindingClick(owner, isPriority, key, buttonName [, mouseClick])
- Sets an override binding that performs a button click. - SetOverrideBindingItem(owner, isPriority, key, itemname)
- SetOverrideBindingMacro(owner, isPriority, key, macroname or macroId)
- ClearOverrideBindings(owner)
- Removes all override bindings owned by a specific frame. - SetMouselookOverrideBinding(key [, command])
Click Bindings[]
- C_ClickBindings.CanSpellBeClickBound(spellID) : canBeBound
- C_ClickBindings.ExecuteBinding(targetToken, button, modifiers)
- C_ClickBindings.GetBindingType(button, modifiers) : type
- C_ClickBindings.GetEffectiveInteractionButton(button, modifiers) : effectiveButton
- C_ClickBindings.GetProfileInfo() : infoVec
- C_ClickBindings.GetStringFromModifiers(modifiers) : modifierString
- C_ClickBindings.GetTutorialShown() : tutorialShown
- C_ClickBindings.MakeModifiers() : modifiers
- C_ClickBindings.ResetCurrentProfile()
- C_ClickBindings.SetProfileByInfo(infoVec)
- C_ClickBindings.SetTutorialShown()
Key Modifiers[]
- GetModifiedClick(action)
- GetModifiedClickAction(index)
- GetMouseButtonClicked() - Returns the mouse button responsible during an OnClick event (e.g. "RightButton").
- GetNumModifiedClickActions()
- IsAltKeyDown() - Returns true if the alt key is currently depressed.
- IsControlKeyDown() - Returns true if the control key is currently depressed.
- IsKeyDown(keyOrMouseName [, excludeCurrentBindingState])
- IsLeftAltKeyDown() - Returns true if the left alt key is currently depressed.
- IsLeftControlKeyDown() - Returns true if the left control key is currently depressed.
- IsLeftMetaKeyDown()
- IsLeftShiftKeyDown() - Returns true if the left shift key is currently depressed.
- IsMetaKeyDown()
- IsModifiedClick(action) - Returns true if the modifier key needed for an an action is pressed.
- IsModifierKeyDown() - Returns true if a modifier key is currently pressed down.
- IsMouseButtonDown([button])
- IsRightAltKeyDown() - Returns true if the right alt key is currently depressed.
- IsRightControlKeyDown() - Returns true if the right control key is currently depressed.
- IsRightMetaKeyDown()
- IsRightShiftKeyDown() - Returns true if the right shift key is currently depressed.
- IsShiftKeyDown() - Returns true if the shift key is currently depressed.
- SetModifiedClick(action, binding)
Relates to the Cursor.
- C_CurrencyInfo.PickupCurrency(type)
- AutoEquipCursorItem() - Equips the item currently held by the cursor.
- ClearCursor() - Clears any objects from the cursor.
- ClickSocketButton(id) - If the cursor is currently holding a gem, tentatively insert it into the socket.
- CursorHasItem() - Returns true if the cursor currently holds an item.
- CursorHasMacro() - Returns 1 if the cursor is currently dragging a macro.
- CursorHasMoney() - Returns true if the cursor currently holds money.
- CursorHasSpell() - Returns true if the cursor currently holds a spell.
- DeleteCursorItem()
- Destroys the item held by the cursor. - DropCursorMoney() - Drops money held by the cursor back into your bag.
- DropItemOnUnit(unit) - Drops an item from the cursor onto a unit, i.e. to initiate a trade.
- EquipCursorItem(invSlot) - Equips the currently picked up item to a specific inventory slot.
- GetCursorDelta()
- GetCursorInfo() - Returns what the mouse cursor is holding.
- GetCursorMoney() - Returns the amount of money held by the cursor.
- GetCursorPosition() - Returns the cursor's position on the screen.
- HideRepairCursor() - Takes the cursor out of repair mode.
- InRepairMode() - Returns true if the cursor is in repair mode.
- PickupAction(slot) - Places an action onto the cursor.
- PickupBagFromSlot(slot) - Picks up the bag from the specified slot, placing it in the cursor.
- PickupCompanion(type, index) - Places a mount onto the cursor.
- PickupGuildBankItem(tab, slot) - Picks up an item from the guild bank.
- PickupGuildBankMoney(money) - Picks up "money" copper from the guild bank.
- PickupInventoryItem(invSlot) - Picks up / interacts with an equipment slot.
- PickupItem(item)
- PickupMacro(macroName or index) - Places a macro onto the cursor.
- PickupMerchantItem(index) - Places a merchant item onto the cursor. If the cursor already has an item, it will be sold.
- PickupPetAction(slot) - Places a pet action onto the cursor.
- PickupPetSpell(spellID)
- PickupPlayerMoney(copper) - Picks up an amount of money from the player onto the cursor.
- PickupPvpTalent()
- PickupSpell(spellID) - Places a spell onto the cursor.
- PickupSpellBookItem(spellSlot)
- PickupStablePet(index)
- PickupTalent(talentID) - Grabs the selected talent spell for placement on an action bar.
- PickupTradeMoney(copper) - Places an amount of money from the player's trade offer onto the cursor.
- PlaceAction(slot) - Places an action onto into the specified action slot.
- ResetCursor()
- SellCursorItem()
- SetCursor(cursor) - Sets the current cursor texture.
- ShowBuybackSellCursor(index)
- ShowRepairCursor()
- CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart()
- Begin "Left click" in the 3D world. - CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop([stickyFlag])
- Called when you release the "Left-Click" mouse button. - CameraZoomIn(increment) - Zooms the camera in.
- CameraZoomOut(increment) - Zooms the camera out.
- CenterCamera()
- FlipCameraYaw(degrees) - Rotates the camera around the Z-axis.
- GetCameraZoom() - Returns the current zoom level of the camera.
- IsMouselooking() - Returns true if the player is currently in mouselook mode.
- MouselookStart() - Enters mouse look mode; alters the character's movement/facing direction.
- MouselookStop() - Exits mouse look mode.
- MoveViewDownStart() - Starts rotating the camera downward.
- MoveViewDownStop() - Stops rotating the camera downward.
- MoveViewInStart() - Begins zooming the camera in.
- MoveViewInStop() - Stops zooming the camera in.
- MoveViewLeftStart() - Starts rotating the camera to the left.
- MoveViewLeftStop() - Stops rotating the camera to the left.
- MoveViewOutStart() - Begins zooming the camera out.
- MoveViewOutStop() - Stops zooming the camera out.
- MoveViewRightStart() - Starts rotating the camera to the right.
- MoveViewRightStop() - Stops rotating the camera to the right.
- MoveViewUpStart() - Starts rotating the camera upward.
- MoveViewUpStop() - Stops rotating the camera upward.
- PitchDownStart()
- Begins pitching the camera Downward. - PitchDownStop()
- Stops pitching the camera after PitchDownStart() is called. - PitchUpStart()
- Begins pitching the camera Upward. - PitchUpStop()
- Stops pitching the camera after PitchUpStart() is called. - NextView() - Cycles forward through the five predefined camera positions.
- PrevView() - Cycles backward through the five predefined camera positions.
- ResetView(index) - Resets the specified (1-5) predefined camera position to it's default if it was changed using SaveView(index).
- SaveView(index) - Saves a camera angle. The last position loaded is stored in the CVar cameraView.
- SetView(index) - Sets the camera to a predefined camera position (1-5).
Relates to Targets.
- AssistUnit(unit)
- Assists the unit by targeting the same target. - ClearFocus()
- Clears the focus target. - ClearTarget()
- Clears the selected target. - FocusUnit(unit)
- Sets the focus target. - TargetDirectionEnemy(facing)
- TargetDirectionFinished()
- TargetDirectionFriend(facing)
- TargetLastEnemy()
- Targets the previously targeted enemy. - TargetLastFriend()
- TargetLastTarget()
- Selects the last target as the current target. - TargetNearestEnemy([reverseFlag])
- Selects the nearest enemy as the current target. - TargetNearestEnemyPlayer([reverseFlag])
- Selects the nearest enemy player as the current target. - TargetNearestFriend([reverseFlag])
- Targets the nearest friendly unit. - TargetNearestFriendPlayer([reverseFlag])
- Selects the nearest friendly player as the current target. - TargetNearest()
- TargetNearestPartyMember()
- Selects the nearest Party member as the current target. - TargetNearestRaidMember()
- Selects the nearest Raid member as the current target. - TargetPriorityHighlightEnd()
- TargetPriorityHighlightStart()
- TargetUnit(unit [, exactMatch])
- Targets the specified unit.
Most of these functions may only be called on a hardware event from secure code.
- AscendStop()
- Called when the player releases the jump key. - AttackTarget()
- Toggles auto-attacking of the current target. - DescendStop()
- Stops descending while flying or swimming. - FollowUnit(unit)
- Follows a friendly player unit. - IsPlayerMoving()
- JumpOrAscendStart()
- Makes the character jump or swim/fly upwards. - MoveAndSteerStart()
- MoveAndSteerStop()
- MoveBackwardStart()
- The player begins moving backward at the specified time. - MoveBackwardStop()
- The player stops moving backward at the specified time. - MoveForwardStart()
- The player begins moving forward at the specified time. - MoveForwardStop()
- The player stops moving forward at the specified time. - SetMoveEnabled()
- SetTurnEnabled()
- SitStandOrDescendStart()
- Makes the player sit, stand, or descend (while swimming or flying). - StartAttack()
- StopAttack() - Turns off auto-attack, if currently active.
- StartAutoRun()
- StopAutoRun()
- StrafeLeftStart()
- The player begins strafing left at the specified time. - StrafeLeftStop()
- The player stops strafing left at the specified time. - StrafeRightStart()
- The player begins strafing right at the specified time. - StrafeRightStop()
- The player stops strafing right at the specified time. - ToggleAutoRun()
- Turns auto-run on or off. - ToggleRun()
- Toggle between running and walking. - TurnLeftStart()
- Turns the player left at the specified time. - TurnLeftStop()
- The player stops turning left at the specified time. - TurnOrActionStart()
- Starts a "right click" in the 3D game world. - TurnOrActionStop()
- Stops a "right click" in the 3D game world. - TurnRightStart()
- Turns the player right at the specified time. - TurnRightStop()
- The player stops turning right at the specified time.
Native gamepad support was added in Patch 9.0.1, where previously WoWmapper was needed.
- C_GamePad.AddSDLMapping(platform, mapping) : success
- C_GamePad.ApplyConfigs()
- C_GamePad.AxisIndexToConfigName(axisIndex) : configName
- C_GamePad.ButtonBindingToIndex(bindingName) : buttonIndex
- C_GamePad.ButtonIndexToBinding(buttonIndex) : bindingName
- C_GamePad.ButtonIndexToConfigName(buttonIndex) : configName
- C_GamePad.ClearLedColor()
- C_GamePad.DeleteConfig(configID)
- C_GamePad.GetActiveDeviceID() : deviceID
- C_GamePad.GetAllConfigIDs() : configIDs
- C_GamePad.GetAllDeviceIDs() : deviceIDs
- C_GamePad.GetCombinedDeviceID() : deviceID
- C_GamePad.GetConfig(configID) : config
- C_GamePad.GetDeviceMappedState([deviceID]) : state
- C_GamePad.GetDeviceRawState(deviceID) : rawState
- C_GamePad.GetLedColor() : color
- C_GamePad.GetPowerLevel([deviceID]) : powerLevel
- C_GamePad.IsEnabled() : enabled
- C_GamePad.SetConfig(config)
- C_GamePad.SetLedColor(color)
- C_GamePad.SetVibration(vibrationType, intensity)
- C_GamePad.StickIndexToConfigName(stickIndex) : configName
- C_GamePad.StopVibration()
- CanAutoSetGamePadCursorControl()
- CanGamePadControlCursor()
- IsBindingForGamePad(KEY)
- IsGamePadCursorControlEnabled()
- IsGamePadFreelookEnabled()
- SetGamePadCursorControl()
- SetGamePadFreeLook()
Currencies were added in Patch 3.0.2.
- C_CurrencyInfo.DoesWarModeBonusApply(currencyID) : warModeApplies, limitOncePerTooltip
- C_CurrencyInfo.ExpandCurrencyList(index, expand) - Expands/collapses a currency list header.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetAzeriteCurrencyID() : azeriteCurrencyID
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetBackpackCurrencyInfo(index) : info - Returns info for a tracked currency in the backpack.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetBasicCurrencyInfo(currencyType [, quantity]) : info
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyContainerInfo(currencyType, quantity) : info
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyIDFromLink(currencyLink) : currencyID
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfo(type) : info - Returns info for a currency by ID.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyInfoFromLink(link) : info - Returns information about currencies from a link.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyLink(type [, amount]) : link - Returns a currency link.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyListInfo(index) : info - Returns info for a currency in the currency tab.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyListLink(index) : link
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetCurrencyListSize() : currencyListSize - Returns the amount of currencies and headers in the currency tab.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetFactionGrantedByCurrency(currencyID) : factionID - Gets the faction ID for currency that is immediately converted into reputation with that faction instead.
- C_CurrencyInfo.GetWarResourcesCurrencyID() : warResourceCurrencyID
- C_CurrencyInfo.IsCurrencyContainer(currencyID, quantity) : isCurrencyContainer
- C_CurrencyInfo.SetCurrencyBackpack(index, backpack) - Tracks a currency in the backpack.
- C_CurrencyInfo.SetCurrencyUnused(index, unused) - Marks a currency as unused in the currency tab.
- C_Item.GetLimitedCurrencyItemInfo(itemInfo) : name, icon, quantity, maxQuantity, totalEarned
- GetCoinText(amount, separator) - Breaks up an amount of money into gold/silver/copper.
- GetCoinTextureString(amount [, fontHeight]) - Breaks up an amount of money into gold/silver/copper with icons.
- GetPlayerTradeCurrency()
- GetTargetTradeCurrency()
- SetTradeCurrency(type, amount)
- GetNumWatchedTokens()
- Returns the number of currently watched currencies.
Customer Support[]
Relates to Customer Support.
- AcknowledgeSurvey(caseIndex)
- DeleteGMTicket()
- GetWebTicket()
- GMEuropaBugsEnabled()
- GMEuropaComplaintsEnabled()
- GMEuropaSuggestionsEnabled()
- GMEuropaTicketsEnabled()
- GMItemRestorationButtonEnabled()
- GMQuickTicketSystemEnabled()
- GMQuickTicketSystemThrottled()
- GMReportLag()
- GMRequestPlayerInfo()
- GMResponseResolve()
- C_UserFeedback.SubmitBug(bugInfo [, suppressNotification]) : success
- C_UserFeedback.SubmitSuggestion(suggestion) : success
- GMSurveyAnswerSubmit(question, rank, comment)
- GMSurveyAnswer()
- GMSurveyCommentSubmit(comment)
- GMSurveyNumAnswers()
- GMSurveyQuestion()
- GMSurveySubmit()
- GetGMStatus()
- GetGMTicket()
- RegisterStaticConstants(table) - Populates the STATIC_CONSTANTS table for GetGMTicketCategories.
