The API is no longer being updated here until further notice. |
<Frame> (inherits from <LayoutFrame>, creates a Frame widget) handles events and user interaction, and may contain other widgets.
<Frame> <ResizeBounds /> <HitRectInsets /> <Layers /> <Frames /> <Scripts /> </Frame>
- alpha (xs:float? ) - Sets the alpha.
- scale (xs:float? ) - Sets the scale.
- parent (xs:string? ) - Parents another frame to this one.
- toplevel (xs:boolean? ) - Renders in front.
- flattenRenderLayers (xs:boolean? ) - Flattens child regions.
- useParentLevel (xs:boolean? ) - Prevents incrementing the frame level above its parent.
- movable (xs:boolean? ) - Enables dragging.
- resizable (xs:boolean? ) - Enables resizing.
- frameStrata (ui:FRAMESTRATA) - Sequences overlapping frames.
- frameLevel (xs:int? ) - Further sequences overlapping frames in the same frameStrata.
- id (xs:int? ) - Assigns an id.
- enableMouse (xs:boolean? ) - Enables all mouse input.
- enableMouseClicks (xs:boolean? ) - Enables mouse clicks only.
- enableMouseMotion (xs:boolean? ) - Enables mouse motion only.
- enableKeyboard (xs:boolean? ) - Enables keyboard input.
- clampedToScreen (xs:boolean? ) - Prevents dragging off screen.
- protected (xs:boolean? ) - Declares the frame protected for secure code execution.
- depth (xs:float? ) - Frame:SetDepth(depth)
- dontSavePosition (xs:boolean? ) - Prevents saving the position of a movable frame.
- propagateKeyboardInput (xs:boolean? ) - Propagates keyboard input to the parent frame.
- ignoreParentAlpha (xs:boolean? ) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's alpha.
- ignoreParentScale (xs:boolean? ) - Controls alpha directly or as a fraction of its parent's scale.
- intrinsic (xs:boolean? ) - Creates an intrinsic frame.
- clipChildren (xs:boolean? ) - Clips overflowing children.
- propagateHyperlinksToParent (xs:boolean? ) - Propagates hyperlink interaction to the parent frame.
- hyperlinksEnabled (xs:boolean? ) - Enables interactive hyperlinks.
Child elements[]
<ResizeBounds> limits resizing with <minResize> and <maxResize> child tags that inherit from <Dimension>.
<HitRectInsets> (inherits from <Inset>) shrinks (+) or expands (-) mouse focus from the frame's edges.
<Inset> defines padding or overflow from a region's edges.
- left (xs:float? ) - (+) padding or (-) overflow from the left edge, scaling dependent.
- right (xs:float? ) - (+) padding or (-) overflow from the right edge, scaling dependent.
- bottom (xs:float? ) - (+) padding or (-) overflow from the bottom edge, scaling dependent.
- top (xs:float? ) - (+) padding or (-) overflow from the top edge, scaling dependent.
<Layers> encloses <Layer> tags to sequence overlapping graphical regions parented by the same frame.
<Layer> encloses regions (<Texture>, <FontString>, etc.) in a single draw layer.
- level (ui:DRAWLAYER) - Sequences graphical regions as "BACKGROUND", "BORDER", "ARTWORK", etc..
- textureSubLevel (xs:int? ) - Further sequences overlapping <Texture> widgets inside the same level.
<Frames> encloses other <Frame> tags with a parent/child relationship.
<Scripts> contains widget script handlers such as <OnLoad> or <OnUpdate>.
Each widget script may enclose Lua code between the tags.
- function (xs:string? ) - Name of a function instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
- method (xs:string? ) - Name of a widget method instead of Lua code between the XML tags.
- inherit (xs:string? ) - Hooks (
) other scripts inherited through an XML virtual template. - intrinsicOrder (xs:string? ) - Hooks (
) other scripts when copied as an intrinsic frame. - autoEnableInput (xs:boolean? )
Patch changes[]
- Patch 7.1.0 (2016-10-25): Added intrinsic attribute,[1] removed <TitleRegion>.
- Patch 1.1.0 (2004-11-07): Included in the original World of Warcraft release[2]
See also[]
- Inherited by <Button>, <Cooldown>, <ColorSelect>, <EditBox>, <GameTooltip>, <MessageFrame>, <Minimap>, <Model>, <ScrollFrame>, <ScrollingMessageFrame>, <SimpleHTML>, <Slider>, and <StatusBar>
- CreateFrame(frameType [, frameName, parentFrame, inheritsFrame, id]) - Lua alternative.
- ^ Ornyx 2016-10-04. Notable UI Changes Coming in 7.1. Archived from the original
- ^ 2014-12-06, UI.xsd, version, near line 307, archived at Townlong-Yak