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Image of Zen'Vorka
Title <Favors of the World Tree>
Gender Male
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 35 Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Guardians of Hyjal
Location Malfurion's Breach, Molten Front[46.9, 91.0]VZ-Molten FrontBlip

Zen'Vorka is a jungle troll found inside the Sentinel Tree of Malfurion's Breach on the Molten Front. Zen'Vorka will become unlocked once the player completes the initial assault on the front, some of his wares include commendation writs for racial cities.


Pointer repair on 32x32 This vendor offers a repair service.

<Favors of the World Tree>
Item Cost Type
Inv jewelry ring 13 [Matoclaw's Band] 101g 45s 8c Ring (agility)
Inv neck hyjaldaily 01 [Nightweaver's Amulet] 101g 45s 8c Amulet (intellect)
Inv neck hyjaldaily 04 [Fireheart Necklace] 101g 45s 8c Amulet (strength)
Inv boots mail 02 [Pyrelord Greaves] 180g 19s 96c Plate feet (tank)
Inv misc bag 21 [Zen'Vorka's Cache] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol nightelf [Darnassus Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol draenei [Exodar Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tabard gilneas [Gilneas Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol gnome [Gnomeregan Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol dwarf [Ironforge Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol human [Stormwind Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol orc [Orgrimmar Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol troll [Sen'jin Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol bloodelf [Silvermoon Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol tauren [Thunder Bluff Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tournaments symbol scourge [Undercity Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc
Inv misc tabard kezan [Bilgewater Writ of Commendation] 30 Mark of the World Tree Misc

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