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HordeZonya the Sadist
Image of Zonya the Sadist
Title <Master Pet Tamer>
Gender Female
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Webwinder Path, Stonetalon Mountains [60.2, 70.6]VZ-Stonetalon MountainsBlip
Status Alive
Companion(s) Acidous, Constrictor, Odoron

Zonya the Sadist is a master Pet Tamer located at a fork in the road along Webwinder Path in Stonetalon Mountains. She is surrounded by her three battle pets: Acidous (level 7 spider), Constrictor (level 7 snake), and Odoron (level 7 skunk).

Defeating her is required to complete the Horde Achievement zone kalimdor 01 [Taming Kalimdor] and Inv pet achievement defeatpettamer all [Taming Azeroth] achievements.


The sultry voice of Zonya can be mesmerizing, but her sadistic ways are the stuff of legend. It's rumored she used to pull the feelers off beetles in Orgrimmar when she was a kid so she could watch them wander in confusion while they screamed in pain. It's also rumored that the reason Swiftmane runs around Northern Barrens like a rabid chicken is because of something horrible the zhevra witnessed Zonya doing to the other animals in the area.[1]


Beast Acidous
Peticon-beast Ability creature poison 02 [Poison Spit]
Peticon-beast Spell nature insectswarm [Spiderling Swarm]
Peticon-beast Ability rogue ambush [Strike]
Beast Constrictor
Peticon-beast Ability druid ferociousbite [Bite]
Peticon-beast Ability hunter snaketrap [Hiss]
Peticon-beast Ability hunter cobrastrikes [Vicious Fang]
Critter Odoron
Peticon-critter Achievement guildperk mrpopularity [Perk Up]
Peticon-critter Talentspec druid feral cat [Scratch]
Peticon-critter Achievement halloween rottenegg 01 [Stench]



  • You be feelin' dis fight for a long time.
  • I never see nobody fight like you be fightin'.

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