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Zen Pulse
Ability monk forcesphere
  • Zen Pulse
  • Row 5 Mistweaver monk talent
  • 40 yd range
  • 1% of base mana
  • 30 sec cooldown
  • Instant
  • Trigger a Zen Pulse around an ally. Deals (165.379% of Spell power) damage to all enemies within 8 yds of the target. The ally is healed for (166.32% of Spell power) per enemy damaged.
Class Monk
School Nature
Cooldown 30 sec
Talent required Spell monk revival [Revival]/Ability monk tigerstyle [Restoral]
Improvements Ability monk legacyoftheemperor [Echoing Reverberation]

Zen Pulse is a Mistweaver monk talent.

Patch changes[]

  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 (2023-03-21):
    • Zen Pulse no longer requires an enemy to be present to be cast.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Zen Pulse to not function with in-game mouseover settings.
  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 (2023-01-24): Damage and healing increased by 25%, and now triggers Ability monk souldance [Mastery: Gust of Mists].
  • Dragonflight Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Re-added as a row 5 Mistweaver talent (was a level 15 Mistweaver talent). Cooldown increased to 30 seconds (was 15).
  • Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Removed.
  • Legion Patch 7.1.5 (2017-01-10): Damage and healing increased to 220% of spell power (was 200%).
  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links[]
