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MobXanatos the Defiler
Image of Xanatos the Defiler
Race Nathrezim (Demon)
Level 20-40
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Deathweb Hollow, Talador[65.6, 86.8]VZ-TaladorBlip
Status Killable

Xanatos the Defiler is a nathrezim located in Deathweb Hollow in Talador. He took Inv datacrystal01 [Sha'tari].


  • Spell shadow carrionswarm Carrion Swarm — A cresting wave of chaotic magic splashes over enemies in front of the caster, dealing Shadow damage.
  • Ability deathknight pillaroffrost Cold as Stone — Turns a targeted location to ice after a short delay, inflicting Frost damage and rooting targets for 4 sec.
  • Spell shadow cripple Cripple — Cripples the target, immediately inflicting Shadow damage and reducing melee and spell haste by 30% and movement by 50% for 8 sec.

Objective of[]

Patch changes[]

  • Warlords of Draenor Hotfix (2014-11-15): Xanatos the Defiler will never be a slave and is now immune to the Warlock's Enslave Demon ability.
  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Added.

External links[]
