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NeutralZanza's Potent Potables
Start Rin'wosho the Trader
End Rin'wosho the Trader
Level 60 (Requires 58)
Category Zul'Gurub
Rewards Inv potion 29 [Sheen of Zanza] or Inv potion 30 [Spirit of Zanza] or Inv potion 31 [Swiftness of Zanza]
Repeatable Yes

This is one of the Zandalar buff quests. It rewards characters with a choice of one of three elixirs:


With your increased status amongst the tribe comes access to some of our more potent potables. Behold... these brews are strong in the mojo - blessed by Zanza and fit for adventurers from all walks of life!

I will allow you to choose one from the three I offer; in exchange, I require one Zandalar Honor Token. Note that only the effects of a single one may course through your spirit at any given time.

Let me know when you're ready to barter!


A fair trade, my friend - please enjoy the blessings of Zanza with our compliments!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv potion 29 [Sheen of Zanza] Inv potion 30 [Spirit of Zanza]
Inv potion 31 [Swiftness of Zanza]


A Inv misc coin 08 [Zandalar Honor Token] can be obtained by completing any of the following quests:

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