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MobZandalari Storm-Caller
Image of Zandalari Storm-Caller
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level 37 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ruined Approach, Throne of Thunder
Status Killable

Zandalari Storm-Callers are Zandalari trolls present in the Throne of Thunder.


  • Ability vehicle electrocharge Focused Lightning — The Focused Lightning detonates, inflicting 213750 to 236250 Nature damage to all players within 5 yards.
  • Spell nature thunderclap Storm Weapon — The caster enhances his weapon, giving successful melee attacks a chance to inflict Nature damage. Attack speed increased by 150%.
  • Spell frost frostbolt Water Bolt — Hurls a watery bolt at an enemy, inflicting 139251 Frost damage.
  • Spell shaman thunderstorm Storm Energy — Electrically charges the player, causing them to inflict Nature damage to nearby players.
  • Warrior talent icon bloodandthunder Storm Weapon — The caster enhances his weapon, giving successful melee attacks a chance to inflict Nature damage. Attack speed increased by 100%.
  • Spell shadow teleport Stun — Stuns the caster.


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