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Not to be confused with Zen'tiki.
Image of Zen'Kiki
Title <Personal Assistant>
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Resource Mana
Affiliation(s) Cenarion Circle, Dragonscale Expedition
Location Various; The Menders' Stead, Western Plaguelands; Magni's Encampment, Silithus
Status Alive

Zen'Kiki (or Zen'kiki) is a jungle troll druid of the Cenarion Circle.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

As an initiate of the Circle, he appeared in the Western Plaguelands seeking to cleanse it. He is given to the adventurer to train his abilities and accuracy. It is decided that he would become a healer.

Zen'Kiki also helped defend Sethria's Roost on Mount Hyjal against the minions of Ragnaros.[1]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

He also appeared in Lunarfall Inn / Frostwall Tavern on Draenor. Sent as an investigator of the Primals by the Cenarion Circle, he explains that he would have come sooner, but had "a little trouble" getting his flight form to work on Draenor.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the Burning Legion's third invasion, Zen'Kiki appeared in the Dreamgrove. When Malfurion Stormrage named a new Arch Druid and most of the surrounding druids enter bear, cat, moonkin, or flight forms in celebration, Zen'Kiki instead transformed into a lion seal.

In order to learn, he became an assistant to the Archdruid.

He later appeared in Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore selling general goods.

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Zen'kiki was part of the dual Cenarion Circle and Earthen Ring forces aiding Magni Bronzebeard to heal Silithus from the wound inflicted by Sargeras.[2]

Dragonflight This section concerns content related to Dragonflight.

Zen'kiki joined the Dragonscale Expedition and traveled to Shady Sanctuary in the Ohn'ahran Plains on the Dragon Isles where he can be seen speaking with Thisalee Crow.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

On the Broken Shore
Inv potion 63 [Black Dye]
Inv hammer 20 [Blacksmith Hammer]
Inv misc gem variety 02 [Bright Baubles]
2s 50c
Inv ore tin 01 [Coal]
Inv fabric linen 03 [Coarse Thread]
Inv misc flute 01 [Copper Rod]
1s 24c
Inv alchemy leadedvial [Crystal Vial]
1s 50c
Inv misc thread 01 [Eternium Thread]
Inv fabric wool 02 [Fine Thread]
Inv fishingpole 02 [Fishing Pole]
Inv drink 10 [Gray Dye]
3s 50c
Inv fabric silk 02 [Heavy Silken Thread]
Inv mace 11 [Heavy Stock]
Inv misc shovel 01 [Herbalist's Spade]
1s 5c
Inv box 02 [Jeweler's Toolset]
Inv misc food wheat 02 [Mild Spices]
Inv pick 02 [Mining Pick]
Inv misc monstertail 03 [Nightcrawlers]
Inv potion 02 [Purple Dye]
Inv potion 11 [Red Dye]
Spell shadow antimagicshell [Rune Thread]
Inv misc dust 02 [Salt]
Inv fabric silk 02 [Silken Thread]
Inv weapon shortblade 01 [Skinning Knife]
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
Inv misc enggizmos 19 [Virtuoso Inking Set]
7s 50c
Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
Inv mace 11 [Wooden Stock]
Inv potion 12 [Yellow Dye]


Location Level range Reaction Notes
Menders' Stead, Western Plaguelands 15-30 Alliance Horde As part of the Western Plaguelands storyline.
Sethria's Roost, Mount Hyjal 35 Alliance Horde As part of N [35 Daily] The Protectors of Hyjal.
Frostwall; Lunarfall 10-40 Alliance Horde Requires Inn/Tavern.
Dreamgrove 10-45 Alliance Horde
Deliverance Point, Broken Shore 45 Alliance Horde
Magni's Encampment, Silithus: The Wound 10-50 Alliance Horde
Shady Sanctuary, Ohn'ahran Plains 70 Alliance Horde


