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Title <The Wild Hunt>
Gender Male
Race Vorkai (Humanoid)
Level 60 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Wild Hunt
Location Ardenweald

Zarkin is a vorkai located in Ardenweald.


  • Inv spear 04 Anima-Charged Spear — Inflicts 7 Arcane damage to an enemy.
  • Ability monk spearhand Onslaught — Inflicts 1 Physical damage to an enemy every 0.3 sec for 30 sec.
  • Ability gouge Slashing Rend — Slashes the enemy violently, inflicting Physical damage and causing them to bleed for Physical damage every 1 sec for 15 sec.
  • Artifactability balancedruid newmoon Twilight Pursuit — The moon's strength fills the caster, increasing their Physical damage done by 10% for 30 sec. When Twilight Pursuit expires, it transforms into .
  • Artifactability balancedruid fullmoon Twilight Respite — The caster draws upon the protection of the moon, reducing Physical damage taken by 10% for 30 sec. When Twilight Respite expires, it transforms into .


Main article: A Night in the Woods#Notes
  • Be on your guard, Lumera. This is a dangerous patrol for a novice huntress.
  • If this drought doesn't end soon, all of Ardenweald will share Tirna Scithe's fate.
  • Indeed. The question is who that might be.
  • Lumera, no! Stay back!
  • Rest up, everyone. For soon the hunt will begin anew.
  • Spoken like a true huntress.
  • We shall see about that. Leithfor, you take point.

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