Young Belvo is a giant sea turtle. It's used as a boat by the Iskaara Tuskarr to travel throughout Azeroth. Its route begins and ends at Iskaara in the Azure Span on the Dragon Isles, and journeys to the following locations:
- Bloodmoon Isle, Grizzly Hills, Northrend
- Isle of the Watchers, Azsuna, Broken Isles
- Western Watch, Drustvar, Kul Tiras
- Abyssal Breach, Vashj'ir, Eastern Kingdoms
- Shatterstone Harbor, Vol'dun, Zandalar
- Isle of Reckoning, Kun-Lai Summit, Pandaria
- Bay of Storms, Azshara, Kalimdor
- Dock time (Iskaara): 5 minutes
- Dock time (stops): 1 minute
- Round trip: 20 minutes