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NeutralWyrmrest Skytalon
Image of Wyrmrest Skytalon
Race Red drake (Dragonkin)
Affiliation(s) Red dragonflight, Wyrmrest Accord
Location Coldarra, Borean Tundra

Wyrmrest Skytalon is a red drake lent to players by Corastrasza to be used in the quest N [30] Aces High! and the subsequent daily by the same name (N [30 Daily] Aces High!).

They also serve players in the third and final phase of the Malygos encounter.

Vehicle This creature can be mounted.


  1. Flame Spike — 10 Energy - Fire damage, your basic attack, and hits for ~1k generating 1 combo point
  2. Engulf in Flames — 50 Energy - Fire damage, Finishing move DoT (1500 every 3), CPs add duration
  3. Revivify — 10 Energy - Heal Over Time, 500 per second, stacks to 5
  4. Life Burst — 50 Energy - AoE Heal (60yd friendly), 2,500 + (2500 * CP) over 5 * CP seconds
  5. Flame Shield — 25 Energy - Reduces all damage taken by 80% for 1 + CP seconds
  6. Blazing Speed — Increase Flight speed by 500% for 8 sec

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Coldarra Eye of Eternity