- ReportBug(description)
- ReportSuggestion(description)
Knowledge Base
- KBArticle_BeginLoading(articleId, searchType) - Starts the article loading process.
- KBArticle_GetData() - Returns information about the current article.
- KBArticle_IsLoaded() - Returns true if an article is loaded.
- KBQuery_BeginLoading(searchText, categoryIndex, subcategoryIndex, articlesPerPage, curPage) - Starts a query for articles.
- KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderCount() - Returns the number of article headers in the current query.
- KBQuery_GetArticleHeaderData(index) - Returns information about an article header of the current query.
- KBQuery_GetTotalArticleCount() - Returns the total number of articles that matches the current query.
- KBQuery_IsLoaded() - Returns true if a query loaded successfuly.
- KBSetup_BeginLoading(articlesPerPage, curPage) - Starts the loading process for the KB start page.
- KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderCount() - Returns the number of articles for the current page.
- KBSetup_GetArticleHeaderData(index) - Returns information for an article header.
- KBSetup_GetCategoryCount() - Returns the number of categories in the knowledge base.
- KBSetup_GetCategoryData(index) - Returns information about a category.
- KBSetup_GetLanguageCount() - Returns the number of languages in the knowledge base.
- KBSetup_GetLanguageData(index) - Returns information about a language.
- KBSetup_GetSubCategoryCount(category) - Returns the number of subcategories for a category.
- KBSetup_GetSubCategoryData(category, index) - Returns information about a subcategory.
- KBSetup_GetTotalArticleCount() - Returns the total number of articles in the knowlege base.
- KBSetup_IsLoaded() - Returns true if the knowledge base is loaded successfuly.
- KBSystem_GetMOTD() - Returns the server message of the day.
- KBSystem_GetServerNotice() - Returns the server notice.
- KBSystem_GetServerStatus() - Returns the server status text.
Relates to Expansions.
- CanUpgradeExpansion() : canUpgradeExpansion
- DoesCurrentLocaleSellExpansionLevels() : regionSellsExpansions
- GetAccountExpansionLevel() : expansionLevel - Returns the expansion level the account has been flagged for.
- GetClientDisplayExpansionLevel() : expansionLevel - Returns the expansion level of the game client.
- GetExpansionDisplayInfo(expansionLevel) : info
- GetExpansionForLevel(playerLevel) : expansionLevel
- GetExpansionLevel() : expansionLevel - Returns the expansion level currently accessible by the player.
- GetExpansionTrialInfo() : isExpansionTrialAccount, expansionTrialRemainingSeconds
- GetMaximumExpansionLevel() : expansionLevel
- GetMaxLevelForExpansionLevel(expansionLevel) : maxLevel
- GetMaxLevelForLatestExpansion() : maxLevel
- GetMaxLevelForPlayerExpansion() : maxLevel
- GetMaxPlayerLevel()
- GetMinimumExpansionLevel() : expansionLevel
- GetNumExpansions() : numExpansions
- GetServerExpansionLevel() : serverExpansionLevel - Returns the expansion level currently active on the server.
- IsExpansionTrial() : isExpansionTrialAccount
- C_LevelSquish.ConvertFollowerLevel(level, maxFollowerLevel) : squishedLevel
- C_LevelSquish.ConvertPlayerLevel(level) : squishedLevel
Chromie Time[]
Timewalking Campaigns scale older expansion zones up to level 50.
- C_ChromieTime.CloseUI()
- C_ChromieTime.GetChromieTimeExpansionOption(expansionRecID) : info
- C_ChromieTime.GetChromieTimeExpansionOptions() : expansionOptions
- C_ChromieTime.SelectChromieTimeOption(chromieTimeExpansionInfoId)
- C_PlayerInfo.CanPlayerEnterChromieTime() : canEnter
- C_PlayerInfo.IsPlayerInChromieTime() : inChromieTime
- UnitChromieTimeID(unit) : ID
Relates to the Friends list.
- C_FriendList.AddFriend(name [, notes])
- Adds a friend to your friend list. - C_FriendList.AddIgnore(name) : added - Adds a player to your ignore list.
- C_FriendList.AddOrDelIgnore(name) - Adds or removes a player to/from the ignore list.
- C_FriendList.AddOrRemoveFriend(name, notes) - Adds or removes a player to or from the friends list.
- C_FriendList.DelIgnore(name) : removed - Removes a player from your ignore list.
- C_FriendList.DelIgnoreByIndex(index) - Removes a player from your ignore list.
- C_FriendList.GetFriendInfo(name) : info - Retrieves information about a person on your friends list.
- C_FriendList.GetFriendInfoByIndex(index) : info - Retrieves information about a person on your friends list.
- C_FriendList.GetIgnoreName(index) : name - Returns the name of a currently ignored player.
- C_FriendList.GetNumFriends() : numFriends - Returns how many friends you have.
- C_FriendList.GetNumIgnores() : numIgnores - Returns the number of entries on your ignore list.
- C_FriendList.GetNumOnlineFriends() : numOnline - Returns the number of online friends.
- C_FriendList.GetSelectedFriend() : index - Returns the index of the currently selected friend.
- C_FriendList.GetSelectedIgnore() : index - Returns the currently selected index in the ignore listing.
- C_FriendList.IsFriend(guid) : isFriend - Returns whether a character is your friend.
- C_FriendList.IsIgnored(token) : isIgnored - Returns whether a character is being ignored by you.
- C_FriendList.IsIgnoredByGuid(guid) : isIgnored - Returns whether a character is being ignored by you.
- C_FriendList.IsOnIgnoredList(token) : isIgnored
- C_FriendList.RemoveFriend(name) : removed - Removes a friend from the friends list.
- C_FriendList.RemoveFriendByIndex(index) - Removes a friend from the friends list.
- C_FriendList.SetFriendNotes(name, notes) : found - Sets the note text for a friend.
- C_FriendList.SetFriendNotesByIndex(index, notes) - Sets the note text for a friend.
- C_FriendList.SetSelectedFriend(index) - Updates the current selected friend.
- C_FriendList.SetSelectedIgnore(index) - Sets the currently selected ignore entry.
- C_FriendList.ShowFriends() - Requests updated friends information from server.
Who List[]
Relates to the Who List.
- C_FriendList.GetNumWhoResults() : numWhos, totalNumWhos - Get the number of entries resulting from your most recent /who query.
- C_FriendList.GetWhoInfo(index) : info - Retrieves info about a character on your current /who list.
- C_FriendList.SendWho(filter)
- Requests a list of other online players. - C_FriendList.SetWhoToUi(whoToUi) - Sets how the result of a /who request will be delivered.
- C_FriendList.SortWho(sorting) - Sorts the last /who reply received by the client.
Real ID friends were added in Patch 3.3.5
- C_BattleNet.GetFriendAccountInfo(friendIndex [, wowAccountGUID]) : accountInfo - Returns information about a Battle.net friend account.
- C_BattleNet.GetAccountInfoByID(id [, wowAccountGUID]) : accountInfo
- C_BattleNet.GetAccountInfoByGUID(guid) : accountInfo
- C_BattleNet.GetFriendGameAccountInfo(friendIndex, accountIndex) : gameAccountInfo - Returns information on the game the Battle.net friend is playing.
- C_BattleNet.GetGameAccountInfoByID(id) : gameAccountInfo
- C_BattleNet.GetGameAccountInfoByGUID(guid) : gameAccountInfo
- C_BattleNet.GetFriendNumGameAccounts(friendIndex) : numGameAccounts - Returns the number of game accounts for the Battle.net friend.
- C_AccountInfo.GetIDFromBattleNetAccountGUID(battleNetAccountGUID) : battleNetAccountID
- C_AccountInfo.IsGUIDBattleNetAccountType(guid) : isBNet
- C_AccountInfo.IsGUIDRelatedToLocalAccount(guid) : isLocalUser
- BNAcceptFriendInvite(ID)
- BNCheckBattleTagInviteToGuildMember(fullname)
- BNCheckBattleTagInviteToUnit(unit)
- BNConnected() - Returns true if the WoW Client is connected to Battle.net.
- BNDeclineFriendInvite(ID)
- BNFeaturesEnabledAndConnected()
- BNFeaturesEnabled()
- BNGetBlockedInfo(index)
- BNGetDisplayName(bnetIdAccount)
- BNGetFOFInfo(mutual, nonMutual, index) - Returns info for the specified friend of a Battle.net friend.
- BNGetFriendIndex(presenceID)
- BNGetFriendInviteInfo(menuValue) - Returns info for a Battle.net friend invite.
- BNGetInfo() - Returns the player's own Battle.net info.
- BNGetNumBlocked()
- BNGetNumFOF(ID, mutual, non)
- BNGetNumFriendInvites()
- BNGetNumFriends() - Returns the amount of (online) Battle.net friends.
- BNGetSelectedBlock()
- BNGetSelectedFriend()
- BNInviteFriend(bnetIDGameAccount)
- BNIsBlocked(ID)
- BNIsFriend(presenceID)
- BNIsSelf(presenceID) - Returns true if the specified presenceID is your own, false otherwise.
- BNRemoveFriend(ID)
- BNRequestFOFInfo(bnetIDAccount)
- BNRequestInviteFriend(presenceID [, tank, heal, dps])
- BNSendFriendInviteByID(ID, noteText)
- BNSendFriendInvite(text, noteText)
- BNSendGameData(id, addonPrefix, text) - Sends an addon comm message to a Battle.net friend.
- BNSendVerifiedBattleTagInvite() - Unit should have been set with BNCheckBattleTagInviteToUnit or BNCheckBattleTagInviteToGuildMember.
- BNSendWhisper(id, text)
- BNSetAFK(bool) - Sets the player's online AFK status.
- BNSetBlocked(ID, bool)
- BNSetCustomMessage(text)
- BNSetDND(bool) - Sets the player's online DND status.
- BNSetFriendFavoriteFlag(id, isFavorite) - Favorites a Battle.net friend.
- BNSetFriendNote(ID, noteText)
- BNSetSelectedBlock(index)
- BNSetSelectedFriend(index)
- BNSummonFriendByIndex(id)
- BNTokenFindName(target)
- GetAutoCompletePresenceID(name)
- IsBNLogin()
Recruit-A-Friend was reworked in Patch 8.2.5
- C_RecruitAFriend.ClaimActivityReward(activityID, acceptanceID) : success
- C_RecruitAFriend.ClaimNextReward([rafVersion]) : success
- C_RecruitAFriend.GenerateRecruitmentLink() : success
- C_RecruitAFriend.GetRAFInfo() : info
- C_RecruitAFriend.GetRAFSystemInfo() : systemInfo
- C_RecruitAFriend.GetRecruitActivityRequirementsText(activityID, acceptanceID) : requirementsText
- C_RecruitAFriend.GetRecruitInfo() : active, faction
- C_RecruitAFriend.IsEnabled() : enabled
- C_RecruitAFriend.IsRecruitingEnabled() : enabled
- C_RecruitAFriend.RemoveRAFRecruit(wowAccountGUID) : success
- C_RecruitAFriend.RequestUpdatedRecruitmentInfo() : success
- CanSummonFriend(unit) - Returns whether you can RaF summon a particular unit.
- GetSummonFriendCooldown() - Returns the cooldown info of the RaF Summon Friend ability.
- IsRecruitAFriendLinked()
- SelectedRealmName() - Returns the realm name that will be used in Recruit-a-Friend invitations.
- SummonFriend(unit) - Summons a player using the RaF system.
Mentor System[]
Newcomer Guides were added in Patch 9.0.1
- C_PlayerMentorship.GetMentorLevelRequirement() : level
- C_PlayerMentorship.GetMentorRequirements() : achievementIDs, optionalAchievementIDs, optionalCompleteAtLeastCount
- C_PlayerMentorship.GetMentorshipStatus(playerLocation) : status
- C_PlayerMentorship.IsActivePlayerConsideredNewcomer() : isConsideredNewcomer
- C_PlayerMentorship.IsMentorRestricted() : isRestricted
- C_PartyInfo.AllowedToDoPartyConversion(toRaid) : allowed
- C_PartyInfo.CanInvite() : allowedToInvite
- C_PartyInfo.ConfirmConvertToRaid()
- C_PartyInfo.ConfirmInviteTravelPass(targetName, targetGUID)
- C_PartyInfo.ConfirmInviteUnit(targetName)
- C_PartyInfo.ConfirmLeaveParty([category])
- C_PartyInfo.ConvertToParty() - Converts a raid group with 5 or less members to a party.
- C_PartyInfo.ConvertToRaid() - Converts a party to a raid.
- C_PartyInfo.DoCountdown(seconds)
- C_PartyInfo.GetMinLevel([category]) : minLevel
- C_PartyInfo.InviteUnit(targetName) - Invites a player to your group.
- C_PartyInfo.IsPartyFull([category]) : isFull
- C_PartyInfo.LeaveParty([category]) - Leaves the group.
- AcceptGroup() - Accepts the invitation from a group.
- ConfirmReadyCheck(isReady) - Responds to a ready check.
- DeclineGroup() - Declines an invitation to a group.
- DoReadyCheck() - Initiates a ready check.
- GetHomePartyInfo()
- GetInviteConfirmationInfo(guid)
- GetNextPendingInviteConfirmation()
- GetNumGroupMembers([groupType]) - Returns the number of players in the group.
- GetNumSubgroupMembers([groupType]) - Returns the number of other players in the party or raid subgroup.
- GetPendingInviteConfirmations()
- GetReadyCheckStatus(unit) - Returns a group member's response to the current ready check.
- GetReadyCheckTimeLeft()
- InGuildParty()
- IsGUIDInGroup(guid [, groupType])
- IsInGroup([groupType]) - Returns true if the player is in a group.
- IsInGuildGroup()
- IsInRaid([groupType]) - Returns true if the player is in a raid.
- PromoteToLeader(unit) - Promotes a unit to group leader.
- RespondToInviteConfirmation(guid, accept)
- UninviteUnit(name [, reason])
- Removes a player from the group if you're the leader, or initiates a vote to kick. - UnitInAnyGroup(unit)
- UnitInParty(unit) - Returns true if the unit is a member of your party.
- UnitIsGroupLeader(unit [, partyCategory]) - Returns whether the unit is the leader of a party or raid.
Cross Realm
- C_PartyInfo.CanFormCrossFactionParties() : canFormCrossFactionParties
- C_PartyInfo.IsCrossFactionParty([category]) : isCrossFactionParty
Raid Groups[]
- ClearPartyAssignment()
- DemoteAssistant(unit) - Demotes player from assistant status. Requires raid leadership.
- GetAllowLowLevelRaid() - Returns whether joining low-level raids is enabled for the current character.
- GetPartyAssignment(assignment [, unit, exactMatch]) - Returns true if a group member is assigned the main tank/assist role.
