The API is no longer being updated here until further notice. |
<Cooldown> (inherits from <Frame>, creates a Cooldown widget) overlays another frame with a rotating edge, swipe, and bling.
<Cooldown reverse="" hideCountdownNumbers="" drawEdge="" drawBling="" drawSwipe="" rotation=""> <EdgeTexture /> <SwipeTexture /> <BlingTexture /> </Cooldown>
- reverse (xs:boolean? ) - Reverses the direction.
- hideCountdownNumbers (xs:boolean? ) - Hides the seconds remaining.
- drawEdge (xs:boolean? ) - Draws the edge.
- drawSwipe (xs:boolean? ) - Draws the swipe.
- drawBling (xs:boolean? ) - Draws the bling.
- rotation (xs:float? ) - Rotates the origin.
Child elements[]
<EdgeTexture> rotates from the origin; inherits <Texture>.
<SwipeTexture> fills between the origin and edge; inherits <Texture>.
<BlingTexture> animates briefly when the cooldown finishes; inherits <Texture>.