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Classified by
Level Location Faction
Lore Future Closed
See also
Instance Maps Ideas

The purpose of these lists is to help players to pick a region for questing.

See also[]

Alliance Crest Alliance[]

Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Elwynn Forest 1-10 Alliance Stormwind, Goldshire (Stormwind), Northshire Valley (Human starting) Human Starting, location of The Stockade instance
Dun Morogh 1-10 Alliance Ironforge, Kharanos (Ironforge), Coldridge Valley (Dwarf/Gnome starting) Dwarf/Gnome Starting, location of Gnomeregan instance
Teldrassil 1-10 Alliance Darnassus, Dolanaar (Darnassus), Shadowglen (Night Elf starting) Night Elf Starting
Azuremyst Isle Bc icon 1-10 Alliance The Exodar, Azure Watch (Exodar), Ammen Vale (Draenei starting) Draenei Starting
Darkshore 10-20 Alliance Auberdine (Alliance) Night Elf favored
Loch Modan 10-20 Alliance Thelsamar (Ironforge) Dwarf favored
Westfall 10-15 Alliance Sentinel Hill (Stormwind) Human favored, location of Deadmines instance
Bloodmyst Isle Bc icon 10-20 Alliance Blood Watch (Exodar) Draenei favored
Gilneas Cataclysm 1-12 Alliance Gilneas City (Alliance)
Shadowmoon Valley Warlords of Draenor 90-92 Alliance Karabor (Alliance)
Redridge Mountains 15-20 Contested Lakeshire (Stormwind) Alliance favored
Ashenvale Forest 20-25 Contested Astranaar (Alliance); Splintertree Post, Zoram'gar Outpost (Horde) Alliance favored, location of Blackfathom Deeps instance and Warsong Gulch battleground
Duskwood 20-25 Contested Darkshire (Stormwind) Alliance favored
Stonetalon Mountains 15-27 Contested Stonetalon Peak (Alliance); Sun Rock Retreat (Horde) Horde favored
Wetlands 20-25 Contested Menethil Harbor (Alliance) Alliance favored
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-25 Contested Southshore (Stormwind); Tarren Mill (Undercity) Most Alliance quests here are level 30-40.
Desolace 30-35 Contested Nijel's Point (Alliance); Shadowprey Village, Ghost Walker Post (Horde) Horde favored, location of Maraudon instance
Alterac Mountains 30-40 Contested Location of Alterac Valley battleground
Arathi Highlands 25-30 Contested Refuge Pointe (Alliance); Hammerfall (Horde) Location of Arathi Basin battleground
Dustwallow Marsh 35-40 Contested Theramore Isle (Alliance); Brackenwall Village (Horde) Location of Onyxia's Lair raid instance
The Hinterlands 30-35 Contested Aerie Peak (Alliance); Revantusk Village (Horde)
Feralas 35-40 Contested Feathermoon Stronghold (Alliance); Camp Mojache (Horde) Location of Dire Maul instance
Tanaris Desert 40-50 Contested Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port (Steamwheedle Cartel) Location of Zul'Farrak and Bc icon Caverns of Time instances
Searing Gorge 48-50 Contested Thorium Point (Thorium Brotherhood) Access to Blackrock Depths and Lower Blackrock Spire instances and Upper Blackrock Spire, Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair raid instances
The Blasted Lands 54-60 Contested Nethergarde Keep (Alliance) Location of the Dark Portal (for access to Bc icon Outland)
Felwood 45-50 Contested Talonbranch Glade (Alliance); Bloodvenom Post (Horde)
Un'Goro Crater 48-55 Contested Marshal's Refuge (Neutral)
Burning Steppes 50-52 Contested Morgan's Vigil (Alliance); Flame Crest (Horde, Steamwheedle Cartel) Access to Blackrock Depths and Lower Blackrock Spire instances and Upper Blackrock Spire, Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair raid instances
Western Plaguelands 35-40 Contested Chillwind Camp (Alliance); The Bulwark (Horde, in Tirisfal Glades) Location of Scholomance instance
Winterspring 50-55 Contested Everlook (Steamwheedle Cartel)
Silithus 55-60 Contested Cenarion Hold (Cenarion Circle) Location of Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj raid instances
Eastern Plaguelands 40-45 Contested Light's Hope Chapel (Argent Dawn) Location of Stratholme instance

Horde Crest Horde[]

Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Durotar 1-10 Horde Orgrimmar, Razor Hill (Orgrimmar), Sen'Jin Village (Darkspear Trolls), Valley of Trials (Orc/Troll starting) Orc/Troll Starting, location of Ragefire Chasm instance
Mulgore 1-10 Horde Thunder Bluff, Bloodhoof Village (Thunder Bluff), Red Cloud Mesa (Tauren starting) Tauren Starting
Tirisfal Glades 1-10 Horde Undercity, Brill (Undercity), Deathknell (Forsaken starting) Undead Starting, location of Scarlet Monastery instance
Eversong Woods Bc icon 1-10 Horde Silvermoon City; Falconwing Square, Fairbreeze Village, Farstrider Retreat (Silvermoon); Sunstrider Isle (Blood Elf starting) Blood Elf Starting
Northern Barrens 10-20 Horde The Crossroads, Nozzlepot's Outpost, Mor'shan Rampart (Horde); Ratchet (Steamwheedle Cartel) Horde favored, location of Wailing Caverns instance and Warsong Gulch battleground
Silverpine Forest 10-20 Horde The Sepulcher (Undercity) Forsaken favored, location of Shadowfang Keep instance
Ghostlands Bc icon 10-20 Horde Tranquillien (Horde) Blood Elf favored, location of Zul'Aman raid instance
Azshara 10-20 Horde Talrendis Point (Alliance); Bilgewater Harbor, Camp Valormok (Horde)
Kezan Cataclysm 1-5 Horde
Lost Isles Cataclysm 5-12 Horde
Frostfire Ridge Warlords of Draenor 90-92 Horde Bladespire Citadel (Horde)
Stonetalon Mountains 25-30 Contested Sun Rock Retreat (Horde); Stonetalon Peak (Alliance) Horde favored
Ashenvale Forest 18-30 Contested Splintertree Post, Zoram'gar Outpost (Horde); Astranaar (Alliance) Location of Blackfathom Deeps instance and Warsong Gulch battleground
Hillsbrad Foothills 20-30 Contested Tarren Mill (Undercity); Southshore (Stormwind)
Thousand Needles 40-45 Contested Freewind Post (Horde); Thalanaar (Alliance, in Feralas) Horde favored
Desolace 30-35 Contested Shadowprey Village, Ghost Walker Post (Horde); Nijel's Point (Alliance) Horde favored, location of Maraudon instance
Alterac Mountains 30-40 Contested Location of Alterac Valley battleground
Arathi Highlands 30-40 Contested Hammerfall (Horde); Refuge Pointe (Alliance) Location of Arathi Basin battleground
Northern Stranglethorn 25-30 Contested Location of Zul'Gurub raid instance
Cape of Stranglethorn 30-35 Contested Booty Bay (Steamwheedle Cartel)
Dustwallow Marsh 35-40 Contested Brackenwall Village (Horde); Theramore Isle (Alliance) Location of Onyxia's Lair raid instance
Badlands 45-48 Contested Kargath (Horde) Location of Uldaman instance
Swamp of Sorrows 52-54 Contested Stonard (Horde) Location of Temple of Atal'Hakkar instance
The Hinterlands 30-35 Contested Revantusk Village (Horde); Aerie Peak (Alliance)
Tanaris Desert 45-50 Contested Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port (Steamwheedle Cartel) Location of Zul'Farrak and Bc icon Caverns of Time instances
Feralas 35-40 Contested Camp Mojache (Horde); Feathermoon Stronghold (Alliance) Location of Dire Maul instance
Azshara 45-55 Contested Valormok (Horde); Talrendis Point (Alliance)
Felwood 45-50 Contested Bloodvenom Post (Horde); Talonbranch Glade (Alliance)
Un'Goro Crater 50-55 Contested Marshal's Refuge (Neutral)
Burning Steppes 50-52 Contested Flame Crest (Horde, Steamwheedle Cartel); Morgan's Vigil (Alliance) Access to Blackrock Depths and Lower Blackrock Spire instances and Upper Blackrock Spire, Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair raid instances
Western Plaguelands 35-40 Contested The Bulwark (Horde, in Tirisfal Glades); Chillwind Camp (Alliance) Location of Scholomance instance
Winterspring 55-60 Contested Everlook (Steamwheedle Cartel)
Silithus 55-60 Contested Cenarion Hold (Cenarion Circle) Location of Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj raid instances
Eastern Plaguelands 40-45 Contested Light's Hope Chapel (Argent Dawn) Location of Stratholme instance

Neutral Neutral (Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor)[]

Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Tanaris Desert 45-50 Contested Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port (Steamwheedle Cartel) Location of Zul'Farrak and Bc icon Caverns of Time instances
Un'Goro Crater 50-55 Contested Marshal's Refuge (Neutral)
Eastern Plaguelands 53-60 Contested Light's Hope Chapel (Argent Dawn) Location of Stratholme instance and Naxxramas raid instance
Deadwind Pass 55-60 Contested None Location of Bc icon Karazhan raid instance
Silithus 55-60 Contested Cenarion Hold (Cenarion Circle) Location of Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj raid instances
Winterspring 50-55 Contested Everlook (Steamwheedle Cartel)
Isle of Quel'Danas Bc icon 70-80 Contested Sun's Reach (Shattered Sun Offensive) Location of Magisters' Terrace and Sunwell Plateau instances
Northern Stranglethorn Cataclysm 25-30 Contested Location of Zul'Gurub raid instance
Cape of Stranglethorn Cataclysm 30-35 Contested Booty Bay (Steamwheedle Cartel)
Southern Barrens Cataclysm 30-35 Contested
Mount Hyjal Cataclysm 80-82 Contested
Vashj'ir Cataclysm 80-82 Contested
Uldum Cataclysm 83-84 Contested
Twilight Highlands Cataclysm 84-85 Contested
Tol Barad Cataclysm 84-85 Contested
Tol Barad Peninsula Cataclysm PvP Combat zone

Neutral Bc icon Neutral (Outland)[]

Bc icon This section concerns content related to The Burning Crusade.

Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Hellfire Peninsula 58-63 Contested Honor Hold, Temple of Telhamat (Alliance); Thrallmar, Falcon Watch (Horde) Location of Hellfire Citadel instance
Zangarmarsh 60-64 Contested Telredor, Orebor Harborage (Alliance); Zabra'jin, Swamprat Post (Horde); Cenarion Refuge (Cenarion Expedition); Sporeggar Location of Coilfang Reservoir instance
Terokkar Forest 62-65 Contested Allerian Stronghold (Alliance); Stonebreaker Hold (Horde); Shattrath City Location of Auchindoun instance
Nagrand 64-67 Contested Telaar (Alliance); Garadar (Horde); Halaa (PvP)
Blade's Edge Mountains 65-68 Contested Sylvanaar, Toshley's Station (Alliance); Thunderlord Stronghold, Mok'Nathal Village (Horde); Evergrove (Cenarion Expedition) Location of Gruul's Lair raid instance
Netherstorm 67-70 Contested Area 52 (Steamwheedle Cartel); Stormspire (The Consortium) Location of Tempest Keep instance
Shadowmoon Valley 67-70 Contested Wildhammer Stronghold (Alliance); Shadowmoon Village (Horde); Altar of Sha'tar (Aldor); Sanctum of the Stars (Scryers) Location of The Black Temple raid instance

Neutral Wrath-Logo-Small Neutral (Northrend)[]

Wrath-Logo-Small This section concerns content related to Wrath of the Lich King.
Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Borean Tundra 68-72 Contested Valiance Keep, Fizzcrank Airstrip (Alliance); Warsong Hold, Bor'gorok Outpost, Taunka'le Village (Horde); Amber Ledge, Transitus Shield (Kirin Tor) Location of The Nexus instance
Howling Fjord 68-72 Contested Valgarde, Westguard Keep, Fort Wildervar (Alliance); Vengeance Landing, New Agamand, Apothecary Camp, Camp Winterhoof (Horde) Location of Utgarde Keep instance
Dragonblight 71-74 Contested Stars' Rest, Wintergarde Keep, Fordragon Hold (Alliance); Agmar's Hammer, Venomspite, Kor'kron Vanguard (Horde); Wyrmrest Temple (Wyrmrest Accord) Location of Azjol-Nerub instance
Grizzly Hills 73-75 Contested Amber Ledge, Westfall Brigade Encampment (Alliance); Conquest Hold, Camp Oneqwah (Horde) Location of Drak'Tharon Keep instance
Zul'Drak 74-77 Contested Ebon Watch (Knights of the Ebon Blade); Argent Stand, Light's Breach (Argent Crusade); Zim'Torga Location of Drak'Tharon Keep and Gundrak instances
Sholazar Basin 75-78 Contested Nesingwary Base Camp, River's Heart
The Storm Peaks 76-80 Contested Frosthold (Alliance); Grom'arsh Crash Site, Camp Tunka'lo (Horde); Bouldercrag's Refuge; Dun Niffelem (Sons of Hodir); K3 (Steamwheedle Cartel) Location of Ulduar instance
Crystalsong Forest 77-80 Contested Windrunner's Overlook (Alliance); Sunreaver's Command (Horde); Dalaran Location of Violet Hold instance
Hrothgar's Landing 77-80 Contested
Icecrown 77-80 Contested The Skybreaker (Alliance); Orgrim's Hammer (Horde); Argent Vanguard, Crusader's Pinnacle, Argent Tournament Grounds (Argent Crusade); The Shadow Vault, Death's Rise (Knights of the Ebon Blade) Location of Crusaders' Coliseum and Icecrown Citadel instances
Wintergrasp PvP Combat zone Location of Vault of Archavon raid instance

Neutral Cataclysm Neutral (Maelstrom)[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Maelstrom 82 Contested
Deepholm 82-83 Contested
Wandering Isle Mists of Pandaria 1-10 Contested

Neutral Cataclysm Neutral (Other)[]

Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.
Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Molten Front 85 Contested

Neutral Mists of Pandaria Neutral (Pandaria)[]

Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content related to Mists of Pandaria.
Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
The Jade Forest 85-86 Contested
Krasarang Wilds 86-87 Contested
Valley of the Four Winds 86-87 Contested
Kun-Lai Summit 87-88 Contested
Townlong Steppes 88-89 Contested
Dread Wastes 89-90 Contested
Vale of Eternal Blossoms 90 Contested
Veiled Stair 90 Contested
Isle of Giants 90 Contested
Isle of Thunder 90 Contested
Timeless Isle 90 Contested

Neutral Warlords of Draenor Neutral (Draenor)[]

Warlords of Draenor This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.
Region Level Range PvP Status Key Towns Note
Gorgrond 92-94 Contested
Talador 94-96 Contested
Spires of Arak 96-98 Contested
Nagrand 98-100 Contested
Tanaan Jungle 100 Contested
Ashran PvP Combat zone