- GetRaidRosterInfo(index) - Returns info for a member of your raid.
- InitiateRolePoll()
- IsEveryoneAssistant()
- PromoteToAssistant(unit) - Promotes player to assistant status. Requires raid leadership.
- SetAllowLowLevelRaid(allowed) - Controls whether the current character can join low-level raids.
- SetEveryoneIsAssistant()
- SetPartyAssignment(assignment, player)
- SetRaidSubgroup(index, subgroup)
- Move a raid member from his current subgroup into a different (non-full) subgroup. - SwapRaidSubgroup(index1, index2)
- Swaps two raid members into different groups. - UnitInRaid(unit) - Returns the index if the unit is in your raid group.
- UnitInSubgroup()
Relates to Raid Targets and World Markers.
- CanBeRaidTarget(unit) - Returns true if the unit can be marked with a raid target icon.
- ClearRaidMarker(index) - Removes a raid marker from the world.
- GetRaidTargetIndex(unit) - Returns the raid target of a unit.
- IsRaidMarkerActive(index) - Returns whether or not the raid marker specified by index is active.
- PlaceRaidMarker(index)
- Brings up a targeting circle to place a raid marker in the world. - SetRaidTarget(unit, index) - Assigns a raid target icon to a unit.
- SetRaidTargetProtected(unit, index)
- SetRaidTargetIcon(unit, index)
- Sets or resets a raid icon on a unit.
Raid Profiles
- CreateNewRaidProfile(name [, baseOnProfile])
- DeleteRaidProfile(profile)
- GetMaxNumCUFProfiles()
- GetNumRaidProfiles()
- GetRaidProfileFlattenedOptions(profile)
- GetRaidProfileName(index)
- GetRaidProfileOption(profile, optionName)
- GetRaidProfileSavedPosition(profile)
- HasLoadedCUFProfiles()
- RaidProfileExists(profile)
- RaidProfileHasUnsavedChanges()
- RestoreRaidProfileFromCopy()
- SaveRaidProfileCopy(profile)
- SetRaidProfileOption(profile, optionName, value)
- SetRaidProfileSavedPosition(profile, isDynamic, topPoint, topOffset, bottomPoint, bottomOffset, leftPoint, leftOffset)
Party Sync[]
Party Sync was added in Patch 8.2.5
- C_LevelLink.IsActionLocked(actionID) : isLocked
- C_LevelLink.IsSpellLocked(spellID) : isLocked
- C_QuestLog.IsQuestDisabledForSession(questID) : isDisabled
- C_QuestLog.IsQuestReplayable(questID) : isReplayable
- C_QuestLog.IsQuestReplayedRecently(questID) : recentlyReplayed
- C_QuestLog.QuestHasQuestSessionBonus(questID) : hasBonus
- C_QuestSession.CanStart() : allowed
- C_QuestSession.CanStop() : allowed
- C_QuestSession.Exists() : exists
- C_QuestSession.GetAvailableSessionCommand() : command
- C_QuestSession.GetPendingCommand() : command
- C_QuestSession.GetProposedMaxLevelForSession() : proposedMaxLevel
- C_QuestSession.GetSessionBeginDetails() : details
- C_QuestSession.GetSuperTrackedQuest() : questID
- C_QuestSession.HasJoined() : hasJoined
- C_QuestSession.HasPendingCommand() : hasPendingCommand
- C_QuestSession.RequestSessionStart()
- C_QuestSession.RequestSessionStop()
- C_QuestSession.SendSessionBeginResponse(beginSession)
- C_QuestSession.SetQuestIsSuperTracked(questID, superTrack)
- ConfirmBNRequestInviteFriend(presenceID [, tank, heal, dps])
Group Finder[]
The Looking For Group tool was added in Patch 2.0.1. It was renamed to the Dungeon Finder in Patch 3.3.0 and raid queuing moved to a separate Raid Browser. The Raid Finder was added in Patch 4.3.0 and merged into the Dungeon Finder in Patch 5.0.4. The Dungeon Finder was reworked in Patch 6.0.2 into the Group Finder.
- C_LFGInfo.CanPlayerUseGroupFinder() : canUse, failureReason
- C_LFGInfo.CanPlayerUseLFD() : canUse, failureReason
- C_LFGInfo.CanPlayerUseLFR() : canUse, failureReason
- C_LFGInfo.CanPlayerUsePremadeGroup() : canUse, failureReason
- C_LFGInfo.CanPlayerUsePVP() : canUse, failureReason
- C_LFGInfo.ConfirmLfgExpandSearch()
- C_LFGInfo.GetAllEntriesForCategory(category) : lfgDungeonIDs
- C_LFGInfo.GetDungeonInfo(lfgDungeonID) : dungeonInfo
- C_LFGInfo.GetLFDLockStates() : lockInfo
- C_LFGInfo.GetRoleCheckDifficultyDetails() : maxLevel, isLevelReduced
- C_LFGInfo.HideNameFromUI(dungeonID) : shouldHide
- AcceptProposal() - Enters the Dungeon if the LFG queue is ready.
- GetDungeonForRandomSlot(randomID, index)
- GetGroupMemberCounts()
- GetNumDungeonForRandomSlot(randomID)
- GetNumRandomDungeons() - Returns the number of specific dungeons that can be queued for.
- GetRandomDungeonBestChoice() - Returns the suggested random dungeon ID.
- GroupHasOfflineMember()
- IsAllowedToUserTeleport()
- IsServerControlledBackfill()
- RejectProposal() - Declines a LFG invite and leaves the queue.
- RequestBattlegroundInstanceInfo(index) - Requests the available instances of a battleground.
- C_LFGList.AcceptInvite(resultID)
- C_LFGList.ApplyToGroup(resultID, comment, tank, healer, dps)
- C_LFGList.CanActiveEntryUseAutoAccept() : canUseAutoAccept
- C_LFGList.CancelApplication(resultID)
- C_LFGList.CanCreateQuestGroup(questID) : canCreate
- C_LFGList.ClearApplicationTextFields()
- C_LFGList.ClearCreationTextFields()
- C_LFGList.ClearSearchResults()
- C_LFGList.ClearSearchTextFields()
- C_LFGList.CopyActiveEntryInfoToCreationFields()
- C_LFGList.CreateListing(activityID, itemLevel, honorLevel [, autoAccept, privateGroup, questID])
- Creates a group finder listing. - C_LFGList.DeclineApplicant(applicantID)
- C_LFGList.DeclineInvite(searchResultID)
- C_LFGList.DoesEntryTitleMatchPrebuiltTitle(activityID, groupID [, playstyle]) : matches
- C_LFGList.GetActiveEntryInfo() : entryData - Returns information about your currently listed group.
- C_LFGList.GetActivityFullName(activityID [, questID, showWarmode]) : fullName
- C_LFGList.GetActivityGroupInfo(groupID) : name, orderIndex - Returns info for an activity group.
- C_LFGList.GetActivityIDForQuestID(questID)
- C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoExpensive(activityID) - Returns the zone associated with an activity.
- C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoTable(activityID [, questID, showWarmode]) : activityInfo
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantDungeonScoreForListing(localID, applicantIndex, activityID) : bestDungeonScoreForListing
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantInfo(applicantID) : applicantData - Returns status informations and custom message of an applicant.
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(applicantID) - Returns info for an applicant.
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberStats(applicantID) - Returns the Proving Grounds stats of an applicant.
- C_LFGList.GetApplicantPvpRatingInfoForListing(localID, applicantIndex, activityID) : pvpRatingInfo
- C_LFGList.GetApplicants() - Returns the list of applicants to your group.
- C_LFGList.GetApplicationInfo(searchResultID)
- C_LFGList.GetApplications()
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivities([categoryID, groupID, filter]) - Returns a list of available LFG activities.
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivityGroups(categoryID [, filter]) - Returns a list of available LFG groups.
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableCategories([filter]) - Returns a list of available LFG categories.
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableLanguageSearchFilter()
- C_LFGList.GetAvailableRoles()
- C_LFGList.GetDefaultLanguageSearchFilter()
- C_LFGList.GetFilteredSearchResults() : totalResultsFound, filteredResults
- C_LFGList.GetKeystoneForActivity(activityID) : level
- C_LFGList.GetLanguageSearchFilter()
- C_LFGList.GetLfgCategoryInfo(categoryID) : categoryData
- C_LFGList.GetNumApplicants()
- C_LFGList.GetNumApplications()
- C_LFGList.GetNumInvitedApplicantMembers()
- C_LFGList.GetNumPendingApplicantMembers()
- C_LFGList.GetOwnedKeystoneActivityAndGroupAndLevel([getTimewalking]) : activityID, groupID, keystoneLevel
- C_LFGList.GetPlaystyleString(playstyle, activityInfo) : playstyleString
- C_LFGList.GetRoleCheckInfo()
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultEncounterInfo(searchResultID)
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultFriends(searchResultID)
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultInfo(searchResultID) : searchResultData
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberCounts(searchResultID)
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberInfo(searchResultID, memberIndex)
- C_LFGList.GetSearchResults() : totalResultsFound, results
- C_LFGList.HasActiveEntryInfo() : hasActiveEntryInfo
- C_LFGList.HasActivityList()
- C_LFGList.HasSearchResultInfo(searchResultID) : hasSearchResultInfo
- C_LFGList.InviteApplicant(applicantID)
- C_LFGList.IsCurrentlyApplying()
- C_LFGList.IsPlayerAuthenticatedForLFG([activityID]) : isAuthenticated
- C_LFGList.RefreshApplicants()
- C_LFGList.RemoveApplicant(applicantID)
- C_LFGList.RemoveListing()
- C_LFGList.RequestAvailableActivities()
- C_LFGList.SaveLanguageSearchFilter(enabled)
- C_LFGList.Search(categoryID [, filter, preferredFilters, languageFilter, searchCrossFactionListings])
- C_LFGList.SetApplicantMemberRole(applicantID, memberIndex, role)
- C_LFGList.SetEntryTitle(activityID, groupID [, playstyle])
- C_LFGList.SetSearchToActivity(activityID)
- C_LFGList.SetSearchToQuestID(questID)
- C_LFGList.UpdateListing(lfgID, itemLevel, honorLevel, autoAccept, private [, questID])
- C_LFGList.ValidateRequiredDungeonScore(dungeonScore) : passes
- C_LFGList.ValidateRequiredPvpRatingForActivity(activityID, rating) : passes
LFG is used for for generic functions/values that may be used for LFD, LFR, and any other LF_ system we may implement in the future.[1]
- CanPartyLFGBackfill() - Returns whether the party is eligible to recruit additional members from the LFG pool.
- ClearAllLFGDungeons(category)
- CompleteLFGReadyCheck(isReady)
- CompleteLFGRoleCheck(isReady) - Returns true if the role check was successful.
- GetLFGBootProposal() - Returns info for a LFG votekick in progress.
- GetLFGCategoryForID(partySlot)
- GetLFGCompletionReward()
- GetLFGCompletionRewardItem(rewardIndex)
- GetLFGCompletionRewardItemLink(rewardIndex)
- GetLFGDeserterExpiration() - Returns the time at which you may once again use the dungeon finder after prematurely leaving a group.
- GetLFGDungeonEncounterInfo(dungeonID, encounterIndex)
- GetLFGDungeonInfo(dungeonID) - Returns info for a LFG dungeon.
- GetLFGDungeonNumEncounters(dungeonID)
- GetLFGDungeonRewardCapBarInfo(dungeonID) - Returns the weekly limits reward for a currency (e.g. Valor Point Cap).
- GetLFGDungeonRewardCapInfo(dungeonID)
- GetLFGDungeonRewardInfo(dungeonID, rewardIndex)
- GetLFGDungeonRewardLink(dungeonID, rewardIndex)
- GetLFGDungeonRewards(dungeonID)
- GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardInfo(dungeonID, shortageIndex, rewardIndex)
- GetLFGDungeonShortageRewardLink(dungeonID, shortageIndex, rewardIndex)
- GetLFGInfoServer(category [, lfgID])
- GetLFGInviteRoleAvailability(roleID)
- GetLFGInviteRoleRestrictions(roleID)
- GetLFGProposal()
- GetLFGProposalEncounter(encounterIndex)
- GetLFGProposalMember(memberIndex) - Returns info about the players in the LFG proposal.
- GetLFGQueuedList(category [, table])
- GetLFGQueueStats(category [, lfgID]) - Returns info for the current LFG queue.
- GetLFGRandomCooldownExpiration() - Returns the time at which you may once again queue for a random dungeon.
- GetLFGRandomDungeonInfo(index) - Returns information about a random dungeon queue.
- GetLFGReadyCheckUpdate()
- GetLFGReadyCheckUpdateBattlegroundInfo()
- GetLFGRoles() - Returns the roles the player signed up for in the Dungeon Finder.
- GetLFGRoleShortageRewards(dungeonID, shortageIndex) - Returns info for the LFG Call to Arms rewards.
- GetLFGRoleUpdate()
- GetLFGRoleUpdateBattlegroundInfo()
- GetLFGRoleUpdateMember(memberIndex)
- GetLFGRoleUpdateSlot(slotIndex)
- GetLFGSuspendedPlayers(category)
- GetPartyLFGBackfillInfo() - Returns information about the dungeon for which you may currently recruit additional members from the LFG pool.
- GetPartyLFGID()
- HasLFGRestrictions() - Returns whether the player is in a random party formed by the dungeon finder system.
- IsInLFGDungeon()
- IsLFGComplete() - Returns whether you have currently finished a Dungeon Finder instance.
- IsLFGDungeonJoinable() - Returns whether you can queue for a particular dungeon
- IsPartyLFG()
- JoinLFG(category)
- JoinSingleLFG(category, lfgID)
- LeaveLFG(category)
- LeaveSingleLFG(category, lfgID)
- LFGTeleport([toSafety]) - Teleports the player to or from a LFG dungeon.
- PartyLFGStartBackfill()
- RefreshLFGList()
- SearchLFGGetEncounterResults(index, encounterIndex)
- SearchLFGGetJoinedID() - Returns the currently selected raid ID.
- SearchLFGGetNumResults()
- SearchLFGGetPartyResults([index, memberIndex])
- SearchLFGGetResults([index])
- SearchLFGLeave() - Removes yourself from looking through the Raid Browser. Equivalent to selecting "none" in the Raid Browser.
- SearchLFGJoin(typeID, lfgID)
- SearchLFGSort(type)
- SetLFGBootVote(shouldKick) - Responds to a vote-kick.
- SetLFGComment([comment]) - Sets the comment in the LFG browser.
- SetLFGDungeon(LE_LFG_CATEGORY, type)
- SetLFGDungeonEnabled(dungeonID, isEnabled)
- SetLFGHeaderCollapsed(headerID, isCollapsed)
- SetLFGRoles([leader, tank, healer, dps]) - Changes the selected roles.
