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NeutralWyrmrest Vanquisher
Image of Wyrmrest Vanquisher
Race Red dragon (Dragonkin)
Level 15-30 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Red dragonflight, Wyrmrest Accord
Location Wyrmrest Temple, The Dragon Wastes, Galakrond's Rest, Wicked Coil
Vehicle This creature can be mounted.

Wyrmrest Vanquisher is a red dragon players ride in N [15-30] On Ruby Wings. It is summoned with the Inv misc gem pearl 05 [Ruby Beacon of the Dragon Queen].


  • 1) Spell fire fire Flame Fury (5000 mana) 30 yd yd range — Inflicts 5000 Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster every second 1.7 sec cast (8 sec cooldown)
  • 2) Spell fire fireball02 Engulfing Fireball (1200 mana) unlimited yd range — Fires an engulfing fireball at enemy targets, inflicting 3500 damage to all ghouls and 12000 damage to giants. instant cast (0.5 sec cooldown)
  • 3) Ability racial cannibalize Devour Ghoul Melee range — Devour a Wastes Scavenger whole! your dragon must eat to restore lost mana and health. instant cast (6 sec cooldown)


Galakrond was the progenitor of dragonkind. It was from Galakrond that the Titans shaped the five Aspects.
What the Scourge has done here will reverberate throughout our world. The aberrations must be stopped!
The queen and her council have been speaking lately of a disaster at Ulduar. Something has happened in Storm Peaks!
Across this vast expanse rest the bones of my ancestors. Their spirits have ascended to the Chamber of the Aspects.
You must remember that I have yet to mature into an elder wyrm. I must eat to renew my strength!
I have been called back to Wyrmrest, ally. Farewell!


  • The Devour Ghoul ability instantly restores 100% health and mana.
  • You gain experience when killing the Rotting Storm Giants.

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