Western Plaguelands
  • Ability druid aquaticform Aquatic Form — Shapeshift into aquatic form.
  • Ability racial bearform Bear Form — Shapeshift into bear form.
  • Ability druid improvedmoonkinform Cat Form — Change into a cat.
  • Spell nature regeneration Mark of the Wild — Increases the friendly target's Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 5% for 1 hour.
  • Ability druid improvedmoonkinform Moonkin Form — Change into a Moonkin.
  • Spell nature starfall Pounce — Pounce aimlessly.
  • Spell nature rejuvenation Rejuvenation — Heals an ally every 3 sec. for 12 sec.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic Wrath — Hurls a bolt of lightning at an enemy, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Spell nature abolishmagic Wrath — Fires a bolt of Nature energy.
Mount Hyjal
  • Spell nature regeneration Mark of the Wild — Increases the friendly target's Strength, Agility, and Intellect by 5% for 1 hour. If target is in your party or raid, all party and raid members will be affected.
  • Spell nature resistnature Regrowth — Heals an ally for a fixed amount, then heals additional damage every 3 sec. for 21 sec.
  • Ability druid flightform Swift Flight Form — Shapeshift into flight form, increasing movement speed.
  • Ability druid travelform Travel Form — Shapeshift into travel form, increasing movement speed.
  • Spell nature wrathv2 Wrath — Causes Nature damage to the target.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

He is provided as a companion for the following quests:

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.
Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.


Menders' Stead

Thanks for helpin' me out, mon! No more shapeshifts for me... I'm gonna work on my healing!


Zen'kiki likes da kitty form best for sleeping.


Zen'Kiki will follow the player and provide extra fire, not only for this quest, but also anywhere in the Western Plaguelands while the quests involving him are active. In his main form, he casts Spell nature wrathv2 [Wrath] (with the old animation from before patch 4.3.0), which hits for 350 damage, although it misses often.

Occasionally he will polymorph into a random animal form, with less than spectacular results. It is always accompanied by him saying "Shapeshift!" followed by something relevant to the form.

  • Aquatic Form: Falls onto his back and gets stuck lying on the ground.
Shapeshift! Try to swim away now mon!
Shapeshift! Uh oh... wait a minute here...
Shapeshift! Oh no! Not again...
This isn't right.
Can Zen'Kiki get a little nudge?
A little help here...
I seem to be... stuck...
Why you guys upside down?
Zen'kiki's real sorry about this.
  • Moonkin Form: Repeatedly miscasts Spell nature starfall [Moonfire] on himself, bringing him down to 25% health and 0 mana.
Shapeshift! Here comes de moonfire!
Shapeshift! Here it comes, mon!
Cut it out!
It burns!
Ow, mon!
It burns like the moon!
Stop dat!
  • Cat Form: Jumps around erratically, casting Spell druid feralchargecat [Feral Charge] at empty space.
Shapeshift! Time for cat form!
Shapeshift! Get ready to taste my claws
Shapeshift! Zen'Kiki's ready to pounce!
Get back over here, mon!
Here comes Zen'Kiki!
  • Bear Form: Turns away from the enemy and uses Ability physical taunt [Growl] on nothing.
Shapeshift! Over here, mon!
Shapeshift! Time for bear form!
Shapeshift! Zen'kiki will absorb de damage!
Am I hitting him? (stands with his back to the mob)
Zen'Kiki is in control!
Get over here, you coward!
No, hit me! Over here, mon!
I got dis one!


  • It is suspected that he is a parody of clueless druid players.
  • Zen'kiki's being unable to fly on Draenor may be both a reference to his past difficulties with shapeshifting, and the design decision by Blizzard to delay flying for the player base.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

The Inv banner 01 [Cracked Voodoo Mask] may have belonged to Zen'Kiki, judging by the initials Z.K.

Patch changes[]

See also[]


  1. ^ N [35 Daily] The Protectors of Hyjal
  2. ^ N [50] A Dying World

External links[]