LFD is used for Dungeon-specific functions and values
- DungeonAppearsInRandomLFD(dungeonID)
- GetLFDChoiceCollapseState([LFGCollapseList])
- GetLFDChoiceEnabledState([LFGEnabledList])
- GetLFDChoiceOrder([LFDDungeonList])
- GetLFDLockInfo(dungeonID, playerIndex)
- GetLFDLockPlayerCount()
- GetLFDRoleLockInfo(dungeonID, roleID)
- GetLFDRoleRestrictions(dungeonID)
- RequestLFDPartyLockInfo()
- RequestLFDPlayerLockInfo()
Flex Raid[]
- GetBestFlexRaidChoice()
- GetFlexRaidDungeonInfo(index)
- GetNumFlexRaidDungeons()
Raid Finder[]
- GetBestRFChoice() - Returns the suggested raid for the Raid Finder.
- GetLFRChoiceOrder([LFRRaidList])
- GetNumRFDungeons()
- GetRFDungeonInfo(index)
Quick Join[]
Quick Join was added in Patch 7.1.0
- C_PartyInfo.ConfirmRequestInviteFromUnit(targetName [, tank, healer, dps])
- C_PartyInfo.GetActiveCategories() : categories
- C_PartyInfo.GetInviteConfirmationInvalidQueues(inviteGUID) : invalidQueues
- C_PartyInfo.GetInviteReferralInfo(inviteGUID) : outReferredByGuid, outReferredByName, outRelationType, outIsQuickJoin, outClubId - Returns info for Quick join invites.
- C_PartyInfo.RequestInviteFromUnit(targetName [, tank, healer, dps])
- C_SocialQueue.GetAllGroups([allowNonJoinable, allowNonQueuedGroups]) : groupGUIDs
- C_SocialQueue.GetConfig() : config
- C_SocialQueue.GetGroupForPlayer(playerGUID) : groupGUID, isSoloQueueParty
- C_SocialQueue.GetGroupInfo(groupGUID) : canJoin, numQueues, needTank, needHealer, needDamage, isSoloQueueParty, questSessionActive, leaderGUID
- C_SocialQueue.GetGroupMembers(groupGUID) : groupMembers
- C_SocialQueue.GetGroupQueues(groupGUID) : queues
- C_SocialQueue.RequestToJoin(groupGUID [, applyAsTank, applyAsHealer, applyAsDamage]) : requestSuccessful
- C_SocialQueue.SignalToastDisplayed(groupGUID, priority)
- C_GuildInfo.CanEditOfficerNote() : canEditOfficerNote - Returns true if the player can edit guild officer notes.
- C_GuildInfo.CanSpeakInGuildChat() : canSpeakInGuildChat - Returns true if the player can use guild chat.
- C_GuildInfo.CanViewOfficerNote() : canViewOfficerNote - Returns true if the player can view guild officer notes.
- C_GuildInfo.GetGuildNewsInfo(index) : newsInfo
- C_GuildInfo.GetGuildRankOrder(guid) : rankOrder - Returns the current rank of a guild member.
- C_GuildInfo.GetGuildTabardInfo([unit]) : tabardInfo
- C_GuildInfo.GuildControlGetRankFlags(rankOrder) : permissions - Returns the permission flags for a rank index.
- C_GuildInfo.GuildRoster() - Requests updated guild roster information from the server.
- C_GuildInfo.IsGuildOfficer() : isOfficer
- C_GuildInfo.IsGuildRankAssignmentAllowed(guid, rankOrder) : isGuildRankAssignmentAllowed
- C_GuildInfo.QueryGuildMemberRecipes(guildMemberGUID, skillLineID) - Shows the guild member recipes for a profession.
- C_GuildInfo.QueryGuildMembersForRecipe(skillLineID, recipeSpellID [, recipeLevel]) : updatedRecipeSpellID
- C_GuildInfo.RemoveFromGuild(guid) - Removes a member from the guild.
- C_GuildInfo.SetGuildRankOrder(guid, rankOrder) - Sets the guild rank for a member.
- C_GuildInfo.SetNote(guid, note, isPublic) - Sets the guild note for a member.
- AcceptGuild() - Accepts a guild invite.
- BuyGuildCharter(guildName) - Purchases a .
- CanEditGuildEvent() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit guild events (in the calendar).
- CanEditGuildInfo() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit the guild info.
- CanEditGuildTabInfo(tab)
- CanEditMOTD() - Returns true if the player can edit the guild message of the day.
- CanEditPublicNote() - Returns true if you are allowed to edit a guild member's public note.
- CanGuildDemote() - Returns true if the player can demote guild members.
- CanGuildInvite() - Returns true if the player can invite new members to the guild.
- CanGuildPromote() - Returns true if the player can promote guild members.
- CanGuildRemove() - Returns true if you are allowed to remove a guild member.
- CanReplaceGuildMaster() - Returns whether you can impeach the Guild Master due to inactivity.
- CanViewGuildRecipes(skillLineID)
- CloseGuildRegistrar()
- CloseGuildRoster()
- CloseTabardCreation()
- CollapseGuildTradeSkillHeader(tradeSkillID)
- DeclineGuild() - Declines a guild invite.
- ExpandGuildTradeSkillHeader(tradeSkillID)
- GetAutoDeclineGuildInvites() - Returns true if guild invites are being automatically declined.
- GetDemotionRank(index)
- GetGuildCategoryList()
- GetGuildChallengeInfo(index)
- GetGuildCharterCost() - Returns the cost of purchasing a guild charter.
- GetGuildEventInfo(index) - Returns the event information.
- GetGuildExpirationTime()
- GetGuildFactionGroup()
- GetGuildFactionInfo() - Returns the guild name and faction standing of the player.
- GetGuildInfo(unit) - Returns guild info for a player unit.
- GetGuildInfoText() - Returns the persistant Guild Information data.
- GetGuildLogoInfo()
- GetGuildMemberRecipes(name, skillLineID)
- GetGuildNewsFilters()
- GetGuildNewsMemberName(index, nameIndex)
- GetGuildNewsSort()
- GetGuildPerkInfo()
- GetGuildRecipeInfoPostQuery()
- GetGuildRecipeMember(index)
- GetGuildRenameRequired()
- GetGuildRewardInfo(index)
- GetGuildRosterInfo(index) - Returns info for a guild member.
- GetGuildRosterLargestAchievementPoints() - Returns max achievements points.
- GetGuildRosterLastOnline(index) - Returns time since the guild member was last online.
- GetGuildRosterMOTD() - Returns the guild message of the day.
- GetGuildRosterSelection() - Returns the index of the selected guild member in the roster.
- GetGuildRosterShowOffline() - Returns true if the guild roster is showing offline members.
- GetGuildTabardFiles() - Returns File IDs of tabard textures used in guild bank logo.
- GetGuildTradeSkillInfo(index) - Returns info for a profession in the guild roster.
- GetNumGuildChallenges()
- GetNumGuildEvents() - Returns the number of guild events.
- GetNumGuildMembers() - Returns the number of total and online guild members.
- GetNumGuildNews()
- GetNumGuildPerks()
- GetNumGuildRewards()
- GetNumGuildTradeSkill() - Returns the number of tradeskills available to the guild UI.
- GetNumMembersInRank(index)
- GetPromotionRank(index)
- GetTabardCreationCost() - Returns cost in coppers.
- GetTabardInfo()
- GuildControlAddRank(name) - Add another rank called "name". Only Guildmaster.
- GuildControlDelRank(name) - Deletes a guild rank.
- GuildControlGetAllowedShifts(rankOrder)
- GuildControlGetNumRanks() - Returns number of ranks after guild frame open. Any guild member can use this.
- GuildControlGetRankName(index) - Returns a guild rank name by index.
- GuildControlSaveRank(name) - Saves the current rank name.
- GuildControlSetRank(rank)
- Selects a guild rank. - GuildControlSetRankFlag(index, enabled)
- Sets guild rank permissions. - GuildControlShiftRankDown(rankOrder)
- GuildControlShiftRankUp(rankOrder)
- GuildDemote(name)
- Demotes the specified player in the guild. - GuildDisband() - Disbands the guild; no warning is given.
- GuildInfo() - Prints info for the guild the player belongs to.
- GuildInvite(name)
- Invites a player to the guild. - GuildLeave() - Removes you from your current guild.
- GuildMasterAbsent()
- GuildNewsSetSticky(index, bool)
- GuildNewsSort(byDate)
- GuildPromote(name)
- Promotes the specified player in the guild. - GuildRosterSetOfficerNote(index, note) - Sets the officer note of a guild member.
- GuildRosterSetPublicNote(index, note) - Sets the public note of a guild member.
- GuildSetLeader(name) - Transfers guild leadership to another player.
- GuildSetMOTD(note) - Sets the guild message of the day.
- GuildUninvite(name)
- Removes a player from the guild. - IsGuildLeader(name) - Returns true if the player is the guild master.
- IsGuildMember(guid or unitToken)
- IsGuildRankAssignmentAllowed(playerIndex, rankIndex)
- IsInAuthenticatedRank()
- IsInGuild() - Lets you know whether you are in a guild.
- QueryGuildEventLog() - Fetches the guild event list and fires a GUILD_EVENT_LOG_UPDATE event.
- QueryGuildNews()
- QueryGuildRecipes()
- ReplaceGuildMaster() - Impeaches the current Guild Master.
- RequestGuildChallengeInfo()
- RequestGuildPartyState()
- RequestGuildRewards()
- SetAutoDeclineGuildInvites(checked) - Sets whether guild invites should be automatically declined.
- SetGuildInfoText() - Sets the guild info text.
- SetGuildMemberRank(playerIndex, rankIndex)
- SetGuildNewsFilter(index, bool)
- SetGuildRosterSelection(index) - Selects a guild member in the roster.
- SetGuildRosterShowOffline(enabled) - Sets the show offline guild members flag.
- SetGuildTradeSkillCategoryFilter(tradeSkillID)
- SetGuildTradeSkillItemNameFilter(itemName)
- SortGuildRoster(sort) - Sorts the guild roster on a certain column.
- SortGuildTradeSkill(type)
- SubmitRequiredGuildRename()
- ViewGuildRecipes(skillLineID)
Petitions are signup documents for guilds and arena teams. Some functions below only apply to a particular petition type
- CanSignPetition() - Returns nil if the player cannot sign the current petition.
- ClosePetition() - Closes the current petition.
- GetNumPetitionNames() - Returns the number of signatures on the current petition.
- GetPetitionInfo() - Returns info for the petition being viewed.
- GetPetitionNameInfo(index) - Retrieves information about a signature on the petition.
- OfferPetition() - Offers a petition to your target.
- RenamePetition(name) - Renames the current petition.
- SignPetition() - Signs the currently viewed petition.
- TurnInGuildCharter() - Founds a guild.
- C_ModifiedInstance.GetModifiedInstanceInfoFromMapID(mapID) : info
- C_PlayerInfo.GetInstancesUnlockedAtLevel(level, isRaid) : dungeonID
- CanChangePlayerDifficulty()
- CanMapChangeDifficulty()
- CanShowResetInstances() - Returns true if the character can currently reset their instances.
- GetDifficultyInfo() - Returns information about a difficulty.
- GetDungeonDifficultyID() - Returns the selected dungeon difficulty.
- GetInstanceBootTimeRemaining() - Gets the time in seconds after which the player will be ejected from an instance.
- GetInstanceInfo() - Returns info for the map instance the character is currently in.
- GetLegacyRaidDifficultyID()
- GetRaidDifficultyID() - Returns the player's currently selected raid difficulty.
- IsInInstance() - Returns true if the player is in an instance, and the type of instance.
- IsLegacyDifficulty(difficultyID)
- ResetInstances() - Resets all instances for the character.
- SetDungeonDifficultyID(difficultyID) - Sets the player's dungeon difficulty.
- SetLegacyRaidDifficultyID(difficultyID [, force])
- SetRaidDifficultyID(difficultyID) - Sets the raid difficulty.
- ShowBossFrameWhenUninteractable(unit)
Relates to Instance Locks
- GetInstanceLockTimeRemaining() - Returns info for the instance lock timer for the current instance.
- GetInstanceLockTimeRemainingEncounter(id) - Returns information about bosses in the instance the player is about to be saved to.
- GetNumSavedInstances() - Returns the number of instances for which the character is locked out.
- GetNumSavedWorldBosses()
- GetSavedInstanceChatLink(index)
- GetSavedInstanceEncounterInfo(instanceIndex, encounterIndex)
- GetSavedInstanceInfo(index) - Returns instance lock info.
- GetSavedWorldBossInfo(index)
- RequestRaidInfo() - Requests which instances the player is saved to.
- RespondInstanceLock()
- SetSavedInstanceExtend(index, extend)
Scenarios were added in Patch 5.0.4
- C_Scenario.GetBonusStepRewardQuestID(stepIndex)
- C_Scenario.GetBonusSteps()
- C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(criteriaIndex)
- C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfoByStep(stepID, criteriaIndex)
- C_Scenario.GetInfo()
- C_Scenario.GetProvingGroundsInfo() - Returns info for the current Proving Grounds trial.
