Zoltan is a blood elf pet tamer found in Jaedenar in Felwood, preaching to the Zoltanian Cultists about the return of Sargeras.
His pets are Hatewalker, Ultramus, and Beamer.
- On click
- "Demons are the future of this world. The sooner you embrace that, the sooner you join the winning team."
- Randomly
- Zoltan says: [Demonic] Sargeras will live once more!
- Zoltan says: [Demonic] Our Master, protector of all life, will soon blind all of the heretics and grants us immeasurable power!
- Zoltan says: [Demonic] All of you must work to aid in the great revival of our Master. Only through Him may we usher in eternal peace for all!
- Zoltan says: [Demonic] Are you ready to accept the Master's gift? Will you be blessed by his loving wrath, or consumed by it like all the others?
- Zoltan says: [Demonic] The Master shall rain hellfire upon Azeroth, and then we will at last cleanse the Light from this wretched world!
- Pet defeated in battle
- Zoltan says: A minor inconvenience.
- Zoltan says: You only delay us. We cannot be stopped.
Patch changes[]
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