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NeutralZero Tolerance
Start Overlord Drakuru
End Overlord Drakuru
Level 20-30
Category Zul'Drak
Experience 20950
Rewards 5g 90s
Previous Generic Hazardous Materials


Drakuru in Voltarus wants you to go to the Reliquary of Pain and use the Scepter of Empowerment on a Servant of Drakuru. You are then to use its abilities to defeat Darmuk.


Ignorance! Dis be intolerable, mon! My entire batch of blight be useless!

Dat mongrel, Darmuk! He be responsible for watchin over da blight. He failed me, mon!

Dis be a good lesson for ya, <name>. Failure be like a disease dat spreads. Ya gotta catch it and kill it early, before it be killin' you!

Take dis scepter. It make my scourged trolls stronger. Use dem ta kill Darmuk.

Let dat be an example to all, mon. Don't be failin' Drakuru!


Have Darmuk aggro on you first before sending in your pet. You will know you did it right if your pet's HPs triple.

During the fight, Darmuk will frenzies hit your pet's stun and the fight should be no problem.

Beware of the possibility that your Scourge disguise may fail. If it does, your pet will despawn and Darmuk will aggro on you.


You will receive: 5g 90s


Has Darmuk paid for his failure, <name>?


Ya done good, <name>. You be learnin' faster than I had hoped.

Go now, get ya some rest. Soon I be givin' ya an even greater test!


  1. N [20-30] An Invitation, of Sorts... or N [20-30] Darkness Calling
  2. N [20-30] Near Miss or N [20-30] Close Call
  3. N [20-30] You Can Run, But You Can't Hide or N [20-30] Silver Lining
  4. N [20-30] Dressing Down or N [20-30] Suit Up!
  5. N [20-30] Infiltrating Voltarus
  6. N [20-30] So Far, So Bad
  7. N [20-30] Hazardous Materials
    • N [20-30] Zero Tolerance
  8. N [20-30] Sabotage
  9. N [20-30] Betrayal

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