- C_Scenario.GetScenarioIconInfo(uiMapID)
- C_Scenario.GetStepInfo([bonusStepIndex])
- C_Scenario.GetSupersededObjectives()
- C_Scenario.IsInScenario()
- C_Scenario.ShouldShowCriteria()
- C_Scenario.TreatScenarioAsDungeon()
- C_ScenarioInfo.GetScenarioInfo() : scenarioInfo
- C_ScenarioInfo.GetScenarioStepInfo([scenarioStepID]) : scenarioStepInfo
- GetNumRandomScenarios()
- GetNumScenarios()
- GetRandomScenarioBestChoice()
- GetRandomScenarioInfo(index)
- GetScenariosChoiceOrder()
- GetWorldElapsedTimers()
- GetWorldElapsedTime(timerID)
- IsInScenarioGroup()
Mythic+ mode was added in Patch 7.0.3
- C_MythicPlus.GetCurrentAffixes() : affixIDs
- C_MythicPlus.GetCurrentSeason() : seasonID
- C_MythicPlus.GetCurrentSeasonValues() : displaySeasonID, milestoneSeasonID, rewardSeasonID
- C_MythicPlus.GetLastWeeklyBestInformation() : challengeMapId, level
- C_MythicPlus.GetOwnedKeystoneChallengeMapID() : challengeMapID
- C_MythicPlus.GetOwnedKeystoneLevel() : keyStoneLevel
- C_MythicPlus.GetOwnedKeystoneMapID() : mapID
- C_MythicPlus.GetRewardLevelForDifficultyLevel(difficultyLevel) : weeklyRewardLevel, endOfRunRewardLevel
- C_MythicPlus.GetRewardLevelFromKeystoneLevel(keystoneLevel) : rewardLevel
- C_MythicPlus.GetRunHistory([includePreviousWeeks, includeIncompleteRuns]) : runs
- C_MythicPlus.GetSeasonBestAffixScoreInfoForMap(mapChallengeModeID) : affixScores, bestOverAllScore
- C_MythicPlus.GetSeasonBestForMap(mapChallengeModeID) : intimeInfo, overtimeInfo
- C_MythicPlus.GetSeasonBestMythicRatingFromThisExpansion() : bestSeasonScore, bestSeason
- C_MythicPlus.GetWeeklyBestForMap(mapChallengeModeID) : durationSec, level, completionDate, affixIDs, members, dungeonScore
- C_MythicPlus.GetWeeklyChestRewardLevel() : currentWeekBestLevel, weeklyRewardLevel, nextDifficultyWeeklyRewardLevel, nextBestLevel
- C_MythicPlus.IsMythicPlusActive() : isMythicPlusActive
- C_MythicPlus.IsWeeklyRewardAvailable() : weeklyRewardAvailable
- C_MythicPlus.RequestCurrentAffixes()
- C_MythicPlus.RequestMapInfo()
- C_MythicPlus.RequestRewards()
- C_PlayerInfo.GetPlayerMythicPlusRatingSummary(playerToken) : ratingSummary
Challenge Mode was added in Patch 5.0.4
- C_ChallengeMode.CanUseKeystoneInCurrentMap(itemLocation) : canUse
- C_ChallengeMode.ClearKeystone()
- C_ChallengeMode.CloseKeystoneFrame()
- C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveChallengeMapID() : mapChallengeModeID
- C_ChallengeMode.GetActiveKeystoneInfo() : activeKeystoneLevel, activeAffixIDs, wasActiveKeystoneCharged
- C_ChallengeMode.GetAffixInfo(affixID) : name, description, filedataid
- C_ChallengeMode.GetCompletionInfo() : mapChallengeModeID, level, time, onTime, keystoneUpgradeLevels, practiceRun, oldOverallDungeonScore, newOverallDungeonScore, IsMapRecord, IsAffixRecord, PrimaryAffix, isEligibleForScore, members
- C_ChallengeMode.GetDeathCount() : numDeaths, timeLost
- C_ChallengeMode.GetDungeonScoreRarityColor(dungeonScore) : scoreColor
- C_ChallengeMode.GetGuildLeaders() : topAttempt
- C_ChallengeMode.GetKeystoneLevelRarityColor(level) : levelScore
- C_ChallengeMode.GetMapScoreInfo() : displayScores
- C_ChallengeMode.GetMapTable() : mapChallengeModeIDs
- C_ChallengeMode.GetMapUIInfo(mapChallengeModeID) : name, id, timeLimit, texture, backgroundTexture
- C_ChallengeMode.GetOverallDungeonScore() : overallDungeonScore
- C_ChallengeMode.GetPowerLevelDamageHealthMod(powerLevel) : damageMod, healthMod
- C_ChallengeMode.GetSlottedKeystoneInfo() : mapChallengeModeID, affixIDs, keystoneLevel
- C_ChallengeMode.GetSpecificDungeonOverallScoreRarityColor(specificDungeonOverallScore) : specificDungeonOverallScoreColor
- C_ChallengeMode.GetSpecificDungeonScoreRarityColor(specificDungeonScore) : specificDungeonScoreColor
- C_ChallengeMode.HasSlottedKeystone() : hasSlottedKeystone
- C_ChallengeMode.IsChallengeModeActive() : challengeModeActive
- C_ChallengeMode.RemoveKeystone() : removalSuccessful
- C_ChallengeMode.RequestLeaders(mapChallengeModeID)
- C_ChallengeMode.Reset()
- C_ChallengeMode.SlotKeystone()
- C_ChallengeMode.StartChallengeMode() : success
Weekly Rewards[]
- C_WeeklyRewards.AreRewardsForCurrentRewardPeriod() : isCurrentPeriod
- C_WeeklyRewards.CanClaimRewards() : canClaimRewards
- C_WeeklyRewards.ClaimReward(id)
- C_WeeklyRewards.CloseInteraction()
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetActivities([type]) : activities
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetActivityEncounterInfo(type, index) : info
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetConquestWeeklyProgress() : weeklyProgress
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetExampleRewardItemHyperlinks(id) : hyperlink, upgradeHyperlink
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetItemHyperlink(itemDBID) : hyperlink
- C_WeeklyRewards.GetNextMythicPlusIncrease(mythicPlusLevel) : hasSeasonData, nextMythicPlusLevel, itemLevel
- C_WeeklyRewards.HasAvailableRewards() : hasAvailableRewards
- C_WeeklyRewards.HasGeneratedRewards() : hasGeneratedRewards
- C_WeeklyRewards.HasInteraction() : isInteracting
- C_WeeklyRewards.OnUIInteract()
These functions operate on item links or item information directly. See also Bag functions.
- C_Item.CanViewItemPowers(itemLoc) : isItemViewable
- C_Item.DoesItemExist(emptiableItemLocation) : itemExists
- C_Item.DoesItemExistByID(itemInfo) : itemExists
- C_Item.DoesItemMatchBonusTreeReplacement(itemLoc) : matchesBonusTree
- C_Item.GetCurrentItemLevel(itemLocation) : currentItemLevel
- C_Item.GetItemConversionOutputIcon(itemLoc) : icon
- C_Item.GetItemGUID(itemLocation) : itemGUID
- C_Item.GetItemIcon(itemLocation) : icon
- C_Item.GetItemIconByID(itemInfo) : icon
- C_Item.GetItemID(itemLocation) : itemID
- C_Item.GetItemInventoryType(itemLocation) : inventoryType
- C_Item.GetItemInventoryTypeByID(itemInfo) : inventoryType
- C_Item.GetItemLink(itemLocation) : itemLink
- C_Item.GetItemName(itemLocation) : itemName
- C_Item.GetItemNameByID(itemInfo) : itemName
- C_Item.GetItemQuality(itemLocation) : itemQuality
- C_Item.GetItemQualityByID(itemInfo) : itemQuality
- C_Item.GetItemUniquenessByID(itemInfo) : isUnique, limitCategoryName, limitCategoryCount, limitCategoryID
- C_Item.GetStackCount(itemLocation) : stackCount
- C_Item.IsBound(itemLocation) : isBound
- C_Item.IsItemConvertibleAndValidForPlayer(itemLoc) : isItemConvertibleAndValidForPlayer
- C_Item.IsItemDataCached(itemLocation) : isCached
- C_Item.IsItemDataCachedByID(itemInfo) : isCached
- C_Item.IsItemKeystoneByID(itemInfo) : isKeystone
- C_Item.IsItemSpecificToPlayerClass(itemInfo) : isItemSpecificToPlayerClass
- C_Item.IsLocked(itemLocation) : isLocked
- C_Item.LockItem(itemLocation)
- C_Item.LockItemByGUID(itemGUID)
- C_Item.RequestLoadItemData(itemLocation)
- C_Item.RequestLoadItemDataByID(itemInfo)
- C_Item.UnlockItem(itemLocation)
- C_Item.UnlockItemByGUID(itemGUID)
- C_ItemInteraction.ClearPendingItem()
- C_ItemInteraction.CloseUI()
- C_ItemInteraction.GetChargeInfo() : chargeInfo
- C_ItemInteraction.GetItemConversionCurrencyCost(item) : conversionCost
- C_ItemInteraction.GetItemInteractionInfo() : info
- C_ItemInteraction.GetItemInteractionSpellId() : spellId
- C_ItemInteraction.InitializeFrame()
- C_ItemInteraction.PerformItemInteraction()
- C_ItemInteraction.Reset()
- C_ItemInteraction.SetPendingItem([item]) : success
- C_NewItems.ClearAll() - Clears the new item flag on all items in the player's inventory.
- C_NewItems.IsNewItem(containerIndex, slotIndex) : isNew - Returns true if the item in the inventory slot is flagged as new.
- C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem(containerIndex, slotIndex) - Clears the "new item" flag.
- ActionBindsItem() - Confirms this will bind this item to you.
- ConfirmOnUse() - Confirms you want to use the item.
- EndBoundTradeable(type) - Confirms this will make this item non-tradeable.
- EndRefund() - Confirms this will make this item non-refundable.
- EquipItemByName(item [, invSlot]) - Equips an item, optionally into a specified slot.
- GetDetailedItemLevelInfo(item) - Returns detailed item level info.
- GetItemChildInfo(item [, slotID])
- GetItemClassInfo(itemClassID) - Returns the name of the item type.
- GetItemCooldown(itemId) - Returns cooldown info for an item ID.
- GetItemCount(item [, includeBank, includeCharges]) - Returns the number (or available charges) of an item in the inventory.
- GetItemCreationContext(itemlink)
- GetItemFamily(item) - Returns the bag type that an item can go into, or for bags the type of items that it can contain.
- GetItemGem(item, index)
- GetItemIcon(itemId) - Returns the icon texture for an item.
- GetItemInfo(item) - Returns info for an item.
- GetItemInfoInstant(item) - Returns readily available info for an item.
- GetItemInventorySlotInfo(inventorySlot)
- GetItemLevelColor()
- GetItemQualityColor(quality) - Returns the color for an item quality.
- GetItemSetInfo(setID)
- GetItemSpecInfo(item [, specTable])
- GetItemSpell(item) - Returns the spell effect for an item.
- GetItemStatDelta(itemLink1, itemLink2 [, statTable])
- GetItemStats(itemLink, statTable) - Returns a table of stats for an item.
- GetItemSubClassInfo(itemClassID, itemSubClassID) - Returns the name of the item subtype.
- GetItemUniqueness(item)
- IsConsumableItem(item)
- IsCurrentItem(item)
- IsEquippableItem(item) - Returns true if an item is equipable by the player.
- IsEquippedItem(item)
- IsEquippedItemType(type) - Returns true if an item of a given type is equipped.
- IsHarmfulItem(item) - Returns whether an item can be used against hostile units
- IsHelpfulItem(item) - Returns whether an item can be used on the player or friendly units
- IsItemInRange(item [, unit]) - Returns whether the item is in usable range of the unit.
- IsUsableItem(item) - Returns usable, noMana.
- ItemHasRange(item)
- TargetSpellReplacesBonusTree()
- UseItemByName(itemName, unit)
- Uses the specified item.
Item Enchants
- BindEnchant() - Confirms that enchanting an item will make it soulbound.
- ReplaceEnchant() - Confirms the "Replace Enchant" dialog.
- ReplaceTradeEnchant() - Confirms that an enchant applied to the trade frame should replace an existing enchant.
Item Upgrade[]
- C_ItemUpgrade.CanUpgradeItem(baseItem) : isValid
- C_ItemUpgrade.ClearItemUpgrade()
- C_ItemUpgrade.CloseItemUpgrade()
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetItemHyperlink() : link
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetItemUpgradeCurrentLevel() : itemLevel, isPvpItemLevel
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetItemUpgradeEffect(effectIndex [, numUpgradeLevels]) : outBaseEffect, outUpgradedEffect
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetItemUpgradeItemInfo() : itemInfo
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetItemUpgradePvpItemLevelDeltaValues(numUpgradeLevels) : currentPvPItemLevel, upgradedPvPItemLevel
- C_ItemUpgrade.GetNumItemUpgradeEffects() : numItemUpgradeEffects
- C_ItemUpgrade.SetItemUpgradeFromCursorItem()
- C_ItemUpgrade.SetItemUpgradeFromLocation(itemToSet)
- C_ItemUpgrade.UpgradeItem([numUpgrades])
Relates to Loot.
- C_Loot.IsLegacyLootModeEnabled() : isLegacyLootModeEnabled
- C_PlayerInfo.CanPlayerUseAreaLoot() : canUseAreaLoot
- CanLootUnit(unitGUID)
- CancelMasterLootRoll(slot)
- CloseLoot([uiFailedFlag])
- ConfirmLootRoll(rollId [, roll]) - Confirms a loot roll.
- ConfirmLootSlot(slot) - Confirms looting of a BoP item.
- DoMasterLootRoll(slot)
- GetActiveLootRollIDs()
- GetLootInfo()
- GetLootMethod() - Returns the current loot method.
- GetLootRollItemInfo(rollId)
- GetLootRollItemLink(id)
- GetLootRollTimeLeft(rollid)
- GetLootSlotInfo(slot) - Returns info for a loot slot.
- GetLootSlotLink(slot) - Returns the item link for a loot slot.
- GetLootSlotType(slot)
- GetLootSourceInfo(slot) - Returns information about the source of the objects in a loot slot.
- GetLootSpecialization()
- GetLootThreshold() - Returns the loot threshold quality for e.g. master loot.
- GetMasterLootCandidate(index) - Returns the name of an eligible player for receiving master loot by index.
- GetNumLootItems() - Returns the number of items in the loot window.
- GetOptOutOfLoot() - Returns true if the player is automatically passing on all loot.
- GiveMasterLoot(slot, index)
- IsFishingLoot()
- IsMasterLooter()
- LootMoneyNotify(money, soleLooter)
- LootSlot(slot) - Loots the specified slot; can require confirmation with ConfirmLootSlot.
- LootSlotHasItem(slot)
- RollOnLoot(rollId [, roll]) - Rolls or passes on loot.
- SetLootMethod(lootMethod [, masterPlayer or threshold]) - Set the current loot method.
- SetLootPortrait()
- SetLootSpecialization(specilizationID)
- SetLootThreshold(itemQuality) - Sets the loot quality threshold for group/master loot.
- SetOptOutOfLoot(optOut) - Sets whether to automatically pass on all loot.
Relates to Macros.
- CreateMacro(name, icon, body, perCharacter, isLocal)
- Creates a macro. - DeleteMacro(id or name) - Deletes a macro.
- EditMacro(index, name, iconIndex, body, isLocal, perCharacter)
- Modifies an existing macro. - GetLooseMacroIcons()
- GetLooseMacroItemIcons()
- GetMacroBody(id or name) - Returns the body (macro text) of a macro.
- GetMacroIcons(table) - Returns an array of available macro texture paths (but not icons of items).
- GetMacroIndexByName(name) - Returns the index for a macro by name.
- GetMacroInfo(id or name) - Returns info for a macro.
- GetMacroItemIcons(table) - Returns an array of available macro texture paths (icons of items).
- GetMacroItem()
- GetMacroSpell()
- GetNumMacros() - Returns the number of account and character macros.
- GetRunningMacroButton()
- GetRunningMacro()
- RunMacro(id or name)
- Executes a macro. - RunMacroText(macro)
- Executes a string as if it was a macro. - SecureCmdOptionParse(command) - Evaluates macro conditionals without the need of a macro.
- SetMacroItem(macro, item [, target])
- SetMacroSpell(macro, spell [, target])
- StopMacro()
- Stops the currently executing macro.
Relates to Mail.
- C_Mail.CanCheckInbox() : canCheckInbox, secondsUntilAllowed
- C_Mail.HasInboxMoney(inboxIndex) : inboxItemHasMoneyAttached - Returns true if a mail has money attached.
