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NeutralWorldbreaker Escapee
No image available
Gender Both
Race(s) Black drakonid, Black dragonspawn (Dragonkin)
Level 60-62
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black dragonflight
Former affiliation(s) Worldbreakers
Location Smoldering Perch, Waking Shores

Worldbreaker Escapees are black drakonid and black dragonspawn located in the Waking Shores.


  • Spell holy heal First Aid — Heals 36 damage over 6 sec.


Main article: Punching Up#Notes
Gossip of the wounded dragonspawn

Take care of Ingot, outsider. He needs guidance. And tempering.

Gossip Why are you leaving the Worldbreakers?

"Worldbreakers." Pfah. Once we called ourselves the Children of the Earth.

Then the Voice of Neltharion arrived. He spoke of the Earth-Warder's return, and the "Hour of Twilight."

But it was all an excuse for cruelty. Those of us who defied the Voice suffered terribly. Now we seek shelter, away from this madness.

Gossip of a child

Let's hope the others come to their senses and follow us.

Gossip of the drakonid

We have been misled. I will travel to Ruby Lifeshrine and seek guidance from Alexstrasza herself.

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