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AllianceYou're a Shark
Start Rikal
End Rikal
Level 30-60
Category Stormsong Valley
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Storm's Wake
Rewards Inv misc necklace beads02 [Rikal's Ritual Beads]
23g 40s
Previous A [30-60] Eeling in a Big One, A [30-60] Filching from Thieves
Next A [30-60] Facing the Invaders & A [30-60] Reclaiming our Defenses


Kill 20 murlocs.


Have you ever been bitten by a shark? I have, numerous times. It stings.

Murlocs don't usually survive shark attacks.

The ritual I had in mind is ready to cast. Let me know when you're prepared.


You will receive:


I can't wait to see how this goes.


How did it feel to be a murloc's greatest fear?


On accept:

Rikal says: I have everything I need. Speak to me when you're ready to begin the ritual.

Speak with him:

Sooner or later the tides will change. They always do.

Gossip Start casting the spell, Rikal.

Rikal teleports the player out west into the Eventide Trench in the form of a shark. Like sharks in real life, it can't stop moving forward. Players do not have access to any abilities, but simply running over the deep sea murlocs is enough to kill them. Don't wander too far away as the shark form will be cancelled. Upon reaching the objective, the shark form is dropped.


Optional breadcrumb at Brennadam: A [30-60] Trouble at Fort Daelin, and Deadwash: A [30-60] Helping Out, Somewhere Else, and Beacon Hill: A [30-60] Bauer Backup (Can be accepted together and turned in)

  1. A [30-60] Freedom for the Sea & A [30-60] A Bit of a Bind & A [30-60] Caught in the Net
  2. A [30-60] The Shifting Tides
    • Optional side chain:
    1. A [30-60] Eeling in a Big One & A [30-60] Filching from Thieves
    2. A [30-60] You're a Shark
  3. A [30-60] Facing the Invaders & A [30-60] Reclaiming our Defenses
  4. A [30-60] Any Ammo Will Do & A [30-60] Piercing the Shield & A [30-60] Problem Solving with Gunpowder
  5. A [30-60] A Snake with Three Heads & A [30-60] Clearing the Delta
  6. A [30-60] From the Depths

Outbound breadcrumbs: A [30-60] Back to Brennadam, A [30-60] Surveying the Wharf

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