- C_Mail.IsCommandPending() : isCommandPending - Returns true if the current mail command is still processing.
- AutoLootMailItem(index) - Loot all items from mail message.
- CanComplainInboxItem(index) - Determines if we should show the “report spam” button on a mail item.
- CheckInbox() - Queries the server for mail.
- ClearSendMail() - Clears the text and item attachments in the Send Mail tab.
- ClickSendMailItemButton([itemIndex, clearItem]) - Drops or picks up an item from the cursor to the Send Mail tab.
- CloseMail() - Closes the mail window.
- DeleteInboxItem(index) - Requests the server to remove a mailbox message.
- GetCoinIcon(amount)
- GetInboxHeaderInfo(index) - Returns info for a message in the mailbox.
- GetInboxItem(index, itemIndex) - Returns info for an item attached to a message in the mailbox.
- GetInboxItemLink(index, itemIndex) - Returns the item link of an item attached to a message in the mailbox.
- GetInboxNumItems() - Returns the number of messages in the mailbox.
- GetInboxText(index) - Returns the text of a message in the mailbox.
- GetInboxInvoiceInfo(index) - Returns info for an auction house invoice.
- GetLatestThreeSenders() - Returns up to three senders of unread mail.
- GetSendMailCOD() - Returns the Cash-On-Delivery cost of the outgoing message.
- GetSendMailItem(index) - Returns info for an item attached in the outgoing message.
- GetSendMailItemLink(index) - Returns the item link of an item attached in the outgoing message.
- GetSendMailMoney()
- GetSendMailPrice() - Gets the cost for sending mail.
- HasInboxItem()
- HasNewMail() - Returns nil if there is no new mail.
- HasSendMailItem(index) - Returns boolean if item is attached to send mail frame in specified slot.
- InboxItemCanDelete(index) - Returns true if a message can be deleted, false if it can be returned to sender.
- RespondMailLockSendItem(slot, keepItem) - Confirm item wont be refunded, keepItem boolean.
- ReturnInboxItem(index) - Returns to the sender the attached item in the mail message at the specified index.
- SendMail(target, subject, body)
- Sends in-game mail. - SetSendMailCOD(amount)
- Make next mail sent using SendMail() COD target for amount. - SetSendMailMoney(amount)
- Add money to next mail sent using SendMail(). - SetSendMailShowing()
- TakeInboxItem(index, itemIndex) - Takes the attached item from the mailbox message.
- TakeInboxMoney(index) - Take the attached money from the mailbox message at index.
- TakeInboxTextItem(index) - Creates a permanent copy of letter (readable "Plain Letter").
The Map API was reworked in Patch 8.0.1. See also MapUtil functions.
- C_Map.CloseWorldMapInteraction()
- C_Map.GetAreaInfo(areaID) : name - Returns a map subzone name.
- C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit(unitToken) : uiMapID - Returns the current UI map for the given unit. Only works for the player and group members.
- C_Map.GetBountySetMaps(bountySetID) : mapIDs - Returns the maps for a bounty.
- C_Map.GetFallbackWorldMapID() : uiMapID - Returns the world map id.
- C_Map.GetMapArtBackgroundAtlas(uiMapID) : atlasName - Returns the background atlas for a map.
- C_Map.GetMapArtHelpTextPosition(uiMapID) : position - Returns the position for the "Click to Zoom In" hint text on flight maps.
- C_Map.GetMapArtID(uiMapID) : uiMapArtID - Returns the art for a (phased) map.
- C_Map.GetMapArtLayers(uiMapID) : layerInfo - Returns the art layers for a map.
- C_Map.GetMapArtLayerTextures(uiMapID, layerIndex) : textures - Returns the art layer textures for a map.
- C_Map.GetMapBannersForMap(uiMapID) : mapBanners - Returns the poi banners for a map.
- C_Map.GetMapChildrenInfo(uiMapID [, mapType, allDescendants]) : info - Returns info for the children of a map.
- C_Map.GetMapDisplayInfo(uiMapID) : hideIcons - Returns whether group member pins should be hidden.
- C_Map.GetMapGroupID(uiMapID) : uiMapGroupID - Returns the map group for a map.
- C_Map.GetMapGroupMembersInfo(uiMapGroupID) : info - Returns the floors for a map group.
- C_Map.GetMapHighlightInfoAtPosition(uiMapID, x, y) : fileDataID, atlasID, texturePercentageX, texturePercentageY, textureX, textureY, scrollChildX, scrollChildY - Returns a map highlight pin for a location.
- C_Map.GetMapInfo(uiMapID) : info - Returns map information.
- C_Map.GetMapInfoAtPosition(uiMapID, x, y [, ignoreZoneMapPositionData]) : info - Returns info for any child or adjacent maps at a position on the map.
- C_Map.GetMapLevels(uiMapID) : playerMinLevel, playerMaxLevel, petMinLevel, petMaxLevel - Returns the suggested player and battle pet levels for a map.
- C_Map.GetMapLinksForMap(uiMapID) : mapLinks - Returns the map pins that link to another map.
- C_Map.GetMapPosFromWorldPos(continentID, worldPosition [, overrideUiMapID]) : uiMapID, mapPosition - Translates a world map position to a map position.
- C_Map.GetMapRectOnMap(uiMapID, topUiMapID) : minX, maxX, minY, maxY - Returns the map rectangle location for a map on its parent map.
- C_Map.GetMapWorldSize(uiMapID) : width, height
- C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(uiMapID, unitToken) : position
- Returns the location of the unit on a map. - C_Map.GetWorldPosFromMapPos(uiMapID, mapPosition) : continentID, worldPosition - Translates a map position to a world map position.
- C_Map.IsMapValidForNavBarDropDown(uiMapID) : isValid
- C_Map.MapHasArt(uiMapID) : hasArt - Returns true if the map has art and can be displayed by the FrameXML.
- C_Map.RequestPreloadMap(uiMapID) - Preloads textures for a map.
- C_MapExplorationInfo.GetExploredAreaIDsAtPosition(uiMapID, normalizedPosition) : areaID - Returns the explored areas for the location on a map.
- C_MapExplorationInfo.GetExploredMapTextures(uiMapID) : overlayInfo - Returns explored map textures for a map.
- C_FogOfWar.GetFogOfWarForMap(uiMapID) : fogOfWarID - Returns the fog of war for an Island Expedition map.
- C_FogOfWar.GetFogOfWarInfo(fogOfWarID) : fogOfWarInfo - Returns info for the fog of war for an Island Expedition map.
- GetAreaText()
- GetMinimapZoneText() - Returns the zone text that is displayed over the minimap.
- GetPlayerFacing()
- Returns the direction the character is facing in radians. - GetRealZoneText([mapID]) - Returns the map instance name.
- GetSubZoneText() - Returns the subzone name.
- GetZonePVPInfo() - Returns PVP info for the current zone.
- GetZoneText() - Returns the name of the zone the player is in.
- UnitDistanceSquared(unit) : distance, checkedDistance
- Returns the squared distance to a unit in your group. - UnitPosition(unit)
- Returns the position of a unit in the current world area. - WorldMapFrame:AddDataProvider(dataProvider)
- Adds a map data provider. - WorldMapFrame:GetMapID()
- Returns the currently viewed world map. - WorldMapFrame:SetMapID(uiMapID)
- Sets the world map. - WorldMapFrame:EnumerateAllPins()
- Enumerates through all map pins.
The Minimap was reworked in Patch 9.0.1
- C_Minimap.GetDrawGroundTextures() : draw
- C_Minimap.GetUiMapID() : uiMapID
- C_Minimap.GetViewRadius() : yards
- C_Minimap.IsRotateMinimapIgnored() : isIgnored
- C_Minimap.SetDrawGroundTextures(draw)
- C_Minimap.SetIgnoreRotateMinimap(ignore)
- C_Minimap.ShouldUseHybridMinimap() : shouldUse
Points of Interest[]
- C_AreaPoiInfo.GetAreaPOIForMap(uiMapID) : areaPoiIDs - Returns area points of interest for a map.
- C_AreaPoiInfo.GetAreaPOIInfo(uiMapID, areaPoiID) : poiInfo - Returns info for an area point of interest (e.g. World PvP objectives).
- C_AreaPoiInfo.GetAreaPOISecondsLeft(areaPoiID) : secondsLeft - Returns the time left in seconds for an area point of interest.
- C_AreaPoiInfo.IsAreaPOITimed(areaPoiID) : isTimed, hideTimerInTooltip - Returns whether an area poi is timed.
- SetPOIIconOverlapDistance(index)
- SetPOIIconOverlapPushDistance(index)
Vignettes are used for one-time rare mobs and treasure chests.
- C_VignetteInfo.FindBestUniqueVignette(vignetteGUIDs) : bestUniqueVignetteIndex
- C_VignetteInfo.GetVignetteInfo(vignetteGUID) : vignetteInfo
- C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettePosition(vignetteGUID, uiMapID) : vignettePosition, vignetteFacing
- C_VignetteInfo.GetVignettes() : vignetteGUIDs
Tracked waypoints were added in Patch 9.0.1
- C_Map.CanSetUserWaypointOnMap(uiMapID) : canSet
- C_Map.ClearUserWaypoint()
- C_Map.GetUserWaypoint() : point
- C_Map.GetUserWaypointFromHyperlink(hyperlink) : point
- C_Map.GetUserWaypointHyperlink() : hyperlink
- C_Map.GetUserWaypointPositionForMap(uiMapID) : mapPosition
- C_Map.HasUserWaypoint() : hasUserWaypoint
- C_Map.SetUserWaypoint(point)
- C_Navigation.GetDistance() : distance
- C_Navigation.GetFrame() : frame
- C_Navigation.GetTargetState() : state
- C_Navigation.HasValidScreenPosition() : hasValidScreenPosition
- C_Navigation.WasClampedToScreen() : wasClamped
Controls what's actively being tracked.
- C_SuperTrack.GetHighestPrioritySuperTrackingType() : type
- C_SuperTrack.GetSuperTrackedQuestID() : questID
- C_SuperTrack.IsSuperTrackingAnything() : isSuperTracking
- C_SuperTrack.IsSuperTrackingCorpse() : isSuperTracking
- C_SuperTrack.IsSuperTrackingQuest() : isSuperTracking
- C_SuperTrack.IsSuperTrackingUserWaypoint() : isSuperTracking
- C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedQuestID(questID)
- C_SuperTrack.SetSuperTrackedUserWaypoint(superTracked)
- C_QuestLog.GetNextWaypoint(questID) : mapID, x, y
- C_QuestLog.GetNextWaypointForMap(questID, uiMapID) : x, y
- C_QuestLog.GetNextWaypointText(questID) : waypointText
Flight Master[]
Relates to Flight master taxi services.
- C_TaxiMap.GetAllTaxiNodes(uiMapID) : taxiNodes
- C_TaxiMap.GetTaxiNodesForMap(uiMapID) : mapTaxiNodes
- C_TaxiMap.ShouldMapShowTaxiNodes(uiMapID) : shouldShowNodes
- CloseTaxiMap() - Closes the Flight Map.
- GetNumRoutes(slot) - Gets the number of hops between current-slot and slot.
- GetTaxiBenchmarkMode()
- GetTaxiMapID()
- NumTaxiNodes() - Returns the number of flight paths on the taxi map.
- SetTaxiBenchmarkMode()
- SetTaxiMap(frame)
- TakeTaxiNode(slot) - Travels to the specified flight path node.
- TaxiGetDestX(slot, hop)
- TaxiGetDestY(slot, hop)
- TaxiGetNodeSlot()
- TaxiGetSrcX(slot, hop)
- TaxiGetSrcY(slot, hop)
- TaxiIsDirectFlight()
- TaxiNodeCost(slot) - Returns the cost of the flight path in copper.
- TaxiNodeGetType(slot) - Returns the type of a flight path node.
- TaxiNodeName(slot) - Returns the name of a flight path node.
- TaxiNodePosition(slot) - Returns the position of a flight point on the taxi map.
- TaxiRequestEarlyLanding()
- UnitOnTaxi(unit) - Returns true if the unit is on a flight path.
Relates to Vendors.
- C_MerchantFrame.GetBuybackItemID(buybackSlotIndex) : buybackItemID
- C_MerchantFrame.IsMerchantItemRefundable(index) : refundable
- BuyMerchantItem(index [, qty]) - Buys an item from a merchant.
- BuybackItem(index) - Buys back an item from the merchant.
- CanAffordMerchantItem(index)
- CanMerchantRepair() - Returns true if the merchant can repair items.
- CloseMerchant() - Closes the merchant window.
- GetBuybackItemInfo(index) - Returns info for an item that can be bought back from a merchant.
- GetBuybackItemLink(index) - Returns an itemLink for the buyback item.
- GetMerchantCurrencies()
- GetMerchantFilter()
- GetMerchantItemCostInfo(index) - Returns "alternative currency" information about an item.
- GetMerchantItemCostItem(index, itemIndex) - Returns info for the currency cost for a merchant item.
- GetMerchantItemID(index)
- GetMerchantItemInfo(index) - Returns info for a merchant item.
- GetMerchantItemLink(index) - Returns the item link for a merchant item.
- GetMerchantItemMaxStack(index) - Returns the maximum stack size for a merchant item.
- GetMerchantNumItems() - Returns the number of different items a merchant sells.
- GetNumBuybackItems() - Returns the number of items available for buyback.
- GetRepairAllCost()
- RepairAllItems([guildBankRepair]) - Repairs all equipped and inventory items.
- ResetSetMerchantFilter()
- SetMerchantFilter()
Relates to Trainers.
- BuyTrainerService(index) - Buys a trainer service (e.g. class skills and profession recipes).
- CloseTrainer() - Closes the trainer window.
- GetNumTrainerServices() - Returns the number of trainer services.
- GetTrainerGreetingText() - Returns the trainer's greeting text.
- GetTrainerSelectionIndex() - Returns the index of the selected trainer service.
- GetTrainerServiceAbilityReq(trainerIndex, reqIndex) - Returns the name of a requirement for training a skill and if the player meets the requirement.
- GetTrainerServiceCost(index) - Returns the cost of the specified trainer service.
- GetTrainerServiceDescription(index) - Returns the description of a specific trainer service.
- GetTrainerServiceIcon(index) - Returns the icon texture for a specific trainer service.
- GetTrainerServiceInfo(index) - Returns information about a trainer service.
- GetTrainerServiceItemLink(index) - Returns an item link for a trainer service.
- GetTrainerServiceLevelReq(index) - Returns the required level to learn a skill from the trainer.
- GetTrainerServiceNumAbilityReq() - Get the maximum number of requirements that GetTrainerServiceAbilityReq has.
- GetTrainerServiceSkillLine(index)
- GetTrainerServiceSkillReq(index) - Returns the name of the required skill and the amount needed in that skill.
- GetTrainerServiceStepIndex()
- GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter(filter) - Returns the status of a skill filter in the trainer window.
- GetTrainerTradeskillRankValues()
- IsTradeskillTrainer() - Returns true if the training window is used for a profession trainer.
- OpenTrainer()
- SelectTrainerService()
- SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter(filter, state) - Sets the status of a skill filter in the trainer window.
Pet Battles[]
The Pet Battle System was added in Patch 5.0.4. See also Pet Journal functions.
- C_PetBattles.AcceptPVPDuel()
- C_PetBattles.AcceptQueuedPVPMatch()
- C_PetBattles.CanAcceptQueuedPVPMatch()
- C_PetBattles.CanActivePetSwapOut()
- C_PetBattles.CanPetSwapIn(petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.CancelPVPDuel()
- C_PetBattles.ChangePet(petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.DeclineQueuedPVPMatch()
- C_PetBattles.ForfeitGame()
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityEffectInfo(abilityID, turnIndex, effectIndex, effectName)
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoByID(abilityID)
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfo(petOwner, petIndex, abilityIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityProcTurnIndex(abilityID, procType)
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityStateModification(abilityID, stateID)
- C_PetBattles.GetAbilityState(petOwner, petIndex, actionIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(petOwner)
- C_PetBattles.GetAllEffectNames()
- C_PetBattles.GetAllStates()
- C_PetBattles.GetAttackModifier(petType, enemyPetType)
- C_PetBattles.GetAuraInfo(petOwner, petIndex, auraIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetBattleState()
- C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(petOwner, slot) : quality
- C_PetBattles.GetDisplayID(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetForfeitPenalty()
- C_PetBattles.GetHealth(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetIcon(petOwner, slot) : iconFileID
- C_PetBattles.GetLevel(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetName(petOwner, slot) : customName, speciesName
- C_PetBattles.GetNumAuras(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetNumPets(petOwner)
- C_PetBattles.GetPVPMatchmakingInfo()
- C_PetBattles.GetPetSpeciesID(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetPetType(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetPlayerTrapAbility()
- C_PetBattles.GetPower(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetSelectedAction()
- C_PetBattles.GetSpeed(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.GetStateValue(petOwner, petIndex, stateID)
- C_PetBattles.GetTurnTimeInfo()
- C_PetBattles.GetXP(petOwner, petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.IsInBattle()
- C_PetBattles.IsPlayerNPC() : isPlayerNPC
- C_PetBattles.IsSkipAvailable()
- C_PetBattles.IsTrapAvailable()
- C_PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponent()
- C_PetBattles.IsWildBattle() : isWildBattle
- C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportBattlePetTarget(petIndex)
- C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportTargetFromUnit(unit)
- C_PetBattles.ShouldShowPetSelect()
- C_PetBattles.SkipTurn()
- C_PetBattles.StartPVPDuel()
- C_PetBattles.StartPVPMatchmaking()
- C_PetBattles.StopPVPMatchmaking()
- C_PetBattles.UseAbility(actionIndex)
- C_PetBattles.UseTrap()
- UnitBattlePetLevel()
- UnitBattlePetSpeciesID()
- UnitBattlePetType()
- UnitIsBattlePet(unit)
- UnitIsBattlePetCompanion(unit)
- UnitIsOtherPlayersBattlePet(unit)
- UnitIsWildBattlePet(unit)
- C_PlayerInfo.GetAlternateFormInfo() : hasAlternateForm, inAlternateForm
- C_PlayerInfo.GetClass(playerLocation) : className, classFilename, classID - Returns the class of a player.
- C_PlayerInfo.GetName(playerLocation) : name - Returns the name of a player.
- C_PlayerInfo.GetRace(playerLocation) : raceID - Returns the race of a player.
- C_PlayerInfo.GetSex(playerLocation) : sex - Returns the sex of a player.
- C_PlayerInfo.GUIDIsPlayer(guid) : isPlayer - Returns true if the GUID belongs to a player.
- C_PlayerInfo.IsConnected([playerLocation]) : isConnected - Returns true if the player is connected.
- C_PlayerInfo.UnitIsSameServer(playerLocation) : unitIsSameServer - Returns true if a player is from the same or connected realm.
- Ambiguate(fullName, context) - Returns a version of a character-realm string suitable for use in a given context.
- GetAutoCompleteResults(text, include, exclude, maxResults [, cursorPosition]) - Returns possible player names matching a given prefix string and specified requirements.
- GetPlayerInfoByGUID(guid) - Returns character info for another player from their GUID.
- IsRecognizedName(text, includeBitField, excludeBitField) - Returns true if a given character name is recognized by the client.
- CanInspect(unit [, showError]) - Returns true if the player can inspect the unit.
- CheckInteractDistance(unit, interaction) - Returns true if the player is in range to perform a specific interaction with the unit.
- ClearInspectPlayer() - Reset inspect data once finished with it.
- GetInspectArenaData(bracketIndex)
- GetInspectGuildInfo(unit)
- GetInspectHonorData() - Returns honor info for the inspected player unit.
- GetInspectRatedBGData()
- GetInspectSpecialization(unit) - Returns the specialization for the inspected player unit.
- GetInspectTalent()
- NotifyInspect(unit) - Requests another player's inventory and talent info before inspecting.
- InspectUnit(unit)
- Instructs FrameXML to inspect a particular unit (query server; show UI).
Relates to Trading.
- AcceptTrade()
- Accepts the current trade offer. - AddTradeMoney() - Adds money currently held by the cursor to the trade offer.
- BeginTrade()
- CancelTrade() - Declines the current trade offer.
- CancelTradeAccept() - Cancels the trade attempt which required an accept.
- ClickTargetTradeButton(index)
- ClickTradeButton(index) - Equivalent of a mouseclick on the trade window buttons [1-7].
- CloseTrade() - Closes the trade window.
- GetPlayerTradeMoney() - Returns the amount of money the player has in the trade window.
- GetTargetTradeMoney() - Returns the amount of money in the trade window for the other player.
- GetTradePlayerItemInfo(id) - Returns information about a trade item.
- GetTradePlayerItemLink(id) - Returns the item link for an item in the trade window.
- GetTradeTargetItemInfo(id) - Returns item info for the other player in the trade window.
- GetTradeTargetItemLink(id) - Returns the item link for an item from the other player in the trade window.
- InitiateTrade(UnitId) - Opens a trade with the specified unit.
- SetTradeMoney(copper) - Sets the amount of money offered as part of the player's trade offer.
- C_IncomingSummon.HasIncomingSummon(unit) : summon - Returns whether a group member has an incoming summon.
- C_IncomingSummon.IncomingSummonStatus(unit) : status - Returns the status of an group member's incoming summon.
- C_SummonInfo.CancelSummon() - Declines a summon request.
- C_SummonInfo.ConfirmSummon() - Accepts a summon request.
- C_SummonInfo.GetSummonConfirmAreaName() : areaName - Returns the zone where you will be summoned to.
- C_SummonInfo.GetSummonConfirmSummoner() : summoner - Returns the name of the player summoning you.
- C_SummonInfo.GetSummonConfirmTimeLeft() : timeLeft - Returns the time left in seconds for accepting a summon.
- C_SummonInfo.GetSummonReason() : summonReason
- C_SummonInfo.IsSummonSkippingStartExperience() : isSummonSkippingStartExperience
- PlayerCanTeleport()
- C_DeathInfo.GetCorpseMapPosition(uiMapID) : position - Returns the location of the player's corpse on the map.
- C_DeathInfo.GetDeathReleasePosition(uiMapID) : position - When the player is dead and hasn't released spirit, returns the location of the graveyard they will release to.
- C_DeathInfo.GetGraveyardsForMap(uiMapID) : graveyards - Returns graveyard info and location for a map.
- C_DeathInfo.GetSelfResurrectOptions() : options - Returns self resurrect options for your character, including from soulstones.
- C_DeathInfo.UseSelfResurrectOption(optionType, id) - Uses a soulstone or similar means of self resurrection.
- AcceptResurrect() - Accepts a resurrection offer.
- CannotBeResurrected()
- DeathRecap_GetEvents()
- DeathRecap_HasEvents()
- DeclineResurrect() - Declines a resurrection offer.
- GetCemeteryPreference()
- GetCorpseRecoveryDelay() - Time left before a player can accept a resurrection.
- GetDeathRecapLink(recapID)
- GetReleaseTimeRemaining() - Returns the amount of time left before your ghost is pulled from your body.
- GetResSicknessDuration()
- HasNoReleaseAura()
- IsCemeterySelectionAvailable()
- IsEncounterLimitingResurrections()
- IsEncounterSuppressingRelease()
- NotWhileDeadError() - Generates an error message saying you cannot do that while dead.
- PortGraveyard()
- RepopMe() - Releases your ghost to the graveyard when dead.
- ResurrectGetOfferer() - Returns the name of the person offering to resurrect you.
- ResurrectHasSickness() - Appears to be used when accepting a resurrection will give you resurrection sickessness.
- ResurrectHasTimer() - Does the player have to wait before accepting a resurrection.
- RetrieveCorpse() - Resurrects when the player is standing near its corpse.
- SetCemeteryPreference(cemeteryID)
- TimeoutResurrect()
Relates to Professions.
- C_TradeSkillUI.AnyRecipeCategoriesFiltered()
- C_TradeSkillUI.AreAnyInventorySlotsFiltered()
- C_TradeSkillUI.CanObliterateCursorItem()
- C_TradeSkillUI.CanTradeSkillListLink()
- C_TradeSkillUI.ClearInventorySlotFilter()
- C_TradeSkillUI.ClearPendingObliterateItem()
- C_TradeSkillUI.ClearRecipeCategoryFilter()
- C_TradeSkillUI.ClearRecipeSourceTypeFilter()
- C_TradeSkillUI.CloseObliterumForge()
- C_TradeSkillUI.CloseTradeSkill() - Closes an open trade skill window.
- C_TradeSkillUI.CraftRecipe(recipeSpellID [, numCasts, craftingReagents, recipeLevel, orderID]) - Performs the tradeskill a specified number of times.
- C_TradeSkillUI.DropPendingObliterateItemFromCursor()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllFilterableInventorySlots()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllProfessionTradeSkillLines() : skillLineID
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllRecipeIDs() - Returns all recipes for the current profession.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCategories()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetCategoryInfo(categoryID [, returnTable])
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetFilterableInventorySlots()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetFilteredRecipeIDs()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetObliterateSpellID()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetOnlyShowMakeableRecipes()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetOnlyShowSkillUpRecipes()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetPendingObliterateItemID()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetPendingObliterateItemLink()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeCooldown(recipeID) - Returns the number of seconds left for a skill to cooldown.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeDescription(recipeID, craftingReagents [, allocationItemGUID]) : description - Returns the description for a recipe.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeInfo(recipeSpellID [, recipeLevel]) : recipeInfo - Returns information for a recipe.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeItemLevelFilter()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeItemLink(recipeID) - Returns the result item link for a recipe.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeItemNameFilter()
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeLink(recipeID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeSourceText(recipeID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetSubCategories(categoryID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetTradeSkillDisplayName(skillLineID) : professionDisplayName
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetTradeSkillLineForRecipe(recipeID) : tradeSkillID, skillLineName, parentTradeSkillID - Get the associated profession information for a recipe.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetTradeSkillListLink() - Returns a link for the currently displayed profession.
- C_TradeSkillUI.GetTradeSkillTexture(tradeSkillID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsAnyRecipeFromSource(sourceType)
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsDataSourceChanging()
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsInventorySlotFiltered(index)
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsNPCCrafting() : result - Returns true if the trade skill window is displayed for an NPC.
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeCategoryFiltered(categoryID [, subCategoryID])
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeFavorite(recipeID)
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeRepeating()
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeSearchInProgress()
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsRecipeSourceTypeFiltered(sourceType)
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsTradeSkillGuild() - Checks if the Trade Skill UI is open for a profession in the guild.
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsTradeSkillGuildMember()
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsTradeSkillLinked() - Checks if the Trade Skill UI is open for a profession linked by another character.
- C_TradeSkillUI.IsTradeSkillReady()
- C_TradeSkillUI.ObliterateItem()
- C_TradeSkillUI.OpenTradeSkill(skillLineID) : opened
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetInventorySlotFilter(index [, enable, exclusive])
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetOnlyShowMakeableRecipes(onlyMakable) - Controls whether only recipes you have the reagents to craft are shown.
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetOnlyShowSkillUpRecipes()
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeCategoryFilter(categoryID [, subCategoryID])
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeFavorite(recipeID, favorite)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeItemLevelFilter(minLevel, maxLevel)
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeItemNameFilter()
- C_TradeSkillUI.SetRecipeSourceTypeFilter(sourceType, filtered)
- C_TradeSkillUI.StopRecipeRepeat() - Stops creating additional queued items.
- AbandonSkill(index) - The player abandons a skill.
- GetProfessionInfo(index) - Gets details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level.
- GetProfessions() - Returns the spell tab indices of the character's current professions.
- GetSpellRank(recipeID) - Returns recipe rank.
Archaeology was added in Patch 4.0.1
- C_ResearchInfo.GetDigSitesForMap(uiMapID) : digSites - Returns the dig sites on a map.
- ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll() - Updates and returns the amount of digsites in a zone.
- ArchaeologyGetIconInfo(index)
- ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID(index) - Returns BlobID of a digsite in the current map-zone.
- CanItemBeSocketedToArtifact(itemID) - Returns 1 if item could be added to the selected artifact.
- CanScanResearchSite() - Returns true if the character is on a digsite.
- CanSolveArtifact() - Returns true if artifact can be solved.
- CloseResearch()
- GetActiveArtifactByRace(raceIndex) - Returns the active Archaeology artifact for a race.
- GetArchaeologyInfo() - Returns the localized name for the Archaeology profession.
- GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(raceIndex) - Returns the information for a specific race used in Archaeology.
- GetArchaeologyRaceInfoByID(researchBranchID) - Returns info for an Archaeology race.
- GetArtifactInfoByRace(raceIndex, artifactIndex) - Returns the information for a specific race's artifact.
- GetNumArchaeologyRaces() - Returns the number of Archaeology races in the game.
- GetNumArtifactsByRace(raceIndex) - Returns the amount of artifacts the player has acquired from the provided race.
- GetSelectedArtifactInfo() - Returns info for the selected race's Archaeology artifact.
- GetArtifactProgress() - Returns progress info for the selected Archaeology artifact.
- IsArtifactCompletionHistoryAvailable()
- ItemAddedToArtifact(keystoneindex) - Returns if there is a keystone in the artifact.
- SetSelectedArtifact(raceIndex) - Sets the selected artifact to an archaeology race.
- RemoveItemFromArtifact() - Removes a Keystone from the selected artifact.
- SocketItemToArtifact() - Adds a keystone to the selected archaeology artifact.
- SolveArtifact() - Solve the selected artifact.
Glyphs were added in Patch 3.0.2. After the Glyph interface was removed in Patch 7.0.3 they were streamlined into the Spellbook.
- AttachGlyphToSpell(spellID)
- GetCurrentGlyphNameForSpell(spellID)
- GetPendingGlyphName()
- HasAttachedGlyph(spellID)
- HasPendingGlyphCast()
- IsCastingGlyph()
- IsPendingGlyphRemoval()
- IsSpellValidForPendingGlyph(spellID)
Item Socketing[]
The following were added along with socketed items and gems in Patch 2.0. ID refers to a 1-based index of the sockets in the item being considered for socketing.
- C_ItemSocketInfo.CompleteSocketing() - Completes socketing an item, binding it to the player.
- AcceptSockets() - Confirms pending gems for socketing.
- CloseSocketInfo() - Cancels pending gems for socketing.
- GetExistingSocketInfo(id) - Returns information about the existing gem in the socket.
- GetExistingSocketLink(id) - Returns an item link for the existing gem in the socket.
- GetNewSocketInfo(id) - Returns information about the new (tentative) gem in the socket.
- GetNewSocketLink(id) - Returns an item link for the new (tentative) gem in the socket.
- GetNumSockets() - Returns the number of sockets for an item in the socketing window.
- GetSocketItemBoundTradeable() - Returns true if the item currently being socketed can be traded to other eligible players (BoP boss loot).
- GetSocketItemInfo() - Returns info for the item currently being socketed.
- GetSocketItemRefundable() - Returns whether the item currently being socketed is refundable.
- GetSocketTypes(id) - Returns the type (color) of a socket in the item.
- HasBoundGemProposed()
- SocketInventoryItem(slot) - Considers the item in the inventory slot for socketing.
Relates to Player vs. Player.
- C_PvP.CanDisplayDamage() : canDisplay
- C_PvP.CanDisplayDeaths() : canDisplay
- C_PvP.CanDisplayHealing() : canDisplay
- C_PvP.CanDisplayHonorableKills() : canDisplay
- C_PvP.CanDisplayKillingBlows() : canDisplay
- C_PvP.CanPlayerUseRatedPVPUI() : canUse, failureReason
- C_PvP.DoesMatchOutcomeAffectRating() : doesAffect
- C_PvP.GetActiveMatchBracket() : bracket
- C_PvP.GetActiveMatchDuration() : seconds
- C_PvP.GetActiveMatchState() : state
- C_PvP.GetActiveMatchWinner() : winner
- C_PvP.GetCustomVictoryStatID() : statID
- C_PvP.GetGlobalPvpScalingInfoForSpecID(specializationID) : pvpScalingData
- C_PvP.GetHonorRewardInfo(honorLevel) : info
- C_PvP.GetMatchPVPStatColumn(pvpStatID) : info
- C_PvP.GetMatchPVPStatColumns() : columns
- C_PvP.GetNextHonorLevelForReward(honorLevel) : nextHonorLevelWithReward
- C_PvP.GetOutdoorPvPWaitTime(uiMapID) : pvpWaitTime - Returns the time until the next battle in a PvP zone like Wintergrasp and Tol Barad.
- C_PvP.GetPostMatchCurrencyRewards() : rewards
- C_PvP.GetPostMatchItemRewards() : rewards
- C_PvP.GetPVPActiveMatchPersonalRatedInfo() : info
- C_PvP.GetPVPSeasonRewardAchievementID() : achievementID
- C_PvP.GetPvpTierID(tierEnum, bracketEnum) : id
- C_PvP.GetPvpTierInfo(tierID) : pvpTierInfo
- C_PvP.GetRewardItemLevelsByTierEnum(pvpTierEnum) : activityItemLevel, weeklyItemLevel
- C_PvP.GetScoreInfo(offsetIndex) : info
- C_PvP.GetScoreInfoByPlayerGuid(guid) : info
- C_PvP.GetSeasonBestInfo() : tierID, nextTierID
- C_PvP.GetSkirmishInfo(pvpBracket) : battlemasterListInfo
- C_PvP.GetTeamInfo(factionIndex) : info
- C_PvP.GetWeeklyChestInfo() : rewardAchieved, lastWeekRewardAchieved, lastWeekRewardClaimed, pvpTierMaxFromWins
- C_PvP.IsActiveMatchRegistered() : registered
- C_PvP.IsMatchFactional() : isFactional
- C_PvP.IsPVPMap() : isPVPMap
- C_PvP.IsRatedMap() : isRatedMap
- C_PvP.RequestCrowdControlSpell(playerToken)
- AcceptDuel() - Accepts a duel challenge.
- CancelDuel() - Forfeits the current duel or declines a duel invitation.
- ClearBattlemaster()
- ForfeitDuel()
- GetPVPDesired() - Returns true if the player has enabled their PvP flag.
- GetPVPLifetimeStats() - Returns the character's lifetime PvP statistics.
- GetPVPRoles()
- GetPVPSessionStats() - Returns the character's Honor statistics for this session.
- GetPVPTimer() - Returns the time left in milliseconds until the player is unflagged for PvP.
- GetPVPYesterdayStats() - Returns the character's Honor statistics for yesterday.
- GetRewardPackArtifactPower(rewardPackID)
- GetRewardPackCurrencies(rewardPackID)
- GetRewardPackItems(rewardPackID)
- GetRewardPackMoney(rewardPackID)
- GetRewardPackTitleName(titleID)
- GetRewardPackTitle(rewardPackID)
- IsCompetitiveModeEnabled()
- IsInActiveWorldPVP()
- IsPartyWorldPVP()
- IsSubZonePVPPOI()
- PlayerIsPVPInactive(unit)
- RequestPVPOptionsEnabled()
- RequestPVPRewards()
- SetPVP(enable) - Sets the player's PvP flag.
- SetPVPRoles()
- SortBGList()
- StartDuel(name) - Challenges the specified player to a duel.
- TogglePVP() - Toggles the player's PvP flag on or off.
- UnitHonor(unit) - Returns the current amount of honor the unit has for the current rank.
- UnitHonorLevel(unit) - Returns the current honor rank of the unit.
- UnitHonorMax(unit) - Returns the maximum amount of honor for the current rank.
- UnitIsMercenary()
- UnitIsPVPFreeForAll(unit) - Returns true if the unit is flagged for free-for-all PVP (e.g. in a world arena).
- UnitIsPVPSanctuary(unit) - Returns whether the unit is in a PvP sanctuary, and therefore cannot be attacked by other players.
- UnitIsPVP(unit) - Returns true if the unit is flagged for PVP.
- UnitPVPName(unit) - Returns the unit's name with title (e.g. "Bob the Explorer").
- UnitPvpClassification(unit) : classification - Returns whether the unit is a flag/orb carrier or cart runner.
- C_PvP.GetArenaCrowdControlInfo(playerToken) : spellID, startTime, duration
- C_PvP.GetArenaRewards(teamSize) : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus
- C_PvP.GetArenaSkirmishRewards() : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus
- C_PvP.HasArenaSkirmishWinToday() : hasArenaSkirmishWinToday
- C_PvP.IsArena() : isArena
- C_PvP.IsMatchConsideredArena() : asArena
- C_PvP.IsRatedArena() : isRatedArena
- CanSurrenderArena()
- GetArenaOpponentSpec()
- GetBattlefieldArenaFaction()
- GetBattlefieldTeamInfo(index) - Returns info for an Arena team at the end of the match.
- GetCurrentArenaSeason() - Returns the current arena season.
- GetNumArenaOpponents()
- GetNumArenaOpponentSpecs()
- GetPreviousArenaSeason() - Gets the previous Arena season.
- IsActiveBattlefieldArena() - Returns true if the player is inside a (rated) arena.
- IsArenaSkirmish()
- IsArenaTeamCaptain(teamIndex) - Returns a value based on whether the player is the arena team captain.
- IsInArenaTeam() - Returns true if you are a member of an arena team.
- JoinArena()
- JoinSkirmish(arenaID, joinAsGroup) - Queue for a arena either solo or as a group.
- RequeueSkirmish() - Requeues for an arena skirmish.
- SurrenderArena()
Solo Shuffle[]
- C_PvP.IsSoloShuffle() : isSoloShuffle
- StartSoloShuffleWarGameByName()
- StartSpectatorSoloShuffleWarGame()
- C_PvP.GetBattlefieldFlagPosition(flagIndex, uiMapId) : uiPosx, uiPosy, flagTexture
- C_PvP.GetLevelUpBattlegrounds(level) : battlefields
- C_PvP.GetRandomBGInfo() : info
- C_PvP.GetRandomBGRewards() : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus
- C_PvP.GetRandomEpicBGInfo() : info
- C_PvP.GetRandomEpicBGRewards() : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus
- C_PvP.GetRatedBGRewards() : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus
- C_PvP.IsBattleground() : isBattleground
- C_PvP.IsBattlegroundEnlistmentBonusActive() : battlegroundActive, brawlActive
- C_PvP.IsRatedBattleground() : isRatedBattleground
- AcceptAreaSpiritHeal() - Signs up for the Spirit Healer's resurrection timer in battlegrounds when in range.
- AcceptBattlefieldPort(index [, acceptFlag]) - Enters the Battleground if the queue is ready.
- CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup() - Returns true if the player can join a battlefield with a group.
- CancelAreaSpiritHeal() - Cancels the Spirit Healer's resurrection in battlegrounds.
- GetAreaSpiritHealerTime() - Returns the time left in seconds until the next Spirit Healer resurrection in battlegrounds.
- GetBattlefieldEstimatedWaitTime(index) - Returns the estimated queue time to enter the battlefield.
- GetBattlefieldInstanceExpiration() - Get shutdown timer for the battlefield instance.
- GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime() - Returns the time passed since the battlefield started.
- GetBattlefieldMapIconScale() - Scale of the landmark icons on the battlefield minimap.
- GetBattlefieldPortExpiration(index) - Returns the remaining seconds before the battlefield port expires.
- GetBattlefieldScore(index)
- Returns info for a player's score in battlefields. - GetBattlefieldStatData(playerIndex, slotIndex)
- Returns battlefield-specific info for a player (e.g. Warsong Gulch flag captures). - GetBattlefieldStatus(index) - Returns the status of the battlefield the player is either queued for or inside.
- GetBattlefieldTimeWaited(index) - Returns the time the player has waited in the queue.
- GetBattlefieldWinner() - Returns the winner of the battlefield.
- GetBattlegroundInfo(index) - Returns information about a battleground type.
- GetBattlegroundPoints()
- GetMaxBattlefieldID() - Returns the max number of battlefields you can queue for.
- GetNumBattlefieldFlagPositions() - Get the number of flag positions available from GetBattlefieldFlagPosition().
- GetNumBattlefieldScores() - Returns the number of players listed in the battlefield scoreboard.
- GetNumBattlegroundTypes()
- GetPersonalRatedInfo(bracketIndex)
- GetRatedBattleGroundInfo()
- IsPVPTimerRunning()
- JoinBattlefield(index [, joinAs])
- Joins the battleground queue solo or as a group. - JoinRatedBattlefield()
- LeaveBattlefield() - Leaves the current battleground.
- ReportPlayerIsPVPAFK(unit) - Reports the specified player as AFK in a battleground.
- RequestBattlefieldScoreData() - Requests the latest battlefield score data from the server.
- RequestRandomBattlegroundInstanceInfo()
- RequestRatedInfo()
- SetBattlefieldScoreFaction([faction]) - Sets the faction to show on the battlefield scoreboard.
- SortBattlefieldScoreData(type)
- UnitInBattleground(unit) - Returns the unit index if the unit is in your battleground.
World Battlefields[]
The following functions are used for population-limited world PvP zones, like Lake Wintergrasp or Tol Barad.
- C_PvP.IsActiveBattlefield() : isActiveBattlefield
- BattlefieldMgrEntryInviteResponse(queueId, accept)
- BattlefieldMgrExitRequest(queueId)
- BattlefieldMgrQueueInviteResponse(queueId, accept)
- BattlefieldMgrQueueRequest()
- CanHearthAndResurrectFromArea() - Returns whether you can currently be resurrected and teleported out of the world PvP zone.
- HearthAndResurrectFromArea() - Resurrects the player, and ports them out of the world PvP zone.
- GetNumWorldPVPAreas() - Returns the number of world PvP zones available.
- GetWorldPVPAreaInfo(index) - Returns info for a world PvP zone (e.g. Wintergrasp or Tol Barad).
- GetWorldPVPQueueStatus(queueId)
- C_PvP.GetActiveBrawlInfo() : brawlInfo
- C_PvP.GetAvailableBrawlInfo() : brawlInfo
- C_PvP.GetBrawlRewards(brawlType) : honor, experience, itemRewards, currencyRewards, roleShortageBonus, hasWon
- C_PvP.GetSpecialEventBrawlInfo() : brawlInfo
- C_PvP.IsInBrawl() : isInBrawl
- C_PvP.JoinBrawl([isSpecialBrawl])
War Games[]
War Games were added in Patch 4.0.1
- CanInitiateWarGame()
- CollapseWarGameHeader(index)
- ExpandWarGameHeader(index)
- GetNumWarGameTypes()
- GetSelectedWarGameType()
- GetWarGameQueueStatus()
- GetWarGameTypeInfo(index)
- IsWargame()
- SetSelectedWarGameType(index)
- StartSpectatorWarGame(target1, target2, size, area, isTournamentMode)
- StartWarGameByName(msg) - Starts a War Game. Parameters are
playername, area, isTournamentMode
but passed as a whitespace delimited string. - StartWarGame(target, name [, isTournament])
- UpdateWarGamesList()
- WarGameRespond(accept)
War Mode[]
War Mode was added in Patch 8.0.1
- C_PvP.CanToggleWarMode(toggle) : canTogglePvP
- C_PvP.CanToggleWarModeInArea() : canTogglePvPInArea
- C_PvP.GetWarModeRewardBonus() : rewardBonus
- C_PvP.GetWarModeRewardBonusDefault() : defaultBonus
- C_PvP.IsWarModeActive() : warModeActive
- C_PvP.IsWarModeDesired() : warModeDesired
- C_PvP.IsWarModeFeatureEnabled() : warModeEnabled
- C_PvP.SetWarModeDesired(warModeDesired)
- C_PvP.ToggleWarMode()
Relates to Quests.
- C_QuestLine.GetAvailableQuestLines(uiMapID) : questLines
- C_QuestLine.GetQuestLineInfo(questID, uiMapID) : questLineInfo
- C_QuestLine.GetQuestLineQuests(questLineID) : questIDs
- C_QuestLine.IsComplete(questLineID) : isComplete
- C_QuestLine.RequestQuestLinesForMap(uiMapID)
- AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuest()
- AddAutoQuestPopUp(QuestID, Type) - Adds a notification to the ObjectiveTrackerFrame that a quest is available or completed.
- ClearAutoAcceptQuestSound()